forum When the Stars Fell ((O/O / Open / Rated M / Stalkers Welcomed))
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Deleted user

"Affection?" She echoed, mirroring his grin. "Tell me of this affection, please?"

Deleted user

"Affection? Oh… it's kind of like… showing how much you like them. It's like, giving hugs and stuff." He shrugged.

Deleted user

With a nod of underetand, Reene hide this information in her heart. "Now, I touch your nose, too." She annouced as she did just that. It felt out of the ordinary and quite silly, but she found she liked it.

Deleted user

Rumius chuckled gently at the boop of his nose, smiling. "I like it. Do you like it, huh?" He asked as he booped her nose in return. He gestured for her to keep walking.

Deleted user

With a nod, she continued beside him. "I do like it." Looking about the richly painted halls as they continued on their way. "How long must we walk until we reach the dead flowers?" She asked.

Deleted user

“We have to walk to the garden,” He hummed softly as he led her down the halls, his long cloak fluttered behind him as they held hands when he walked with her, humming faintly.

Deleted user

"Yes, I am aware. But, how much longer?" She reiterated. "This place you live in. It is much larger than it appears." As they walked, she reached a hand out to brush along the walls which were cold to the touch.

Deleted user

He hummed softly in understanding and watched her move her hand along the wall, which brightened and warmed as she walked. It was like a long strip of yellow in the black, as if someone had run a giant finger through grime.
“A few minutes.”

Deleted user

"And how does one know what takes a 'few minutes'?" She asked him. She had visited Time only once in her life. She had been given his blessing as a Staar, but she was too young to perceive his ways.

Deleted user

He glanced at her once with a slight raise of his eyebrows. “I um… I just know it takes me a few minutes to walk down there. I don’t know about minutes themselves.” He shrugged the smallest bit.

Deleted user

Reene seemed to accept the answer. After moments of silent, she looked up to him and asked, "Is it less than a few minutes now?"

Deleted user

“Not very much,” He responded, glancing back a few feet away, where they just were. “I’ll tell you when we’re almost there,” He assured gently.

Deleted user

With a sigh, she nodded. Reene began to hum to herself, enchanted by the sounds she could make, the melodies she could orchestrate by herself.

Deleted user

Rumius listened to her hum and watched her sway out of the corner of his eye. She had a very pretty voice.

Deleted user

"I've met Music before." She said out of the blue. Looking up to Rumius, she nodded her head. "A young male he was, but at the time, the darkness, Dramerri, was on the throne, her brother, Scronos, had yet to be born. She was but a child herself, yet she hated him, and demanded his silence or he would not remain with the gods. So, he offered himself to the world, become the sound of the rippling brooks and wind through the trees. He's the songs you mortals sing and the instruments you play. His child is Unity."

Deleted user

“Darkness?” He asked softly, glancing down at his own shadow as he walked by a lamp. He really needed to fix this place up. Perhaps he could ask Reene to help him? Would she like that? He turned to watch her talk, biting his lips.
“So I assume you don’t like much the darkness, then,” He murmured, assuming Drammeri was the goddess they were supposed to be destroying.