Alex shrugged, slightly tightening his grip on Adrien with a sigh, "Dunno, I'm kinda a rude person anyway so I don't think I could help you there. Guess we could figure it out together if you want. Probably won't be very fun but.."
Adrien tensed, expecting some kind of playful attack, and then slumped up against Alex's chest with a sigh when he realized he was just being cuddled. "Nah. I don't think I'd like you as much if you weren't an asshole."
Alex smirked slightly, huffing a laugh, "Wow, that's good to know," He turned back to the TV for a moment, too confused to know what was going on so he looked back to Adrien, "Guess I'll stay an asshole then."
Adrien had seen the episode a million times, so he didn't really need to pay attention to the screen. "Good," He said with a nod, like the matter was officially settled now that he'd given his input. "You're fun to talk to like this. And… you know, once you get pass the grumpy exterior, you're actually kind of… sweet."
Alex blushed slightly, cheeks going a very light pink. Sweet? He wasn't… sweet, "I… no I'm not." He protested, though he didn't sound very sure of himself, "I've never been sweet before in my life." False, but he wouldn't accept it.
Adrien looked up at him with a playful grin. "Shut up, Alex. You totally are. Look, you're even blushing!" He took great joy in raising a hand to cup Alex's cheek, feeling the warmth of his blush under his fingers. "And you're stuttering too. Even if you don't think you're sweet you have to admit that you're fucking adorable."
Alex, even though he tried not to, pouted the slightest bit. His cheeks warmed in Adrien’s hand, despite his best efforts to not go red, “I’m not… adorable… I’m 6 foot something of anger and malice… not… not adorableness…”
Adrien rolled his eyes and then took his face in both hands. "You're completely adorable. 6 feet of pure cutie pie." He squished Alex's cheeks around, smiling. "I mean you're even pouting about it, which is just the cherry on top of the point I'm trying to make."
Alex placed his hands on top of Adrien’s so he would stop loving his face around, giving him time to respond, “I was not pouting. Walkers don’t… I just don’t pout, okay? And I’m not cute…” He mumbled, trying to look anywhere but Adrien to avoid further embarrassment.
Adrien pulled Alex's face closer so he'd have to look him in the eye and then froze, suddenly very aware of the position he was in. He was curled up in Alex's lap, cupping his cheeks like the male lead in a hallmark movie and yanking him close until their faces were about an inch apart. The world walker wasn't the only one blushing anymore. "…Fine! Fine, you're just… big and angry. Nothing cute about you, no siree bob."
Alex’s pout turned into a smirk, “Looks like I’m the only one blushing anymore, Adrien,” He said, he placed on of his hands on the other’s waist, raising a brow, “What’s got your pannies is a twist all of a sudden, hm?”
Adrien felt the warmth of Alex's hands all the way down to his bones, and his face was less blushing and more part-timing as a blast furnace. "N-nothing! Nothing at all! My panties are perfectly fucking untwisted, thank you very much."
Alex let out a light chuckle, the smirk widening ever so slightly, "Nothing? You stuttered, clearly something is up. I may be an idiot, but not that much of an idiot." He moved his other hand to Adrien's cheek, feeling how hot it was.
Adrian whined softly in the back of his throat, turning so most of his face was hidden in Alex's hand. He was the one pouting now, and it felt so out of place on his lips that he almost laughed. "You are too that much of an idiot," he muttered, no heat in his words. "You were stuttering three seconds ago, Mr. I'm not adorable."
"Am I now?" He raised a brow, "You call me adorable but look at you. If it was a competition you'd win by a country mile." He turned Adrien's head so they could look each other in the eye, "So, you gonna tell me what's going on?"
Adrien was pretty sure he squeaked, but he really couldn't be sure because Alex was hot and sweet and he had his hands all over Adrien ad now he was calling him cute. He definitely made some kind of noise when Alex forced him into eye contact. "Is no an option?"
Alex chuckled, the sound more of a rumble coming from deep in his chest then anything else, "No is not an option cutie. Come on, tell me what's up." Was it flirting? Maybe. If it was Alex didn't care, he wasn't lying when he said he thought Adrien was cute.
God, even his laugh was nice. Was there anything about Alex that didn't make Adrien wanna kiss his stupid face? He felt a little more settled now that they were bantering, but he still managed to flush a whole new shade of red when Alex called him cutie. "Fuck… Alex, can I make no an option?"
Alex shook his head, the smirk still plastered across his face as he laughed again, "No, you cannot. You have to tell me what's going on in the pretty little head of yours." He gave Adrien's side a small squeeze, bottom lip catching between his teeth for a fraction of a second.
Adrien gave him a sulky glare without any real heat behind it– probably because it was all flooding to his cheeks– and did his best to regain his composure. He wasn't used to compliments and cuddles, though he couldn't say he was opposed to either when they came from Alex, and he was starting to think he'd never stop being flustered.
His eyes flicked rapidly from Alex's lip to his eyes to his hands, and then he was letting his head fall against the world walker's shoulder with a loud sigh. "Jesus, Alex, I don't… I don't know if you'll be super happy with what's going on up there."
Alex wrapped the arm that was sitting on Adrien's waist all the way around, pulling him flush against his chest. His other hand moved to start playing with Adrien's hair, gently running his hand through the soft locks, "Won't I? Well, you'll never know if you don't say it, will you?" He bit his lip again, trying to stop his smile.
Adrien wrapped his legs around Alex's waist, making himself comfortable in his new position while he struggled to find the right words. He groaned when Alex started playing his with hair, wishing he'd stop being so damn sweet for like 5 minutes so he could maintain a little more emotional distance. "Stop making sense, you asshole. Promise you're not gonna be upset?"
Alex made sure his hands didn't drift any lower, keeping them steady on Adrien's waist. Even though a part of him wanted to, he still had some level of respect and decency. Besides, even though the two were… flirting, he didn't know how far it was going to go, but he wanted to know, "I promise. Walker's honor." He replied.
Adrien gave one last sigh before he pulled away and looked Alex in the eyes. "Alright, fine, I'll spill my fucking guts but first you gotta do your little head and heart thing so I know you're not gonna beat me up or something. 'Cause this is… important. And I need some guarantees."
Alex chuckled, shaking his head slightly but he moved the hand that wasn't wrapped around Adrien, "I promise I won't get upset about whatever you're about to say." He said, moving his hands to his head and then his heart. If it was important, he wanted to know what was going on now.