forum "This City smells like Smoke and Death" // OxO // Closed
Started by @ElderGod-Icefire

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Antonio had kind of assumed that might be the case. Maybe he didn't have to make something up at all or at least tell his story.


Quinn shook his head a little. "When you took over, you got the records for everyone around here. So I need to know. You promised that you'd work with the Ravens if need be. Well, I'm a Raven. Work with me."

Bella's lip curled faintly. "He's not a Raven." she gestured to Tony.


Quinn sighed. "Yeah, well hardly anyone is, Bella. So. Are you going to honor your agreement, or not?"

Bella sighed, glancing back at the other girl, behind her chair, then at Quinn and Tony again.


(not gonna be too active this weekend)

Quinn raised his eyebrows faintly.

Bella sighed. "Fine. But you owe me, yeah?" she stood in a smooth, fluid motion. "And that one better not be infected." she pointed at Tony.


(That's chill)

"I'm not, promise," Antonio replied raising his hands after finally speaking. If he was infected, it wouldn't just be the disease that would be killing him.


(It is Pearl, but he gave a fake last name to Quinn lol)

Antonio hesitated for a moment before following after Bella. He figured Quinn would follow.


Bella led them into a room with shelving along the wall. On the shelves were ledgers. "Jade…" she mumbled, pulling out one of the ledgers and flipping through it.


Antonio hadn't expected her to actually find anything. It was just a name and he honestly prayed that either the family was dead (that felt cruel) or that there was no information.


Antonio didn't know whether to be releived or worried given Bella's now narrow eyes, "Well, the outskirts was just my best guess as to where they might be."