(I’m okay. Hbu?)
“Hmm I don’t know. How bout (insert restaurant name)?”
(I’m okay. Hbu?)
“Hmm I don’t know. How bout (insert restaurant name)?”
(Meh. My writing may be sorta shitty today sorry)
It’s halloween tho!!!)
Macha shrugged happily. “It’s up to you.”
(lol it's okay my writing is shitty everyday
"Okay let's go then." He turned to her and kissed her gently.
(Are you kidding your writing is awesome!)
They got into the car, leaving boxes still unpacked in the living room. “Music?”
(oof yours is so much betterrrr)
"What do you listen to?" He asked, turning the car on and pulling out of the driveway.
(Thanks, but nahhh that’s not true)
Macha shrugged. “Classical music? Lily Allen? I don’t mind anything. What about you?”
Tyler turned on the radio to a random station and music poured out of the speakers. It was some type of music that had pianos but also sounded sort of emo. (mcrmcrmcrmcrmcrmcr ha jk I don't know what it is)
(Is notttttt)
(Omgomgomg mcr)
Macha leaned over to check the name of the band. “My… Chemical…. Romance….. the song is called..” she peered harder. “Mama.” The lyrics began to play.
“Mama, we all go to hell..” She blinked. “Damn.”
(ohmyygodod I just started laughing so hard MCRMFRMCMRRRR)
Tyler frowned and listened intently. "Wo-whoa. These lyrics.."
(Well, are you ready, Ray?
Yeah I am
How about you, Frank?
Oh, I'm there, baby
How about you, Mikey?
FUcking ready…
(im sorry)
(Yasssss MCRMCRMCRRRRR my friends think I’m insaneeeeee)
“I kind of like it, actually.”, she laughed. “Very intense. Very emo.”
(yeyyeeysssss my parents probably think i'm so emo and insane for listening to MCR)
"Yeah it's pretty okay for that sort of music." He chuckled a bit too as the song changed…(what's it gonna be WHAT IS IT????)
"Well, if you wanted honesty
That's all you had to say! I never want to let you down
Or have you go, it's better off this way!"
“Okay this is actually pretty awesome. Emo music… damn.”, she laughed, tilting her head back.
"This is so good!" He laughed with her. "I can't believe I've never heard this before."
“Me neither!” Macha cranked the volume up. “I think I’m going to be an emo now.”
Tyler laughed and the song Cancer came on. "What??! It's like..so slow!"
(Sorry i was at a party/trick or treating shhhhh I’m not too old yet)
(Ach imma cry it’s cancerrr)
(TOP version or MCR?)
(Which is better I mean)
“Wait does this station only okay this band? Or did whoever choose the songs go through an emo phase— Whoah this is a depressing song..”
(Lol it’s okay)
(Ikr so saaadddd)
(I like the mcr version better but that’s my opinion)
“I think it’s just like..alternative rock or emo music or something.” He said as a random Blink 182 song came on.
(Oof I personally love both but I like the TOP version sliiiiggtky better because I find it more melancholy and depressing, like he’s sort of… given up. The MCR one is more angry. I love both tho, obviously)
Macha peered at the radio. “What’s thjs?”
(Oof 😂😂)
(Morning, how are you?)
“Uhhh Blink..182…I miss you.” He read the song name and parked the car, leaning back into his seat.
(I’m exhausted but feeling amazing, I had my very closenit group of friends over at my house last night and we all just geeked out. You?)
“Never heard of it.” Macha unbuckled her seatbelt. “Shall we?”
(That’s sounds so funnnnn
I’m okay ish. Trying to figure out how to tell my friends I have dysphoria but idk idk)
“Sure.” He turned the car off and got out, walking with Macha up to the restaurant.
(I’d recommend doing it slowly, ime friend at a time, starting with your very very close friends and moving slowly to the less-close friends. If you do it slowly, it’ll give them each time to individually get used to the concept so by the time you’ve told a large group they’re all really casual about it together and it’s great. I speak from personal experience coming out to my friends and it worked for me, so that’s the advice I’d personally give. You can do it!!)
Macha slipped her hand into his as they entered, the small bell jingling as the door hit it.
(Yeah but the problem is I got this best friend and she’s amazing but if I start telling her I have dysphoria and the symptoms and stuff she’ll say she maybe has it too. She’s a great friend and I love her but she just won’t understand. Then I’ve got this other friend and he’s so awesome and I kind of came out of him already but I just..Idk I think I’m scared to tell anyone..)
Someone seated the two and Tyler looked at the menu. “Mm everything looks good right now..”
(Right that makes sense. It’s completely natural to be scared, this is a big thing for you, but in some cases [some] the idea of coming out and the buildup is a lot scarier than the moment when you actually say it, and the friend reacts. After a while, it because easier for me to come out, and now I throw around little hints and jokes too, I’ve become more Comfortable and reckless. Maybe you could very very very slowly hint to selective friends?)
Especially you., she almost said, but refrained from it. “Yeah. Want to share a a platter?”
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