forum "You don't understand, its simple really-" (OXO, very dark, CLOSED)
Started by @CaseyJ group

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@RhysTheFirebird group

“It’s fine, nothing to be sorry about. I care for both of you.” Az murmurs. And fuck, he wasn’t even lying. It was why he kept putting Hawke off. He wanted to find a reason to not put Tyler/Trick behind bars.

@CaseyJ group

Tyler smiled and blushed slightly, he was glad there was someone that had kept Trick from killing anyone in a while, and he hoped it would stay that way.

@RhysTheFirebird group

Az holds him close and leads him deeper into the bookstore. “Let’s start with a manga. They have pictures, usually pretty simple words. And no one should make fun of you for reading it. f there something that you see that you’re interested in, tell me, and I’ll buy it.”