(…Can I meet him?)
Lillian made another little noise and felt a shiver run down her spine, "Darreeeeen."
(…Can I meet him?)
Lillian made another little noise and felt a shiver run down her spine, "Darreeeeen."
(If you knew who it was you wouldn’t want to meet him I think. People don’t always like meeting him but sometimes they do. But no. That’s rare)
(……………………………………..I still want to meet him.)
He could feel his heart rate pick up significantly. He moved down her neck slowly.
(……………………………………..I still want to meet him.)
No you don’t.
(But I doooooooooooooo.)
Lillian felt her own heart pick up and her syllables became longer and more drawn out, "Daaaaaaarreeeeeeeeeeen."
“Lillian,” he responded at a whisper.
That seemed to do more than the kisses did. She was melting slowly as she said sweetly and softly, "Darren."
He liked the way her name tasted on his tongue and how sweet his name was from her lips. He couldn’t help it.
Lillian liked the way it rolled off her tongue. She could say it forever and not ever stop.
His hands moved down her back, making sure he got everything that was burnt.
Lillian's back arched wherever his hands were. She really liked this.
He smiled and took to kissing her shoulder her he went.
Cooper sighed dramatically. “I don’t know how else I should…” he drifted his words off.
"Will you just answer one question?" she asked, resting her head on his shoulder.
“I guess so,”
"What was the not-tattoo thing on your back?"
"Skin spots, they just hurt," They mean things aren't going well. The spots kind of feed on him he'll get more all over his body as he loses more and more weight.
"It is because of the truss?" Fleur asked worriedly.
He smiled and took to kissing her shoulder her he went.
Lillian was just melting against him.
"It is because of the truss?" Fleur asked worriedly.
“Yeah. They are but you don’t have to worry,”
(Hey nerd)
(Sup geek.)
(Not much. How did it go today?)
(Good, lot better than I thought it would.)
He smiled and took to kissing her shoulder her he went.
Lillian was just melting against him.
His sunburnt eyes looked her her shoulder and he set his chin on her. His hands crept across her back, making sure to get every inch.
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