Homophobic/Transphobic joke meant in a harmful manner, degrading jokes, jokes about mental illness, and jokes about rape. That and what Darren said.
Homophobic/Transphobic joke meant in a harmful manner, degrading jokes, jokes about mental illness, and jokes about rape. That and what Darren said.
Mental illness. Okay, let me explain something really quickly, I like making depression jokes because it makes it seem smaller. Like it's small enough to be joked about and I can beat it but something like severe anxiety or an eating disorder, something mental, that's where I draw the line.
I AGREE! and joking about sexual abuse or abuse at all and degrading woman, especially.
33.) If you were to die this evening with no opportunity to communicate with anyone, what would you most regret not having told someone? Why haven’t you told them yet?
I'm not that mad about stuff with my ex anymore and I haven't told her because I don't agree with the things she did to me and I don't think I want her to take that the wrong way but I have moved on.
Also, I never told my mom about what I did when I was 16 out of fear of getting in trouble and I almost feel bad that I've been lying to her ever since then…
It was kind of a big deal and I lied about it so… I'd probably talk to her about it just to clear my conscience.
I never told my crush I liked him because he started dating the girl that was supposed to be setting me up with him. But they're my friends and I should want them to be happy…right?
Darren………. Also it would probably be not telling anyone irl about my presence on here. I don't tell them because I feel like this is a more personal aspect of my life, and I would regret it since then you guys may never know I was dead.
I never told my crush I liked him because he started dating the girl that was supposed to be setting me up with him. But they're my friends and I should want them to be happy…right?
You should but then again, that feel almost like you'd been betrayed and it's always good to tell people when you like them… (Says me who had to have someone else do it because I was nervous)
Darren………. Also it would probably be not telling anyone irl about my presence on here. I don't tell them because I feel like this is a more personal aspect of my life, and I would regret it since then you guys may never know I was dead.
Kate…… do you know what it is? That's also a fair point.
No, but I got an idea. Could be wrong, probably so, but still.
What do you think it is? You're probably right…
34.) Your house, containing everything you own, catches fire. After saving your loved ones and pets, you have time to safely make a final dash to save any one item. What would it be? Why?
Hrm. I don't know. I got this baseball when I was younger from a Brewers game. It was a good memory and I really value it even though it's cheesy so. Maybe that, or my computer/phone, those are usually in the same place.
I'm also a person who will have ideas, and then not share them. Because I don't like being wrong, or assuming things and that I'm right.
I'm also a person who will have ideas, and then not share them. Because I don't like being wrong, or assuming things and that I'm right.
But I don't mind if you're wrong and if it's too weird you should DM me. I'm a person who's overly curious and now you've peaked it.
Is saying my phone too cheesy?
I'm also a person who will have ideas, and then not share them. Because I don't like being wrong, or assuming things and that I'm right.
But I don't mind if you're wrong and if it's too weird you should DM me. I'm a person who's overly curious and now you've peaked it.
…Well fuck. Now I gotta DM you
I'm also a person who will have ideas, and then not share them. Because I don't like being wrong, or assuming things and that I'm right.
But I don't mind if you're wrong and if it's too weird you should DM me. I'm a person who's overly curious and now you've peaked it.
…Well fuck. Now I gotta DM you
35.) Of all the people in your family, whose death would you find most disturbing? Why?
My brother's for obvious reasons. I love him probably too much.
Same my brother, just because I don't know who in the world would hurt him.
Is it narcissistic to say my own? If yes, then definitely my brother. He has enemies, sure, but not one bad enough to kill him.
Aw. We all think our brothers.
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