forum Why Do You Care? (O/O CLOSED!)
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

She nods and slides him another Bloody Mary. (She's just a super super tough character, gotta get under her skin. Flirt anyways, what the hell)

Deleted user

She rolled her eyes. "I'm just scary as hell. Haven't been loved in years, and I don't plan on being loved ever again. Most men are scared of me and I LIKE it that way." She growled out as she cleaned up the bar, putting away glasses and such. "But yes. Most men do try to fuck me. I've kicked a lot of ass that way. Flirty idiotic grabby bastards the lot of em." She shakes her head.

Deleted user

"Oh? And you do?" She sassed. "I'm no dainty lady. I'm a women, and a killer queen at that." She sassed,giving you a look.

Deleted user

She looked at you, and laughed just a little bit. "Oh really? And your not just some fuck boy here to make cheap shots?"

Deleted user

"You did? When?" She shrugged. "Oh well. Ya said it now. So then are you asking me out, or are ya here for someone else?" She asked. "I've gotta tell ya, I don't much like the looks of ya anyways." She shrugs.

Deleted user

"You look like trouble, and Satan knows I need trouble." She rolls her eyes. "Just finally got my life somewhat stable. But. Fine. I'll take your offer. But better not be a waste of my time."

Deleted user

She rolled her eyes as she continued working. "Tell me a little bit about yourself then,other then you're a cheap shot masochist who thinks hitting on a girl who can kill you and get away with it is a good idea."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"I've only been in a few real relationships, mostly with men, I have to deal with my mundane job of being a white-hat hacker, and I'm a switch." he listed the items off.
"Oh, and I pretty much ignore the news because it's all politics."

Deleted user

"I like you more and more with every word. So then never been with a girl huh? Then why go after me?" She asks while cleaning off some shot glasses.

Deleted user

She shakes her head. "It doesn't bother you that I don't need you,not really?"

Deleted user

"Why's that?" She asks, as a few drunks stumble up to her. She quickly pushes them off towards the door, and looks at you as the two stumble out into the street.

Deleted user

"Hm. Guess so. Most guys end up relying on me, and I'm gone in a flash. Girls? Girls now they, they know how to stand on their own. The few that I've been with anyways. Mostly." She sighs and looks at the time. "ALRIGHT YA DIRTY FUCKS! CLOSING TIME! CMON OUTTA HERE!" She starts shooing people out and putting away stuff. "You can stay, handsome." She said, winking at you as Evelyn and her band packs up.

Deleted user

She nodded once as slowly the place cleaned out and she began to put up chairs and then sweep. "No problem hot stuff."