Alex smirked, flipping them both over in one smooth movement so Adrien was suddenly underneath him, "Don't lie to yourself, you know you'd enjoy it," He mumbled into his ear, "Maybe I should try it next time."
Alex smirked, flipping them both over in one smooth movement so Adrien was suddenly underneath him, "Don't lie to yourself, you know you'd enjoy it," He mumbled into his ear, "Maybe I should try it next time."
Adrien yelped, clinging to Alex's shoulders as he was very rudely jostled from his cozy spot on the World Walker's chest. His fingers dug into Alex's skin when he made his comment, like he was trying to ground himself. "Oh." He was starting to get flustered, all pink cheeks and averted eyes. "I'd like to see you fucking try it."
Alex's smirk grew, his hand snaking upwards and slowly closing around Adrien's throat. He made sure he could still breathe, obviously as he didn't want to kill him. His hips pressed downwards into the humans, "Would you now? Does this suffice?"
Adrien whimpered softly when Alex grabbed his throat. For all his teasing, he hadn't thought Alex would actually do it, but it felt… nice. Secure. He rocked up against Alex with a fluttery gasp as he pressed down, hungry for more of whatever this feeling was. "I…" His voice came out all raspy and he blushed. "… yes."
Gods Adrien looked so cute, then again he always did but there was something about the way he looked right now that sent Alex's head spinning, "That's what I thought." Alex rocked his hips back against Adrien's ever so slightly, his grip on his throat tightening a fraction as he kissed him, hard.
Adrien's answering gasp was soft and choked off, hips pushing up against Alex's almost on their own. His breath fluttered around his lung, gusting out in excited little bursts as Alex kissed him and he did his best to respond in kind. Kissing was hard when you couldn't move your neck but he did his best, crushing their mouths together needily.
Alex pulled away a few moments later, smirking down at Adrien as he pulled his hand away from his throat. He climbed off the human, lightly smacking his thigh, "Come on, time to get up and out of bed. We have things to do."
Adrien whimpered loudly when Alex pulled away, pouting at him from across the bed as he tried to process the sudden lack of sensation. Everything felt cold without Alex's body penning him in. He didn't much like it. "Hey!! You can't just leave a guy hanging like that you tease!"
Alex chuckled lightly, picking up his shirt and throwing it on, "If you're lucky and do your training then we can finish this later. But the longer you lie in bed the less likely it'll happen." He knew it was mean to leave Adrien waiting like that but they did have things to do, this that were more important then making out and sex.
Adrien groaned and buried his face in the pillow, forcing himself to roll over onto his belly so he could hurl himself off the bed into a loose pile of limbs. He dressed carelessly, tossing on some bright green athletic shorts that might've been a tad too tight and one of his dad's old Michigan University shirts that he accidentally shrunk in the wash so it was, more or less, his size.
Alex leaned against the door frame, watching Adrien with a smile. He really wasn't a morning person. Or maybe it was just because he'd teased him and left him there. Which ever it was he found it funny. He scanned him over once, bit his lip before he headed out the room towards the kitchen, knowing Adrien wouldn't be close behind.
Adrien grabbed a brush from the bathroom before he followed Alex into the kitchen, doing his best to tame the ruffled mop of curls on his head. He plopped down on top of the counter once he was as groomed as he was gonna get, still tired. "I'm gonna need some coffee before we do anything," He announced. "Get it for me."
Alex rolled his eyes, giving Adrien a mock bow, "Yes sir." He shook his head with a sigh, mumbling something under his breath in another language before making Adrien's coffee. The quicker they were up and out the better, though he knew that wasn't going to happen anytime soon.
(I'm having some technical difficulties, so replies are probably going to be slow tonight)
Adrien snorted, watching Alex bustle around through half lidded eyes. Every few minutes me'd muffle a yawn into his hand, barely awake. "I liked cutie better, sugarbear. Also don't sass me in any language I can't understand, I'm very testy before my caffine."
(All good)
Alex smirked, looking over his shoulder at Adrien, "Forgive me if I want to see what happens when I do but I won't. Well, not right at this moment, anyway." He sent Adrien a wink, turning back to the cup of coffee.
Adrien rolled his eyes and slid off the counter, pushing Alex to the side with a tired smile so he could work on the coffee. "You're taking too long, can you make us breakfast instead?" He nudged him over towards the fridge. "You seem like the kind of guy who can cook a mean omelet. And we've got bacon and sausage and shit, if you eat that sort of thing."
Alex let out a small disbelieving laugh, "Gods you are impatient this morning aren't you?" He shook his head, opening the fridge, "Absolutely unbelievable." He mumbled, pulling out the eggs, bacon and other things he needed.
"I'm always impatient in the morning," Adrien replied, blowing him a halfhearted kiss as he grabbed a second mug for Alex's coffee. "How do you take your bean juice? We've got the works, milk, creamer, sugar…"
"Milk's fine, thanks." Alex replied, starting on the omelets. He managed to find the pans, with a little difficulty after a few moments and he placed them over the stove top, "Uh… yeah um, how'd you turn this thing on?"
Adrien nodded and smacked the coffee machine to get it running faster before he made his way over to the stove. "You see the little dial on the left that says front? You need to spin that around until the arrow is pointing at high, and that'll get the stove to light up."
Alex nodded, doing as Adrien said. It took him a couple tries to actually get the stove to light up but eventually it was on fire and he was pouring the mix into the pan. He seemed pretty proud of himself to get it to work, having not used a stove like this before.
Adrien gave him a soft smile, disarmed by his sleepiness, and leaned over to press a kiss to Alex's cheek. "Good job, now all you have to do is make the eggs." He meandered over to the fridge, grabbing some cheese and pre-cut chives along with the milk. "I don't eat meat, so I'd prefer it if you just put these in." He set them over on the counter next to Alex.
Alex nodded, "Okay, will do." He pulled out another pan, turning it on and placing the meat on to cook. He hummed softly to himself, focusing back in on the two omelets. He found it kind of relaxing, and the thought surprised him since he'd never really been one to cook, before.
"Thank you." The coffee machine dinged and Adrien poured them their cups, adding a generous splash of milk for Alex. "I'm setting your coffee on the counter for now, be careful not to spill it on accident. And… where do you wanna eat?"
Alex shrugged a shoulder, "Where ever you want to or what ever is easiest." He gave Adrien a small smile, turning over the omelets and checking the bacon. They were nearly done, and honestly he was glad because he was fairly hungry at his point.
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