forum "You don't understand, its simple really-" (OXO, very dark, CLOSED)
Started by @CaseyJ group

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@RhysTheFirebird group

“Because apparently you don’t know or understand what personal boundaries are. You keep following me, and then keep asking me questions I don’t want to answer.”

@RhysTheFirebird group

“How in the actual fuck is that fair, Trick? Killing people and not wanting to tell you the reason behind my nickname are on to levels of socially acceptable and legality.”

@CaseyJ group

"so? I don't care about 'legality' you should know that" he rolled his eyes and started playing the knife game, not paying much attention.

@CaseyJ group

Trickster huffs and gives up. Tyler looks around, confused and lost, he goes into the bookstore trying to figure out why he is there.