"Ugh and my freckles are going to flare up. So let's go and not get burned any longer?"
"Ugh and my freckles are going to flare up. So let's go and not get burned any longer?"
“Yeah we should go but… freckles sound cute,”
"Yeah, I guess. I could always use more freckles."
“That sounds really adorable,”
"Babe, stop day dreaming about it," Lillian had stood up in a whole ton of pain, "And let's go to the car."
He stood up too, just slowly. “Some more freckles would look so good on you,”
Lillian's face slowly started to match the sunburns, "What makes you say that?"
"I really like freckles and you're already beautiful,"
"Oh," Lillian gingerly reach for his hand, "W-well come on."
He smiled and gave her hand a squeeze before walking back to the car,"
Lillian walked back with him carrying the towels and her over shirt. She got into the passenger side of the car wincing as she sat back.
"Doesn't she at least deserve a chance to prove that she's trustworthy?"
"and what if I let her in and she gets to Belle and Ryan?"
"Then blame me," Fleur suggested quickly.
"I don't want someone to blame. I think it's better to be on guard than wait for something to happen,"
"Are you saying that you'll never trust her?"
“At the very least, I’m saying I need time to get to know her,”
Lillian walked back with him carrying the towels and her over shirt. She got into the passenger side of the car wincing as she sat back.
Darren did the same as he sat down in his seat and buckled in, the seatbelt hurt against his chest.
Lillian looked to Darren, “Aloe and then home?”
"Home and then aloe. I have some in the fridge,"
Lillian let out a sigh, “Oh thank god. Yeah let’s go home.”
"Are you saying that you'll never trust her?"
“At the very least, I’m saying I need time to get to know her,”
"Well, you can't do that if you deny her at every opportunity."
"Are you saying that you'll never trust her?"
“At the very least, I’m saying I need time to get to know her,”
"Well, you can't do that if you deny her at every opportunity."
Cooper sighed and wrapped an arm around her before teleporting both of them back home and continuing the conversation, "I don't know what you want from me,"
Lillian let out a sigh, “Oh thank god. Yeah let’s go home.”
Darren nodded and drove them home, ignoring every opportunity to use teleportation.
Of course, because driving is so much better. With sunburns.
Or because he didn't prefer to get by on the magic that he gave up.
Yeah that too. Satcasm runs in my blood ya know.
Satcasm? Wow that's cool, I wish that ran through my blood ;).
Fucking typo ;)
Lol. It’s okay. Darren pulled into the driveway and sighed, knowing farewell the He was probably sticking to the seat, skin against chair. And that it would hurt to move.
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