forum Under The Painted Sky (O/O CLOSED)
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Deleted user

"Promise?" Eden murmured, looking up at him. "Don't let them lay a single finger on you."

Deleted user

Eden finally smiled, though it was a small one. “Good,” she loosened her hold on his shirt. “It would be weird if the boyfriend of the Crystal couldn’t hold his own.”

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Sterling chuckled. “Yeah. Definitely. Now… I’ve missed my girlfriend for the past couple of days. Can I kiss you?” he asked, trailing a line of kisses down the bridge of her nose. “Properly, that is.”

Deleted user

Eden squeezed her eyes shut, releasing a breath she didn’t realize she was holding. “Yes,” she whispered, her grip on his shirt tightening once more. “Please.”

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Sterling didn’t hesitate to press their lips together. His arms tightened around her, drawing her closer. He backed himself up against the wall of the school, leaning down further to kiss her better.

Deleted user

Eden immediately kissed him back, wrapping her arms around his neck and standing on her toes to press their lips together harder. God, two days of not kissing him had driven her insane. She missed the taste of him. She missed him.

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Sterling kissed her slowly, humming when she kissed him harder. It felt so good to be able to kiss her again. Two days without her had left him wanting her more.

Deleted user

Eden pressed herself further into him, one of her hands cupping his cheek, rubbing soft circles with her thumb. They kissed softly and slowly, and Eden wondered if she could take it far. Could she, or would she feel sick once they took it the next step further? But how would she know if she didn't try? She wanted to take the next step, no matter how small it was. Baby steps. Baby steps were important.

@Imperfect_Autumn group

“I missed this, missed you,” Sterling breathed, pulling away to press their foreheads together. “It’s only been a day and a half, and I already missed you…”

Deleted user

"I missed you, too," Eden whispered, her eyes still closed, mouth dry. "God, I missed you. I'm sorry. Kiss me again, Sterling. Please."

Deleted user

Eden kissed him back, their lips moving together gently. She loved the feeling of his mouth on hers, moving it along with hers. She loved how her lips fit in his—loved how carefully he kissed her.

And Eden decided she’d take that next step. If she couldn’t handle it… Sterling would understand.

She parted her lips gently against his.

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Sterling was content with kissing her the way they were, he would have kissed her like that forever. So when she parted her lips for him, he almost didn’t know how to respond. He pulled back, opening his eyes, and looked down at her.

“Eden… Are you sure?” he murmured, only cautious of hurting her. He definitely wanted to deepen the kiss, but if she wasn’t really comfortable with it and was just doing it for him… he didn’t want that.

Deleted user

Eden swallowed thickly, his concern causing fireworks to explode in her stomach. Her heart squeezed and her mouth suddenly felt far too dry. He hadn’t taken the opportunity. He had pulled away to confirm if she really wanted this. Could he get any more perfect than he already was?

“How would I know if I don’t try?” She found herself whispering, trailing her dry lips with her tongue. “If I can’t—you won’t get upset, right?”

@Imperfect_Autumn group

“No. No, I wouldn’t. Never,” Sterling promised, his eyes trailing the movement of her tongue over her lips. Gosh, he wanted to kiss her again… So he did. He pressed their lips harder together, trailing his tongue over the seam of her lips to get her to part them again.

Deleted user

For a moment, Eden wanted to pull away. She shivered in his hold, squeezing his shirt tightly before she realized it was Sterling.

So she parted her mouth, inviting him in, hoping that wouldn’t get her to pull back. She wanted to know how it felt without the fear gnawing at her.

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Sterling smiled when she opened her mouth for him again, and he slipped his tongue inside. He explored her slowly, taking his time. If she wanted to stop, she could stop him at any time.

Deleted user

Eden’s knees immediately buckled from under her and she had to lean into Sterling further to prevent herself from falling. His tongue was in her mouth. His tongue was in her mouth, exploring. She could taste him properly. And he was going slow. For her. He had no idea slow was driving her wild, too.

Eden shut her eyes tighter, fighting off the urge to shudder. She hadn’t felt the disgust. She hadn’t felt it. So slowly, she urged her own tongue forward to meet his, flicking it slightly, melting against him.

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Sterling let out a small growl at the touch. He pulled her closer, holding her tightly against himself. She hadn’t pulled away, hadn’t shown any sign of discomfort. So he went further, picking up his pace as he slid his tongue over hers.

Deleted user

To her utmost surprise, Eden found herself enjoying the exchange. His growl lighted a spark inside of her, something she thought she had forgotten. Or lost, in her case. She wrapped herself tighter around him, a whimper escaping her lips when he slid his tongue over here. Frick. That felt good.

She returned the action, sliding her own tongue over his, hesitant and careful movements. She let him take the lead, though, too flustered to do so.

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Sterling rubbed circles into her sides, his touch gentle and caring. Reverent. If he did something else, would she get scared away? Well, like she said, how would they know if they didn’t try?

So he pulled back, bringing his tongue back into his own mouth. He took her lower lip between his teeth, tugging on it carefully.

Deleted user

Eden nearly growled when he took back his tongue, but that was short lived as he took her bottom lip between his teeth and tugged on it. Eden gripped his shirt tightly, repeating his name in her head like a mantra. A way to let her known it was Sterling doing that to her, not Adrien. It was Sterling. His touches were careful, not harsh and demanding.

And speaking of his touches, the way he was running circles in her sides… Eden trembled, knees buckling from under her. What was he doing to her? She tugged her lip out of his hold and instead bit his lip gently, liking the way she did it.

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Sterling wished he could change their positions, wished he could be the one pressing her against the wall. When she bit his lip, he growled again and tugged it out of her hold. He pressed his tongue against her lips again, slipping it between them.