Kreja licks Lily's cheek before hopping up onto the couch. With a huff, he flops down, his tail wagging. Once he realizes that he's forgotten the spatula, he jumps down and grabs his new toy in his jaws. He barks twice before leaping back onto the couch.
Ava glares at him when she sees him standing there. Rather than giving him a proper answer, she shuffles into the kitchen and grabs a cup of water.
Lily watched the change of mind with interest, her tail thumping on the couch the whole time, her tongue lolling from her mouth. She barked when the other dog joined her, leaning forward to kiss Kreja's ears.
Cameron sighed, shaking his head at her form. Then she wonders why he's so nasty all the time when he doesn't feel his best. He followed her down miserably, looking at the dogs as he passed and joining them on the couch instead.
Kreja offers Lily a huge doggy grin before picking up the spatula and setting it down between her paws. This is his present to her. It’s not much but he’s proud of the stolen object and wants Lily to have it. He looks over to Cameron and wags his tail, his expression completely innocent.
Ava retrieves her water before returning to the living room and plopping down on one of the chairs. Glancing at the dogs and the spatula, she just shakes her head in amusement. Those dogs are crazy but she loves them. With a sigh, she sips at her water.
Cameron watched the dogs with amusement, down to the moment of Lily spastically wagging her tail and thumping her paws happily at the present made of very chewable plastic, picking it up in her jaws and waving her large head crazily.
Cameron laughed softly, reaching over to gently pat Kreja's head. "You're a good boy. Just be glad all of my favorite spatulas are at my restaurant."
Kreja’s entire body wiggles happily when Lily seems to approve of the present. He sniffs at her ears before turning his attention to Cameron. With a happy bark, he licks the human’s hand.
“Careful with what you say. He’ll just keep stealing things,” Ava absentmindedly tells Cameron. Her dog is a thief and she knows it. The amount of times he’s stolen her knifes is crazy.
Lily's ears twitched at the sniffs, and she turned her head to lick at Cameron's arm, the only part of him immedately available to her.
Cameron laughed and gently pressed on their snoots before setting his hand down
"Oh, I'm sure it'll be fine. He can take as much as he wants from me, as long as it's plastic and comes from down here, in the kitchen."
Kreja presses up against Lily with a happy sigh. He rests his head down on his paws and yawns. Being woken up so early isn’t sitting well with him.
“He wouldn’t stop at kitchen supplies. That dog will go for anything. Hairbrushes, clothes, jewelry, knives, gun, literally anything. You name it.” Ava shakes her head, looking at the dogs and Cameron.
Lily barked softly and bent her head to gently lick Kreja's head, her tail thumping softly. She set her head down on his, her tail slowly stopping its thumps.
"Ah, I think I could have guessed. It's like every week you're chasing after him because he stole one thing or another," Cameron joked with a grin.
Kreja sighs contently and closes his eyes. Being around Lily always comforts him. It’s not very long before he has fallen sound asleep.
“Last week he stole a pair of your pants. Hid ‘em under the chair in my room. He was so proud of himself.” Ava chuckles and shakes her head in amusement. The crazy dog had ripped a big hole in the back so she was stuck sewing it up.
"Hm. I would have rather you told me when you found out," Cameron commented softly, his eyebrows raising just a small bit. "I don't even know where those pants went off to, honestly." He snickered, rolling his eyes at the sleeping Kreja. "He's just crazy."
“You didn’t even notice that they were gone and then that they were sewed in the back so I figured that it was okay,” Ava tells him with an innocent smile. “When in doubt blame Kreja.” This is generally her rule. That dog is definitely crazy but he’s almost a smart sweet pea.
"If they're sewed in the back with a different material, there's literally no point in wearing them without making a fool of myself," Cameron sighed slowly. "But I do appreciate the effort, Ava. Thanks. And no thanks to Kreja," He teased the dog with a smile.
