forum There are voices in our heads rp (Closed)
Started by @basil_

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Tyler took a couple boxes and moved them into his bedroom. He suddenly remembered he had left the trunk of the car open. "Shit i'll be right back." He ran outside, not realizing it was raining until he was halfway down the driveway. Tyler closed the trunk quickly and ran back inside, slamming the door behind him, soaking wet.


(gtg for dinner, I'll be right back)

Macha's head turned as the door slammed, and her eyes fell on Tyer, soaked and shivering. "Oh my god Tyler–" She was cauht between laughing and being extremely concerned. Let me grab you a towel, I'll be right back. A minute later, she was wrapping a towel gently around his shoulders.



Tyler laughed and shook his head around, sending water droplets flying all over and onto Macha. "I didn't realize it was raining."


"Ach you got me wet!" Macha jumped back, still grinning. "Come on, rain boy, let's get unpacking."
(cries because 'come on, rain boy' is a thing she said to her dead boyfriend in my story when he was alive


(awww cries even though I don't know what's going on)

Tyler smiled and rubbed the towel all over his head, trying to get it dry enough. He set the towel down after and walked with Eve to the bedroom where most of the boxes were.



Macha set a picture of her and her father on the bedside table, eyes lingering on it only for a moment before she grabbed a large stack of books.


(im sorry im brain dead and it's from another rp i'm doing. Sorry)

"Are those where you memorized all those numbers you've plagued my head with?" He asked, helping her with the rest of them.


(lol np, I think I'm stalking that rp too lol)

Macha laughed aloud. "You mean pi? No, I memorized the first hundred digits or so back in fifth grade, and it sort of helped me stay calm when I panicked, and I just kept memorizing more and more off the internet. These are architecture textbooks, Plato, poetry books, and Nythology books."


(Whoa cool :)

“You should be the one going to college. You’re a genius!” He said, looking at all of the books.


(lol thanks)

Macha smiled bashfully at the praise, beginning to set the books on a set of shelves they'd bought a week ago. "We never had the money. And– I wouldn't call myself a genius, just… an avid reader."


“Are you serious? You helped me pass like all my English classes in junior year.” He laughed. “And physics in 9th grade.”


“Mm..can’t say I agree with you..but let’s not argue about it and finish putting your books away.” He said, walking past her and kissing the top of her head.


Macha blew him a kiss and turned back to the box, pulling out yet more books and a stack of notebooks. “God, there’s a lot in here.”


“There’s no instead, silly, obviously we’d go together.” She bumped her hip lightly against his as she passed to set the books down.


She finished with the books and began unpacking her clothes. “And everyone would be jealous of me for having you as my boyfriend.”, she grinned back mischievously.


(So I finished Love Simon last night…and holy shiiit. As soon as I finished it I started crying just like laying there crying cause it was so good and Simon and bram are so cute together and I just loved all of it)
(I’m still in shock but how are you?)

Tyler snorted and slid one of the boxes over, opening it and starting to unpack it. “Yeah cause I usually charm everyone with my demon-like qualities.”


(Ohmygodohmygodohmy god that book is so freaking good adagjshakaakaksjagakfkadhak)
(Morning, I finished the Song Of Achilles [its about Achilles and his gay lover it’s so good holy shit oh my god] at about 3:00am last night, woke up at 6:30, so I’m pretty wiped out and spent the night texting my depressed friend terrified that they were going to do something, but other than that I’m meh)

“Your qualities are not demon-like. Objectively, I think girls would generally label you as ‘cute’ or ‘hot’. I know your personality, which just adds to everything.” Macha grinned as she gave him a quick kiss, loading her folded clothes into the drawers of an armoire (?).


(And tbh that sounds like an amazing book I need to read that. I’m always down for Greek hero’s and their gay lovers)
(And that’s unfortunate about your friend I hope they feel/get better soon)
(Also I’m reading the screenplay of dear Evan Hansen at the moment and god I love that musical so freaking much)
(Wait are you okay? What’s with the username?)

Tyler burst out laughing and looked over at her. “I thank you for the compliments even though I don’t entirely believe you and I think you’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever met.”