forum We All Get a Serial Killer (O/O)
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Deleted user

Tiring as heckle. That’s why I’ve only been responding to a few RPs at once. I only have one more 8-8 and that’s tomorrow)


(Who should start?
I can only imagine how tired you must be. 8-8 seems incredibly draining. You must be excited for a break after tomorrow.)

Deleted user

(Idc man
It is, but now I’m all done! I’m glad I can stay up late and not have to wake up at seven in the morning lmao)


(Do you want me to?
Yay! Waking up early is a pain. I’m always a zombie if I have to get up before 7:30 lol)

Deleted user

(That’d be nice considering I don’t know what Ava’s sick with
It is a pain. But now I can sleep in really late tomorrow lmao)


(I should probably figure that out……..stomach flu seems about right so I’ll probably go with that.
If I were you I wouldn’t even get out of bed unless I had to lmao)

Deleted user

(Hm but a flu would go away with sleep and a light diet. Stuff that long with a flu can be fatal cus of dehydration.
I sort of had to. I didn’t want to run laps for being late or something)


(That’s a very good point. I need to look at some illness real quick. Unless you have a suggestion?
You would have had to run laps if you were late? That’s harsh)

Deleted user

(Nah just don’t pick anything too fatal if it’s left alone for a couple of weeks idk.
Oh yeah definitely, for conditioning. There’s also a lot of pushups and backwards marching involved in conditioning too. Oooh and arm circles)


(How about she went on a new medication and had a mild allergic reaction to it? Nothing that can be fatal but causes the fever and nausea?
And this is band camp? I guess it makes sense since some of the instruments are pretty heavy)

Deleted user

(Oh yeah that sounds good.
Yes it is band camp. We also set our field show and memorize music in this time. We do a lot.)


(Great. I’ll get a post up in a minute.
Yeah, that’s definitely a lot. At least it’s pretty fun to do, right?)


Ava wraps her coat tightly around herself as she exits the building. The appointment hadn’t gone as planned. It turns out that she is actually allergic to one of her new medications. It’s not exactly an illness but it is a problem. Things probably would’ve gotten worse had she kept taking that pills. She really hates to admit it but Cameron had been right to drag her to the doctor. That isn’t fun to admit. She sighs softly to herself as she makes her way to the car. It really is good that she figured this out so she won’t make the same mistake in the future. That doesn’t mean that she enjoyed getting a shot and having her blood drawn. Needles in the hands of doctors freak her out. Well, doctors in general freak her out but the needles make it worse. At least it’s all over with. Now she can crash out on the couch for awhile.

Deleted user

Cameron considered the bet won on his side. Now she had to listen to his worries whenever he insisted on taking her to be seen. She could’ve died if she had taken too many of those stupid pills, so he wasn’t gonna be mean about it, but he was right. And she’d never be able to deny him of that truth ever, so he was gonna hang onto it whenever she was sick again.
A short drive later and he was helping her out of the car again, holding all of her weight as he lugged her into the house.


Ava, still displeased at the fact that she had been wrong, just allows him to help her out without any protests. It’s hard for her to bite her tongue. Her mood improves slightly when they get back into the house. At least they’re back. On another bright side, she doesn’t have to go to the doctor again for awhile. They’ll call when the get the rest of the results of her blood tests back. No second appointment needed! She’s definitely pleased about that. She steals a glance up at Cameron. Well, she may as well get this over with. “You were right and I’m sorry.” The words taste bitter in her mouth and they’re hard to choke out but she knows that it’s the right thing to do.

Deleted user

Cameron shut the door behind them and brought her upstairs, where he sat down with her in his arms. He just nodded frankly like he did at her words. That was probably he worst part for her. The way he just nodded and hummed, cuddling her close and relaxing. He didn’t really seem to care all that much. And he really didn’t. It was Ava who really cared about being right a lot. Especially about her own health, which was understandable. Cameron just wanted his lover to be healthy and somewhat happy. Was that so much to ask?


Ava sighs quietly and cuddles up with him. She’s just glad that this whole ordeal is over with. Dying because of some stupid medication would have been not only horrible but kind of embarrassing. She frowns slightly at the thought. It’s best she doesn’t think about that. The allergy was caught and she’ll be fine. Peering up at Cameron, she slowly starts to relax. What would she do without him? Before they met she was so much more reckless. He’s helped her learn to respect her own life and she can never think him enough for that. “I love you, Cam.”

Deleted user

Cameron pulled the sheets around them, slipping off his shoes and pants as he cuddled up with her. She was gonna make him come up for a nap anyway after the doctor ordeal, so he decided to just get comfortable with her in his arms. He looked relaxed and relieved. Happy that she wasn’t slowly dying from an allergy to a medication. And of course he was.
“I love you too, Ava,” He murmured back, tilting his head down to gaze at her.


Ava kicks off her boots but opts to keep on the sweatpants and sweatshirt. They’re far to comfy to remove. She tucks herself up against him, humming happily. For reasons that she can’t explain, she’s gotten even more cuddly lately. She now has to have either one of the dogs or Cameron with her if she even wants to think about trying to sleep. No one is complaining about it yet so she doesn’t feel bad.
“Thanks for forcing me to go to the doctor.” The words are much more sincere this time around.

Deleted user

Cameron was probably never going to complain about the increase of cuddles he was getting. He was a slut for gentle affection like snuggles. Of course he enjoyed his romps from time to time, but he would drop anything for a good snuggle and some kisses, and gosh darn it he gave in every single time she asked him to join her upstairs.
“You’re welcome. I’m glad you didn’t die in the time it took us to get you there.”