(I hope so too)
(I hope so too)
(Hey, sorry bout that I’m back)
Tyler felt her happiness and elation and it filled him up, spreading to every part of him. He could no longer feel the demon lurking behind every thought. He knew it was there, but not when Macha was here, the love of his life, the girl who made his life okay again, his…soulmate.
(Don’t worry about it, how are you feeling??)
Soulmate. As soon as he thought it, even though it wasn’t directed at her, she felt a wildfire spreading across her chest, warm and crackly. A sensation bloomed from her heart, enveloping her in tingles. “Whoah.”
(Okay..kinda had a mental breakdown last night but I’m fine now kinda)
“Yeah..” He said quietly, holding Macha close to him and looking into her eyes. Her warmth filled him up and overpowered him, all he could see was her.
(If you’re not feeling up to it please don’t feel pressured to rp! Breakdowns feel awful, I don’t want to push you)
Soulmates. She thought it again. “Soulmates.” Now she was trying it out on her tongue. Soulmates. Another round of tingles errupted from within her.
(no no i'm fine really. Just exhausted and kinda feeling like shit)
"It's a nice word, isn't it.." He whispered, their faces inches apart as he held her.
(I feel like I dint know you enough to pester you, so I will give you a quick digital hug and hope you feel better soon)
Macha kisses him in response, softly, slowly, drinking him in.
(thx It's just lots and lots of dysphoria)
Tyler sighed a little and kissed her back gently, running his hands through her hair.
(Aw Sorry bout that):
After a while, Macha forced herself to pull away, breathless.
(tis okay. I wish I could go get tested for like schizophrenia or something like that cause i'm just dshdasdkjdf all the time and I don't know what's wrong)
(sorry i'm bothering you about this too much I'll stop)
Tyler gathered her up in his arms and hugged her. "I love you.."
(No it’s not bothering me at all! Don’t worry)
“Me too.”, she whispered, squeezing him back. “We should probably get some work done.”
(okay :)
"Mm yeah, probably…" He sighed.
Macha gave him one last teasing peck and turned back to her clothes.
Tyler walked around and cleaned up his stuff a bit so she would have more room.
Macha checked the time (what time is it?), finally finished all her unpacking except for her maps. Slicing open the box, she carefully took them out. “Where should I put all these?”
(uhhh maybe like 4?)
"Wherever you want." He said, walking over to her and wrapping his arms around her middle.
Macha leaned into him, her back against his stomach, the top of her head directly under his nose. “Could I put some on the walls?”
"Course.It's your house too now." He grinned.
“I keep forgetting….” Macha laughed quietly, craning her head to plant a kiss on his jaw and then gently removing his hands from her waist so she could find a place to put the maps.
Tyler leaned back against the bed and watched her lovingly.
Macha took out a roll of tape and begun methodically taping up her maos, slightly overlapping, forming a beautifully mismatched monochrome mosaic of limes and diagrams and points and coastlines. When she was done, she leaned back, admiring her work.
Tyler smiled and reached out for her. "Come sit with me."
Macha grabbed his hand and reeled herself towards him, smiling widely.
Tyler laughed and wrapped his arms around her, burying his head in her neck.
“Tyler..”, she laughed, holding him tight. She felt so lucky in that moment, so blessedly lucky. There was not a suicidal thought in her mind, no fear, no knot in the pit of her stomach. For the first time in her life, she was free.
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