forum Werewolves and Chew Toys
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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"Ooh~" Larkin grinned and nuzzled against Samul again. "I think my trunks are long enough to hide my tail… what about the ears, though?"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Samul nodded, kissing Larkin's cheek again.
"Okay then. I need to go to work, now. I'll be back soon though." Samul smiled softly, standing and setting Larkin down. He still needed to get dressed, after all.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"I will." Samul offered a smile, running his fingers through Larkin's hair. He went to the bedroom to get dressed, getting his uniform on. He straightened the shirt up a bit, grabbing his bag.
"I'll be back soon!" He promised, moving to the door.


"Okay…" Larkin headed into the bedroom and got dressed. He packed up a bag with things he thought he'd need for the trip and curled up on the bed to wait for Samul to return.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Samul was gone for at least two hours, working hard to earn enough to support himself and his family. He did it with a smile, bussing tables. He ran his fingers through his hair when he was done, driving back home. He smiled softly, his keys jingling as he unlocked the door.
"Hey Larkin, are you ready to go?" He called out.


"Samul!" Larkin jumped up when he heard his boyfriend's voice and hugged him tightly. He was already wearing a baseball cap, which concealed his ears well enough. "Yeah, I'm ready! Are you?" He asked.


"Uhm… probably not a nude beach since that makes it impossible to hide the ears and tail?" Larkin laughed softly. "I guess it could be fun, though…"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Samul snorted a bit.
"Nono, no nudity beaches!" He said with a laugh. "We'd need a private one to do that, and we couldn't afford to rent one, and I don't have any friends that rich." He smiled at Larkin.


"So… a non nudist beach!" Larkin chirped brightly in reply. "And… probably one at least relatively close to here."


Larkin grinned and kissed Samul's cheek. "Sounds great! What all can we do there?" He asked. "Can we get a pretzel?"