forum This is war!
Started by @Fantasy-Illy!

people_alt 45 followers


So I want this to be a four way RP.
It's about two Gangs at war with each other. They are high school age. Basically it's about how two Gangs are fighting over who is the real group that runs the town. There's my girl who is the leader of one of the groups, and a guy who is the leader of the other. I do want more of a shy passive guy to be in this and somehow just gets caught up in all this somehow and another girl who is on the guys side of the gang. I'm not sure of names of the gangs yet so if you have idea's they are welcome. It's sort of a love story as well. So we can decide who falls in love with who as the story goes on.

Guy leader:@Lee+Co
Shy guy:@Schadenfreude
Girl leader: Me
I want people a bit more experienced people because I really don't like short replies, sorry. I only accept short replies if you are busy and in a hurry, because life haha.


Full name:
Nickname (if any):
Appearance (Be descriptive. Can use a picture, just make sure it's anime.)
Eye color:
Skin tone:
Distinguishing marks:
Usual outfit:
Deepest secret:


Full name: Asa Hashimoto
Nickname (if any):
Shipping?: Hell Yes!
Personality: She has two sides to her. She's a badass that doesn't care about much, but she can be caring and thinks of her gang as family, if anyone hurts them she'll have no mercy. Always speaks her mind. Usually she is hard to break and doesn't back down or get scared easily. On the other hand at school or around her parents she is a proper lady and is actually quite popular at school and has her own fan club. She is kind to others and acts like a sensitive girl that needs protection. Her gang side is a secret to her parents and at school.
Appearance (Be descriptive. Can use a picture, just make sure it's anime.)
Eye color: Blue
Weight: 120
Skin tone: Pale
Distinguishing marks:
Usual outfit: Girly clothes like skirts and dresses. When in gang mode she wears what she has on in the picture.
Weapon: dagger, small pistol and sometimes a bat.
Backstory: Her family is actually quite rich. Her parents pretty much ignored her growing up and she was raised by a maid that she is now close too. Her grandfather lived close by and had his own Dojo. Since a young age she trained there and learned from him. As she got older her father became strict and abusive. That's when she rebelled and started her own gang behind her parents back. It got worse when her grandfather passed and she was the only one to go to his funeral, while her dad only wanted his money when her died.
Likes: Animals (Has a dog) Her Gang, and a young boy who she's grown close too.
Dislikes: The rival Gang, Her parents.
Fears: Being left behind or forgotten.
Deepest secret: That she lives a double life. Has a soft side for weak people.

@The-Magician group

Full name: Kira Okami
Nickname (if any): K
Age: 17
Shipping?: Is the grass green??
Personality: He's a rather laid back kind of person who doesn't really care about getting into trouble. He always does what he can to help others, even if it means doing unsavory tasks. He isn't afraid to speak his mind or show how he is feeling because he believes that in order to be respected you need to trust others with your emotions, and in turn they will trust you with theirs.
Appearance: , (Only for the clothes)
Eye color: One blue eye, one grey eye.
Weight: 12 stone
Height: 5'11
Skin tone: His skin tone is sort of pale but he looks tanned during the day.
Distinguishing marks: On the back of his neck there is a blue moon tattoo, there is also a scar running over the bridge of his nose.
Other: He has a star earring in his left (our right) ear.
Usual outfit: For the most part he wears the clothes in the first image, but when with his gang he wears the clothes in the second.
Weapon: Dagger, bow and arrow
Backstory: Kira is from a commoner's background. No one really knows his family, they had no fame or fortune to their name. Growing up he received all the love his parents could offer, always making sure he was fed and had clothes on his back. Despite having two younger sisters, he never felt neglected by his parents, and even took care of them when his parents worked later for extra money. It wasn't until one of his sisters was harassed by some older people that he started being violent. As time went on, his gang grew from himself and his sisters, to a lot of others in the community.
Likes: His family, his gang, music
Dislikes: The rival gang, not being able to speak his mind.
Fears: Something happening to his family or gang members.
Deepest secret: He killed the men who harassed his sister.

(I hope he's okay)


Full name: Arashi Kane
Nickname (if any): Ara
Age: 17
Shipping?: Yes
Personality: Has a tendency to be cold and uncaring, if it doesn't benefit her, why bother to do it? She only ever cares for those close to her like her family, but not all the members of the gang. Ara is no stranger to violence and finds using it or at the very least threats seem to work well in situations. She never shows emotions, never shows her intelligence, just acts like a dumb old gang member.
Appearance: The tips of the hair are a dark violet and her skin is a lot darker than in the picture. Kind of a light brown in color.
Eye color: Dark violet
Weight: 110lbs
Height: 5'5"
Skin tone: Light brown
Distinguishing marks: Freckles everywhere and has a long scar going from the right eyebrow down across her face till it reaches her jaw bone.
Usual outfit: Lot of black and darker colored clothing favoring violets and blues over everything else. You can guarantee her to be wearing a black leather jacket, combat boots, and a black choker.
Weapon: A small concealed pistol and a whip which she visibly keeps on her belt.
Backstory: She lives in the what could easily be called the slums of the city. Her family is poor, and both of her parents work odd jobs to try and keep themselves a float. Ara herself started working in an auto shop to help out and finds she really enjoys the work there. With permission of the owner, she spends whatever time not on duty working on a motorcycle made from spare parts that aren't needed on other cars. As to why she joined the gang, Ara needed a way to protect her family since other people had begun threatening them. This was Ara's way of protecting them.
Likes: Motorcycles, people she likes, doing anything with her hands
Dislikes: School, people in general,
Fears: Showing emotions and being ridiculed for it
Deepest secret: She has emotions. Kidding, her deepest secret is herself since she never acts like who she is around other people.

(She good? Sorry about the secret part, I couldn't think of anything good.)

Deleted user

Full name: Mre Reven
Nickname (if any): Shadowling
Age: 16
Shipping?: Sure
Personality: Mre is pretty shy at a first glance, it usually taking a few days to get him to outright talk to you or make a joke. But when he's warmed up, he cracks jokes and puns like there's no tommoorow.
Eye color: Jade Green with some splashes of blue.
Weight: 150 lbs
Height: 5'10
Skin tone: He's pretty pale, though he tries to go out in the sun, but he justs gets sunburnt.
Distinguishing marks: Mre had a thin scar encompasing his left hand and one on his knee from a surgery.
Usual outfit: A yellow sweater with some black jeans and converse.
Weapon: A pocket staff.
Backstory: "I'd rather not say if that's alright…"
Likes: His little siblings jokes, his mama and papa, the color yellow, etc.
Dislikes: Being teased, bugs, not figuring out how to play shooter games.
Fears: That he will be run out of the country becuase his parent's are imagrant.
Deepest secret: That when somone cyber harrassed his mama, he hacked into the computer and got them fired.