“First of all, you don’t need the pants to make a fool of yourself,” Ava teases him lightly. “Second of all, it’s the same material. No one will notice.” She had to buy some fabric from the store but it may as well be an investment since Kreja tears up jeans all of the time. “I’ll but him some more toys. Maybe that’ll help.”
"Yeah, whatever. How many pairs of pants has he chewed up of ours? I feel like the same exact cloth would be a bit of an investment." He echoed her thoughts as he had similar ones.
"And I do think toys would help. Quite a lot."
“Too many to count. Don’t worry, I’ve already thought of that. There’s a big bundle of cloth in my closet,” She assures him with a nod. “I’ll have to take him to the pet store so he can pick some things out. Hopefully some of the long lasting toys will actually last more than a week.”
"Yeah, take him tomorrow. It'll soothe our heads for at least a couple days." He stretched across Kreja to gently stroke Lily's head, who gruffed softly at him. He chuckled.
"Don't get Lily one. She has her tennis balls around here somewhere. Unless Kreja chewed them up."
“I’ll get Lily one or two just in case. It really wouldn’t be surprising if Kreja destroyed her tennis balls.” That dog will chew up anything. She’s tried different training techniques to stop him but he just doesn’t understand that it’s bad. It’s baffling. He can learn all sorts of crazy and advanced commands but anything with not being a thief goes right over his head.
"Then just get Lily tennis balls," Cameron sighed, feeling rather defeated. "Maybe we could go together?" He suddenly asked, sitting up with a grin. "It'd be a lot of fun, right?" Lily barked at him for more pets, but when she didn't receive them, she just huffed and relaxed back down against Kreja with a slow sigh.
Ava glances over to him curiously. The fact that he's this excited has her slightly concerned. "Yeah, we can go together," She agrees with a nod. The only fun shopping is shopping for the dogs so this can't be too bad. "I also need to get Kreja a new collar and leash so don't let me forget." The old ones are barely hanging on.
"What's that look for? I like going to see the other animals at pet stores," Cameron huffed defensively, but he grinned anyway. "That's your personal problem that I'm paying for, Ava. Maybe you should just take him off of leashes, and let him walk around like you usually do." The suggestion was one-hundred percent sarcastic.
"Oh, that might be an issue then. Unless someone stops me from looking then I'll end up coming back with a bird or a kitten or something." Ava warns with a light laugh. "I'll have you know that Kreja is trained to walk without a leash and he does well with it. The issue is him being allowed to wander around the house." The crazy pup comes on most of her missions with her so the leash isn't the issue. He's just a little shit.
"Hm… I wouldn't mind a new pet," Cameron wondered aloud with a grin. "A kitten sounds nice, but how would the dogs react?" He glanced at Lily. "Well, no, not the dogs, just Kreja. Lily would be fine, I bet. She's a good girl."
Lily barked softly at him, raising her head again at her name and thumping her tail on the couch.
"Seriously?" Ava asks, lighting up. She would absolutely love to have another animal in the house. "Kreja, surprisingly enough, actually loves cats. I used to feed stray cats and he made friends with almost all of them. It was so sweet." Glancing over to Lily, she smiles. "Yeah, Lily is a very good girl." There's no doubt about that.
"Yea, actually, I was planning on getting you a little kitten for your birthday, but then I was like, what's the point of planning on getting someone an animal without them there? Anyway, what I'm saying is, I'm getting you a kitten." He grinned at her. "Of course it's a sorely early birthday present, but I thought it'd be a good season to adopt, considering a lot of strays are brought in during the winter. I think we should go to a shelter."
Ava, without any warning, leaps off of the chair and launches herself at him. She pulls him in for a huge hug, clearly thrilled about this. “Thank you! You’re such an amazing friend!” After pressing a quick kiss to his cheek, she climbs the seat next to him. “Going to a shelter sounds perfect.” To say that she’s excited is an understatement. “This is seriously the best birthday present that anyone has ever given me.”