@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group
"Okay, okay!" He was smiling, putting the cigarette between his teeth an lighting it before getting up to put the movie in.
"Okay, okay!" He was smiling, putting the cigarette between his teeth an lighting it before getting up to put the movie in.
She sighed a bit, got up, and went to go put the pizza in the oven, then settled back into the couch.
Storm sat back down, watching as the movie began to play. He glanced over at her, smiling.
She looked over at him. "Whatchu smiling about, hot stuff?" Her, flirting? Rare and odd. Almost anyone could tell that right away, especially with the life she's had.
Storm raised an eyebrow at the flirting. He didn't dislike it, not one bit, but he hadn't been expecting it.
"Just wondering at the luck I have; started the evening looking for a cheap thrill and ended it with a much better job and staying with a hot independent woman."
"Ah yes indeed. Hmm…hot huh? Hittin' on me this whole time? Gotta wok harder then cheap compliments to get me to bed. Seen to many cheap lines turn sour real quick. I like ya, I can admit that, but that doesn't mean much." That wasn't true. Clara didn't like very many people, and chose her cat over the ones she did like, almost always.
Storm snorted.
"I was just making an observation. Relationships with bosses never end well." Still, he smiled sweetly at her.
"Who said a relationship with me would end?" She asked, as she finished the cigarette, and put it out in the glass ash tray on the coffee table in front of the couch.
"All do eventually," Storm said, a dark shadow falling over his face. What Clara had said obviously brought back bad memories for him.
She looked at him, and sorta backed away. She didn't do emotions well, especially others. She panicked, and so she just got up, and went to go take the pizza out and cut it up.
By the time Clara had gotten back, Storm was back to smiling sweetly, his dark mood banished to the back of his mind again.
"Time to eat?" he asked, legs crossed.
She nodded, and handed him a plate with 4 slices on it. "Four for each of us. If you can't eat it all, that's fine. You want anything to drink? I have juice, milk, Jack Daniels, Vodka, Whiskey, soda." She said this while setting down a can of pepsi and her pizza on the table.
"I'm good, but thank's for the offer." He held onto the plate, quickly eating the first and second slices.
She smiled and finished the 4 slices rather quickly, and then leaned on him, just a bit.
Storm finished off his last two slices, surprised by Clara leaning on him. He didn't say anything though, smiling a bit and turning his attention to the movie.
She sighed and drank her soda, as her cat lay on the back of the couch. "Oh hi there Sylvester. Have a good nap huh?" He proceeded to meow very loudly in her ear, glare at Storm with one eye, and nudged his way inbetween the two. "He's a needy cat. Love him to death though. Found him after he got in a bad alley cat fight, fixed him right up, and took him home." She scritched the cats chin lovingly. "We've both been through heaven and hell together. He's just an old fart now though." She laughed a bit, a smile gracing her lips.
Storm nodded, listening intently. He was a bit surprised when she smiled.
"It's always nice to have someone by your side," he said.
"Well. He's not a someone. He's an animal. Two different things ya know. Having someONE by my side would say that I have a boyfriend or girlfriend of some sort. But ah don't. Don't need anyone dragging me down. I just like having him around. Cures the lonely, the depression too. He's spoiled rotten, that I can tell ya." Her smile disappeared a bit, would reappear, then disappeared again, like she was fighting the happy. Uncomfortable with showing emotions around others. She tried to keep it all under lock and key.
"He's alive, is he not? I don't like calling animals things." Again, the dark shadow from before. It passed in a moment though, and he was smiling again.
"And why do you keep trying not to smile? I ain't the kind of asshole who'll use your emotions."
"I'm not saying he's an object. He's an animal. A living thing but not a person. And a good protective cat as well. And because emotions are weakness. Because how do I know that?" She retorted, leaning off of him, but didn't scoot away, but instead scooted closer. She picked up the cat, and scooted close enough that the two's thighs were touching, and then turned her attention to her cat, who was trying to attack her hand.
"Emotions are only a weakness if you treat them like that. Use them for your own advantage, it'll keep others from doing the same. And you wouldn't. Not until you get to know me. If you want to, that is." He watched her hold the cat in her lap, giving her a small, unreadable smile.
"Get to know ya? Hmmm…ya know. This apartment does get awful lonely with just us two…But you make one horrible mistake and I'll kill ya." She nods once and picks up the cat. "Now you quit that, you grandpa. I've taken care of ya, you should be a little nicer." She then set him on the back of the couch, and rolled her eyes. She had decided talking about her emotions was a really dumb and dangerous deciscion, so she wasn't going to comment another word on it.
"I have no doubt about that," Storm said. He saw how she avoided responding to his comments on emotions, so he let it drop.
"Better not. I don't earn any of those medals just for showin' up ya know." She said with a laugh. "Which reminds me that I gotta go work out in the morning."
Storm nodded.
"Okay then. …Where do you want me to sleep?" He asked, tired.
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