forum There are voices in our heads rp (Closed)
Started by @basil_

people_alt 45 followers


(Okay, thanks. I was just going to have him say that he finds people’s weaknesses that way he has more control and if they turn against him, he has something to defend himself with??)


(Kk, Tell me if anything’s too major)

“I don’t know..I guess if I learn her weaknesses, then I can use them against her later on.” He admitted, keeping the slightly irritated expression on his face.


“In case I’m physically or verbally attacked.” Lochlin said like it was the most obvious thing ever.


When she’d stormed downstairs, Macha had been nothing short of furious. But now… she didn’t know what to think. “Morrigan isn’t going to hurt you, so stop hurting her.”


“Will do. Just looking out for myself.” Lochlin sighed. “And tell Tyler not to murder me for talking to you.”


“Your method of ‘looking after yourself’ is not tolerated in this house,” she said firmly, “But yes, I’ll try.”


“He probably won’t listen, but it’s worth a try.” Lochlin sighed as he said this, stretching out and draping his legs over the chair arm.


Lochlin just smiled and slumped down in the chair, stretching his legs out again, not listening to a word she said anymore.


Tyler hummed quietly as he made dinner, ignoring Lochlin’s dirty looks and talking happily with Macha about her classes. A couple minutes later, there was a loud knock on the door, startling him slightly before he walked over to open it.
(Sorry that was literal shit)
(I’m so sorry)


(oml no it was fine dw about it)

Macha raised her head from where she'd been texting Rafael, a smile tugging at her lips. "Open the door, love. I think you'll like who's behind it."