It was all mostly housewarming things, with other small stuff thrown in. Cormac glanced up from the second box once he finished going through it and nervously set his hands down on the table.
“Um… that was all really nice. Thank you dad. But… I wanted to ask if I could move in with you again. Well, both of you, I guess.” He glanced at Ava. “I don’t really have anywhere else to go that would be rent-free and away from mom. And I really would like to stay with you.”
Cameron glanced at Ava once, tapping his fingers on the tabletop. “I’d love to have you back, Cormac.”
Ava meets Cameron's gaze and nods a little. It's not she has much of a choice in the matter anyways. She's living here rent free as well and it's ultimately up to Cameron, not her. Having another person living here will really complicate things, especially with work but Cormac seems like a good enough guy and having him here would mean a lot to Cameron. Besides, if things start to go downhill, she'll move back into the tower. She would miss it here and Kreja would definitely miss Lily but they would be okay.
Cormac looked between them, smiling. “Thank you. I-I really appreciate it. I just needed somewhere to go and—“
“I understand, Cormac. I’d love to have you. You’re family, after all. Ava and I will take care of anything for you.” He smiled, stretching across the table to gently pat Cormac’s hand. Of course, a few problems did arise. He only had one extra room, and the other guest bedroom was far too small for anyone to sleep in. Cameron just used it for storage. So he and Ava would possibly have to share a room.
(Okay so I was thinking to get the romance between Cam and Ava moving, we’d make them share a room (as seen above lmao). I thought they were pretty close already but making them sleep in the same room would help.)
Ava is thinking the exact same thing. The storage room has too much stuff in it and moving everything just wouldn't work and the guest bedroom is basically a closet. That means she'll either have to cram herself into guest bedroom or move into Cameron's room. Either way, she needs to pack her stuff. Thankfully, it won't be a hard task since she doesn't own that much. Her weapons will take the longest to gather. She stashes them everywhere like a squirrel.
(Yeah, that's a great idea. They get along well but they both seem to be utterly useless in the romance department lol)
Cormac breathed a soft sigh of relief, smiling at them both with so much gratefulness shining in his hazel eyes. “Thank you so much. I can’t even begin to tell you how thankful I am, dad.”
Cameron just smiled and patted his hand again. “You don’t have to tell me. Let Ava and I work it out and get her settled somewhere else. Do you think you could move into my room? I might have a spare mattress somewhere.”
(Exactly lmao. Also I saw another cute thing on Pinterest that was like, two characters are running from the police and they hide in a small alleyway, all breathless and stuff. Then one character suggests leaving and going back home and the other convinces them to stay and it was pretty nice. I thought of these two as I read it lmao)
Ava nods her head in agreement. "Yeah, that's fine with me. Give me half an hour to get my stuff out of that room and we'll be good to go." She offers Cameron and Cormac a small smile. "I'm sure you already know this but I'll warn you anyways, Kreja snores like an old man." She's gotten used to it but it might bother Cameron. Since he already knows what times she gets up, goes to sleep, and that she sometimes has nightmares, that's all he needs to know.
(That would be so perfect for them. I just love all of the Pinterest plots. There are a few that I found that would be great for them but I have no idea if I actually saved them lol)
Cameron chuckled softly, rolling his eyes. “Hey, I don’t mind. I get to have my warm Lily back.” He stood up and stretched. “Alright, I’ll go look for the mattress. Cormac, there’s lunch on the stove, you can help yourself. If you need either of us, just call. Everything is where it used to be, I didn’t really move much.” He went to walk off with Ava, but Cormac stood and gave Cameron one last hug, squeezing him.
“Thanks dad.”
(Oh the thing was like, an entryway for a smut scene though. It was like, the character who stopped the one who wanted to go home was like “we don’t need to worry about that, just kiss me”. It wasn’t quite like them, but idk. Oh dang. But I think her having nightmares would be a good doorway to a fluff scene.)
Ava grins smugly at him. She loves having both Lily and Kreja sleep on the bed with her. It's like sleeping with big, fluffy clouds. She looks forward to cuddling with them every night. The dogs are just big teddy bears. With a soft sigh, she heads up the stairs and into what's about to be Cormac's room. She glances around briefly before getting started on getting everything into boxes. Two boxes for clothes, two for weapons, one for knickknacks, and one for Kreja's things.
(We could probably modify it to fit them since I doubt unless they were in an established relationship either of them would say that. Yeah, the nightmares will definitely make for a cute and fluffy scene.)
Cameron followed after her when Cormac let him go to eat. Cameron moved his bed and made sure there was room for a second mattress before pulling it out of the small storage room. He carried it alone along the hallway and fit it into the room, going back for the bed frame. Once she had came in with her things, her bed was set up, it just needed to be dressed. Cameron was pretty good at this bed thing.
(Yeah definitely. I think it would be a good glimpse into like, a more serious and hands-on type of thing though. But I thought it would be later.)
Ava sets all of the boxes down in the corner of the room before leaving again to go back for her final item. "Is there space for my safe in your closet?" She asks as she reenters the room, carrying a huge safe in her arms. It helps her keep track of her mission supplies. With a huff, she sets the safe down next to the boxes. That thing definitely isn't light. "Good job with the bed." She's a little surprised that he got it set up so quickly.
(It'll have a serious element to it, yeah. Seeing how the act after it will be interesting though)
“Oh, yep, wherever you want on the floor. And I have some space in that dresser over there.” He pointed at one of the wood dressers with a screwdriver. “Thanks. I’m kind of used to taking these things apart and putting them back together. So do you want to use the same bedsheets on the other bed to save us some time?”
(Yeah that’s the point lmao. I think it’d be good for them once they get invested in each other.)
"Great." She picks the safe up and hauls it into the closet, getting it set up in the corner. "Yeah, let me just go grab them." Exiting the closet, she heads down the hall and into the other bedroom. She peels the bedsheets and such off of the bed before returning. She quickly gets the sheets on the bed. "I think that that's everything," She comments, glad that it's done. All that's left is to unpack the boxes.
(I swear that Lily and Kreja's relationship is stronger than Cameron and Ava's lol)
Cameron threw her a thumbs up before returning to the last steps of setting up the bed, making sure it was stable before helping her out with the sheets. “Alright. Do you want me to leave that to you? And also, do you want lunch when you’re done? I can set up a plate or something for you.”
(Trueeee lmao)
"Yeah, I'll be fine unpacking on my own. Go have lunch with your kid," Ava tells him, offering a smile. "This will take me awhile so don't bother making me a plate. I can just eat something a little later." If she gets desperate for food then she'll just grab a yogurt and a granola bar.
(They are too cute lol)
“Alright. But I’m going to save you something anyway,” He hummed like a worried mother, probably what he was deep down. He walked out of the room and to the kitchen, where Cormac was being sat-in upon with Lily, whose tail thumped when Cameron entered.
“You crazy girl. Where’s Kreja?” He asked her. Lily barked in response.
Rolling her eyes, she just shakes her head a little. Making her food isn't nessicary at all. She crosses the room and opens the boxes. This should be fun.
Kreja comes barreling into the kitchen, sliding across the floor. He has a pair of workout shorts in his mouth that he stole. Clearly very proud of himself for getting his prize, he barks before shaking the shorts playfully and trotting away.
(Do you think we should skip again?)
(Ummm maybe the night of? We can do the nightmare thing?)
(No but I guess I could?)
(I can if you don't want to)