forum When the Stars Fell ((O/O / Open / Rated M / Stalkers Welcomed))
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Deleted user

((Oof!, Yeah, I'm sorry, love))

Reene followed after him, her hands grazing the hard stone walls as they entered. She around with wide eyes, gasping in awe and wonder. "Such fine confinement!" She told Rumius. She rushed over to the stairs and began to climb them, there was more to see at the top.

Deleted user

(Oof! That’s okay.)

Rumius sighed softly and followed her. “Reene, before you run off, I’d like to get you into some clothing first. And perhaps find you a room. Then I can show you around.” He forced a smile. “Okay?”

Deleted user

Reene turned back to him, a vase now in her hands. She had picked it up from a nearby table, brandishing the royal family heirlooms. "You have skins for me?" She asked him.

Deleted user

Rumius took it from her and set it back, sighing. “Please don’t touch this stuff. It’s very important. And yes, but we call the clothes.” He gently grabbed her wrist, though he wanted to tear off her arm. “Come, come…”

Deleted user

((I love how much she annoys him! XD))

"Clothes…" She repeated, testing the new word on her tongue. "Will my clothes look like yours?" She asked sa he led her away from the beautiful, bejeweled, heirlooms.

Deleted user


“Probably not,” Rumius responded coolly, sighing softly. “Maids!” He called out. A few girls dressed in neat, gray dresses scurried out of rooms to him.
“Please give Reene some clothes that she likes.”

Deleted user

Reene smiled and waved to them. "Greetings" She told them. "Your clothing is nice!" She reached for the skirts of one of the maids, taking the fabric into her hand causing the girl to squeal. Reene gave her a quizzical look as she felt the fabir. "How do you put it on?

Deleted user

Rumius snatched her hand from his maid with a huff. “They will give you fabric samples when you go look at our wardrobes. And yoiu’ll learn how to put it on. Please… please go now… before she breaks something.”

Deleted user

The maids nodded frantically, but all were wary to reach out for her. One took her by the hand, looking Reene over with anxious eyes. "This way…" She said, leading Reene to a dressing room, she followed hesitantly, looking back at Rumius. She didn't want to go with the strange woman.

Deleted user

Rumius sighed softly, crossing his arms. “Bring her back to me once you’re finished, please. I’ll be in the room down the hall.”

Deleted user

"Yes, my lord…" They all answered, echoing off one another. They took her to the dressing room and let her view the wardrobe. There was so much to please her senses with. Such vibrant colors and differently textured cloths. There were even perfumes for her to smell. But she settled on the softest material in soft blue. It was a glorious experience.

Dressing her, though, was a nightmare. She whined and complained of the undergarments. The maids had to pin her down only to get the dress over her head, to prove to her that nothing would harm her once her head was through. The arms were easier to explain and teach to her and Rumors, – along with the whole kingdom– could surely hear her shrill shrieks of excitement as she was shown her reflection in a mirror.

Deleted user

Rumius stood by a mirror, being dressed in another cloak by his trusty butler named Qwer. He had another name, but people just called him Qwer.

“What do you think of the girl, Master?” His butler asked gently, finally finished with the snaps on Rumius’ cloak.

Rumius sighed and shook his head at his mirror, where he stood in front of it, watching his reflection and face.
“She is something else. However the Gods have forbidden me to speak poorly of her, unfortunately…” His voice died softly as her shrill shrieks ran through the kingdom. “Goodness. It sounds like she’s being punished.”

“I think that is mirth, Master,” The butler responded with a gentle laugh.

Deleted user

Reene swirled and swayed as she was returned to King Rumius by snickering maids, watching her skirts pan out and fly in the air in such a shimmering blue spectacle. The maids calmed her to a stop though as they neared the kings quarters. One knocked on the door. "She is dressed, my lord." She spoke.

Deleted user

“Good. Let her in, please,” The king responded with a bite of annoyance in his heavy voice. Qwer crossed the room and opened the door, bowing to the maids and Reene, letting the latter in.

Deleted user

Reene stepped inside, her eyes shining in her new found clothing. She smiled to the butler. "Greetings!" She said as she stepped past him. She marveled at Rumius. "You have replaced your clothing…"

Deleted user

Rumius crossed his arms, gesturing for the door to be shut. Qwer complied.
“I did change my clothes. You look wonderful, Reene. Your choice of dressware is quite nice.”

Deleted user

She laughed, swaying her hips, causing her skirts to sway in such a hypnotizing fashion. Or at least it was hypnotizing to her. She stopped a few moments later and her hands at her sides. "Thank you, Rumius." She responded in thanks.

Deleted user

Rumius sighed softly and tried not to stare. No matter how much he hated it, he ad to fall into his masculinity at some points.
“You are welcome. Now, this will be your room. It is also mine, but the Gods said I must sleep with you. So… here we are. This is our butler Qwer.”
Qwer bowed.

Deleted user

"Why must you slumber with me? what if you don't want to slumber when I do?" Reene questioned. "And how come Father spoke to you and not I?" This made her visibly upset. She had hardly got a whimsical farewell from Father Scronos when she had fallen, but he had given Rumius words of instruction.

Deleted user

“I’m not sure. I’m supposed to give you companionship and company. So that’s why I’m making this rule. You can sleep in here while I am not, that is perfectly fine. But at night, we must sleep. But we will have our own side. Do not be upset that you’ll be sharing with me,” The king tried to soothe.

Deleted user

"i'm not upset." She muttered, " Why should I be upset about slumbering with you? We rest our eyes and become unconscious of what is around us, I will not even know your there until I wake again."

Deleted user

Rumius shrugged. “I guess you can thimk of it like that. Many people would be upset to sleep with me, you know. Butnit’s getting late, so I’m going to turn in for the night.”

Deleted user

"Okay." Reene said with a shrug of her own. She began to match the motion with feelings of indifference. "You can sleep."

Deleted user

Rumius watched her mime and rolled his eyes. “That wa my plan. You sleep right there.” He pointed to the left side of the bed, as he laid down on the right.