forum Under Seven Minutes // Private RP
Started by @blue_topaz

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Gray parked his car in the parking lot, unbuckling his seatbelt and stepping out. He moved to the passenger side and held the door open for his girlfriend. “M’lady,” he bowed dramatically.


A huge grin overtook Violeta's lips as she climbed out of the car, smoothing her skirt down. Before she could regret it, she was pushing his hand from the car door, closing it herself, taking hold of his shirt, and backing herself up against the vehicle. "You're adorable."

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Gray was surprised at her actions, not expecting her to do that. He pressed his hands against the car, blinking, in an attempt to keep his balance. God, this woman… what was she doing?

“And you, love, are captivating,” he purred, mouth inches away from hers. “We make quite the pair, don’t we?”


Violeta inhaled sharply, cheeks flushing pink.

"I have no idea what I'm doing," she admitted in a low whisper, enamoured by his dark, beautiful eyes. "I'm just…. making this all up as I go along."

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Gray smiled softly, pressing their foreheads together. “And that’s okay,” he murmured. “This is perfect all the same. You are perfect all the same.”


Violeta's heart slammed against her ribcage like a bird desperate to burst free of its cage. "Kiss me?" she pleaded softly, sliding her tongue over her bottom lip.

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Gray’s eyes flickered to her mouth before he nodded.

“If that’s what my lady wants…” he murmured, leaning down and softly pressing their lips together.


Violeta melted against him almost instantly, sliding her arms over his shoulders and around his neck with all the hesitation of a girl who had no idea what she was doing. "Am I doing this right?" she breathed against him, relaxing into the rhythm of the kiss.

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Gray hummed into her mouth, lips moving against hers in sync. She was hesitant, tentative, but that still made him pleased.

“Yes,” Gray managed to speak into the kiss, cupping her cheeks in his hands. “You’re perfect.”


Each brush of his intoxicating mouth sent adrenaline shooting through her bloodstream. She was nearly weak at the knees—and the kiss was a soft one. How on earth was she going to manage when he got rougher? Would she faint, even?

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Gray finally pulled away, breathing heavily. He kissed her on the mouth again before resting his forehead on her shoulder.

“We should get a move on,” he murmured. “Or we’ll be late.”


Soft pants parted her lips as she struggled to catch her breath, clinging tightly to the amazing man in front of her. "You still—You still haven't told me where we're going."

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“We are,” Gray wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close, turning around to face the cinema. “Going to watch a movie.”


Excitement flickered across her features. "Really? What movie?" She couldn't help getting so worked out about a simple date—it wasn't her fault, she'd never actually been on one.

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Gray grinned at her. She looked so adorable, getting excited like that. He loved it.

“Well, I haven’t bought the tickets yet, I wanted you to decide which movie you wanted to watch,” Gray admitted. “But there’s Bumblebee, How To Train Your Dragon…”


"I'm a huge sap," Violeta laughed, "And a sucker for Disney and Dreamworks. But I don't want to bore you, so what kind of movies do you like watching?"

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"Oh no, love," Gray poked her in the side. "Tonight is about you. Whichever movie you want, we'll watch it. I'll let you know that I have a baby sister. No movie bores me anymore."


Violeta swatted his hand away from her side, laughing softly. "If you're sure…. could we watch How To Train Your Dragon? I feel like I'm about to embarrass myself in front of you."

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"I love that movie," Gray grinned, enjoying her reaction. "And no, you won't."


"Great!" Violeta mirrored his grin, slipping her hand through his without a second thought. "I think I might cry at some point, if it's the third one we're watching, so be warned."

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"I haven't watched the third one yet," Gray admitted, squeezing her hand, loving the way his own enveloped hers. "So I'm looking forward to it."




"Me too," she grinned, tugging him towards the entrance. "Are we sharing a bag of popcorn? This isn't a proper movie date if we're not sharing a bag of popcorn. Not that I would know."

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"We definitely are," Gray nodded, smiling back at her. "We could share drinks, too, if you'd like."

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“You sure?” Gray quirked an eyebrow. “Coke fine with you? Medium or large?”