forum "This City smells like Smoke and Death" // OxO // Closed
Started by @ElderGod-Icefire

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Antonio attempted and he thought suceeded at looking sad about that, "Well, uh, I don't know what to do either. I guess persume their dead for now."


Antonio followed after him. He almost knew the names wouldn't be there, and he would get caught in his lie. So during the walk he was thinking of how to tell Quinn, if he should tell Quinn at all.


Quinn led him into a square. Metal plaques lined the walls, each with the name of a family emblazoned on it. Some were gold; most were silver. "Gold plaques are dead Ravens. Silver is everyone else." Quinn said simply.


"Got it," Antonio replied as he looked at all the plaques in the area. So many had died here to this illness, and his father was doing nothing to help. He was doing nothing to help them. He glanced over at Quinn, "Are they in any specific order or should I just start looking?"