Tanrial laughed a little, “Eh who cares. Sleep is amazing so I won’t pass up on a chance to hibernate,” She sighed, “Although I actually like the cold weather so maybe I’ll hibernate in the summer months…”
Tanrial laughed a little, “Eh who cares. Sleep is amazing so I won’t pass up on a chance to hibernate,” She sighed, “Although I actually like the cold weather so maybe I’ll hibernate in the summer months…”
At that moment the door of the tavern swung open and Wren came in. She didn't look very happy.
"Hey," she said, striding up to their table and leaning against it heavily. "I just thought I'd drop in to let you know that Eric and Ryker have gone missing."
“What?!” Tanrial blinked a few times, “How did they go missing?” She frowned, eyes narrowing, “What about Jackie?”
"She still here," Wren replied. She looked like she hadn't slept at all. "We talked, and she said she wanted to stay with us. She was pretty easy too turn around, actually. But the other two broke out and stole two horses while I was distracted….there's no telling how far away they are by now." She massaged her forehead. "They left a note. Said they didn't want to hurt us but they would be gone for a long time. They did promise to find us though, someday."
Bernon put a hand on her shoulder. "It's too bad you didn't get a chance to talk to them. We won't let them bother you again, okay?"
"I'm not scared of them," Wren said. Her voice softened. "I just wish they weren't acting so stupid."
Tanrial rested her head on the table, “Why can’t we just have a peaceful world where stuff like this doesn’t happen?” She sighed, “They said they would find us someday, right? Maybe they won’t be acting stupid then…”
"Here's hoping." Mike sighed and finished the last of his meal. "I guess that's our cue to get moving. Maybe we should round up the group leaders and have a talk about what happens next."
(brb, back in a bit)
Tanrial sat up straight and yawned a little, “Probably a good idea. And if you haven’t told the others, Wren we need to tell them about Ryker and Eric’s little escape.”
Wren nodded and stepped away from the table. "I'll tell the others to come talk, but I need to sleep. I'll probably tell Jackie to attend the meeting instead of me." Turning, she headed back outside.
Bernon watched her go and shook his head. "Poor kid. She shouldn't have to be the one worrying about her whole family by herself. I hope she has a nice rest."
“Me too. It’s sad to see her go through that. Hopefully everything will turn out for the better for her and her family.” Tanrial said, taking a sip of her tea.
"You said it," Bernon agreed, then stiffly got to his feet. "I'm gonna go grab my notebook, I might want to take notes during the meeting. Be right back."
Once he was gone, Mike glanced at Tanrial. "I think he's in more pain than he wants to admit. We should keep an eye on him for a few days, make sure he doesn't overwork himself."
Tanrial nodded, running her finger over the lip of the cup, “Yeah. I wish he’d say something though instead of keeping quiet. We should see if that kid, whatever his name was with the healing powers, could help maybe? At least take the edge off the pain.”
"Good thought. Peter, wasn't it? I'll bet he'd be happy to help. He sure seemed willing to gab about what he could do this morning." Mike stacked up the dirty plates and handed them to Rebka as she walked by. "THat should be the first thing we take care of after this meeting, assuming nothing else comes up."
At that point Rick came downstairs, whistling cheerily. "Howdy, you two. What's shakin'?"
Tanrial shrugged, “Not much. Just chatting while we wait for Bernon to come back. You seem cheery right now, that about anything in particular?”
"Mmm, well, it's the philosophy of us mercenaries. You should always be happy when you manage to survive a battle." Rick got himself a drink at the counter and walked over. "Plus I get to visit Miss Fear again today, and I'm lookin' forward to that."
"Don't leave right away," Mike said. "We're having a talk with the others pretty soon, gonna decide what happens next."
"Aww. Okay, I s'pose I can hang around a while. So what does happen next? Either of you got any plans?"
Tanrial opens her mouth to speak before she closed it and shook her head, “I haven’t put much thought into it so no, I don’t have any plans at this point.”
"Me neither," Mike said. "We have to figure out where the kids will go and how they'll get there, if necessary. We also need to think about that data drive, and what to do with it. Oh, and we may need to dig up some kind of compensation for all the people who fought with us and helped us out. I feel bad just letting them leave without some payment, even if I have no idea what to offer them."
“That’s waaaay too many things tit honk about right now but all of them important nonetheless. If only it could be done in a snap of our fingers so we don’t have to worry about it any more. But, it has to be done eventually.”
(I gotta go early tonight, but hopefully I'll have more time tomorrow. Seeya! ^^)
"Well," Rick said. "If it helps at all, you won't need to compensate me. While we were down in that bunker I managed to nick myself some pretty valuable items to sell in the next big town. Besides, I think this was a worthy cause, so I don't mind workin' for free this time."
(Okay, seeya ^^)
“I’d be more mad that you stole if it wasn’t from someone who’s been experimenting on people and growing babies from weird tubes or whatever.” Tanrial muttered, taking the last sip of her tea.
"Good to hear," Rick replied, stepping aside as Bernon came back to join them. "Oh hey, morning Bernon. How're you doing?"
"Could be worse," Bernon said, "What about you? Mike said you got shot?"
"Yeah, but it wore off pretty quick," Rick joked. "One of the kids is real good with his medical skills, you should see him about those burns of yours later."
"They're not that bad….but maybe I will." Bernon glanced out the window as he spoke. "I think I see Dane and James and the others heading this way. Maybe we should move to a bigger table before they get here."
“That or we can just pull some more tables together,” Tanrial suggested as she shrugged. But she stood, “Which will it be then?”
"There aren't any bigger tables," Mike pointed out just as the group leaders started filing in. "Let's pull some together right quick."
They all stood and dragged some of the near by tables together to form one large on in the center of the room, the legs scraping across the wooden floor. Eventually, there was enough room for everyone to sit comfortably and see each other clearly at the same time.
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