He pulled out a small bag, picking at a few things he thought he needed and threw them into the cart. A part of him wanted to use this as an opportunity to see if he could look for said person for Shen. Though, he knew he couldn't do so without leaving Cas on his own. Sorin shook the thought away and continued grabbing more items. Maybe some other time, he thought.
"What all are we getting, love?" Cas asked, looking around curiously.
"A few things to cook with, maybe bake, as well as a few other things…"
"Alrighty." He hummed. "Need me to help you find anything?"
"You don't need to," he turned a flashed him a small smile. "But thank you."
"No problem!" Cas grinned back before continuing to look around.
"You're welcome to get things you need, you know," Sorin picked a bag of grapes and strawberries and set them into the cart.
"I don't know what I need, though." Cas shrugged, looking back up at Sorin. "Got anything in mind?"
"Alright, let me rephrase that," he turned to him and gripped the cart. "Get anything you want. But only a few things though."
"I don't know what I want either… Do you think they have fish?" He asked.
"Of course they do. Would you like me to take you there or do you want to head off on your own?"
"I'll go with you… I tend to get lost."
"Okay," he held his hand and led him to the seafood section. He glanced at the arrays of different fish put on display as well as the large bags of shrimp and other frozen seafood near them as well.
Cas stared intently at the fish, soft rolling meows escaping him. He moved a bit v closer, not even caring which kind they got.
"Tell them what you want," he said with a smile. "While I go get some flour."
"Are you sure it's safe to leave me here alone?" He asked quietly, still fixated on the fish.
"Casper, the isle is literally right there," he pointed to it with a smile. "It's not that hard for me to keep an eye on you."
"Alright, alright…" Cas sighed. "What if I tell him I want all of them, though?"
"I'm sorry what?" He couldn't help but smile at that. "Casper, I can't buy all the fish. There are people who might want them."
"I know, but I don't know how much self control I have, which is why it's dangerous to leave me here alone." Cas said pointedly, looking up at Sorin.
Sorin paused for a moment then nodded understandingly. Separation was something he would plan to work on with him in the future– especially since he would be going into high school sometime this year. Besides, he couldn't be there all the time, and figured it would be a useful thing to practice. He let go of the cart's handle and walked over to him, lightly pressing his lips to his cheek. "Which one do you want?"
"Um…" Cas examined the array of fish. "I dunno, they all look good. Do you have a preference?" He asked, looking back up at Sorin. Going to school was definitely going to be very difficult, which he'd considered a few times. His separation anxiety certainly complicated things.
"I don't really eat fish that often, but when I do…" his eyes scanned the array of fish and he pointed his finger to the red snapper. "I go for this one. It has a slightly sweet taste to it… but don't pick it because I like it."
Cas shrugged. "Looks good to me. Sir?" He got the vendor's attention. "Could we have this one please?"
The vendor turned and gave them a tight smile. His efforts to make it look as realistic as possible was evident as it didn't match what a normal smile would be. It made Sorin slightly uneasy, despite a part of him expecting such a reaction. "How many?" The vendor asked.