forum There are voices in our heads rp (Closed)
Started by @basil_

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Macha pulled away after a moment, giving him a comforting squeeze on the shoulder. “Go on…” she murmured, “Your best friend is waiting..”


"I know, I'll go." Tyler said, giving her a small squeeze and kiss on the cheek before leaving the kitchen.


Rafael was quietly conversing with Morrigan when his best friend re-entered the room. Immediately, his whole face lit up.


Tyler sat down nearby, smiling as well at the look on Rafael’s face. He waited before saying anything, not wanting to interrupt their conversation.


Tyler looked down slightly, twisting his hands in his lap. “I’m sorry about being so vague earlier. I’m just kind of dazed and these last couple months have been kind of blurry.”


“No, no. You don’t have to apologize. It’s all good.” Tyler told him, shaking his head. “So what’s up with you?”


Rafael bit the inside of his cheek. “Well…. I have a job teaching little kids to paint, and I’ve been selling paintings recently… I actually got hired to paint a cover for a new band’s album..”


A grin overtook Rafael’s lips. “It’s a small band, not very well-known. They’re called ‘Nightingale’.”


“And they picked you! Out of everyone else in the world! That’s so great Raf.” Tyler continued, leaning back in his chair, still grinning.


Rafael’s face emerged from his hands. He bit his lip in thought, trying to think back. “Oh! Uh… Macha’s helping me gain the confidence to… to…. see, there’s this guy on campus…”


“What is this, an interrogation?” Rafael laughed, but the prominent blush on his cheeks gave him away. “His name is Dante. He’s—He’s tall. Sort of muscular. He likes art like me! But he prefers watercolours. And he writes poetry, like Macha. He’s got one cat but wants three. And he’s really, really cute.”


"Yes. This is an interrogation. He sounds good enough I guess but I want to meet him." Tyler told him with a slight smirk.


Rafael’s blush only deepened. At least he’s not asking to see any pictures… “And—And he’s openly bi. So there’s that. I can… introduce you to him when you get back to uni?”


Tyler laughed and shook his head. "I'm kidding, it's fine. He sounds awesome Raf. Just..if he treats you like shit, tell me."