forum The World Walker - a reboot ((one-on-one//closed//gay))
Started by @ElderGod-Carrots

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Adrien relaxed, slumping up against Alex's chest with a soft sigh. "Okay. Um… thank you, for that." He was stalling but he didn't know what else to do. "I'd just like to say that I know we didn't get along super great at first, so I totally get it if you feel the need to, like, shove me or something, and I'd also like to remind you that the coffee table has very sharp corners so I'd prefer to be pushed sideways onto the couch."


Alex rolled his eyes, placing his hand under Adrien's chin, lifting it up so he could look at his face, "Tell me what's going on Adrien. Stop stalling cutie, talk to me." It was more of a command then anything, but his voice was still soft as he spoke.

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Adrien let out a rather undignified squeak when Alex lifted his chin, flushing a delicate shade of pink. "I am talking to you," he protested weakly, curling his hands up in the collar of Alex's shirt. "And anyways, you said you liked it when I babbled, but… if you really want me to cut to the chase, I… um…" He swallowed, fiddling with Alex's shirt nervously. "IthinkImighthavelittlebitofacrushonyou."


Alex raised a brow, not thinking he had heard Adrien correctly. He knew he had, but, to be a little bit of an asshole he said, "What was that? I think you might have to say that again but slower this time." He smirked slightly, heart rate picking up. He couldn't help but feel.. happy? They'd only just met but somehow Adrien admitting he had a slight crush on the world walker made him happy.

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Adrien smacked him on the chest with a relieved laugh, reaching a hand up to shove his hair out of his face. "Oh my god, you're such an ass! I said I might have a fucking crush on you, dickwad, wipe that smirk off your face."


Alex laughed, the smirk turning into a grin at Adrien's reaction, "Whatcha gonna do about it cutie?" He teased. His eyes almost seemed brighter now, if you looked really hard enough one would notice. As well as the dimples in his cheeks from his grin.

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(Just remembered, but Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays!)

"Fucking smack you, is what I should do" Adrien grumbled good-naturedly, unable to stay made when Alex was looking at him like that. He was smiling too, soft and fond as his eyes scanned over the world walker. "But I'm not a monster, I could never lift a finger against those dimples."


(Merry Christmas to you too!)

Alex tried to force a frown to hide the dimples, but failed, sighing softly, “Fine fine. I mean, you could hit me, with or without the dimples. Good to know you have some kind of barrier to abuse.”

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Adrien huffed out a laugh. "I'm wounded, Alex. I'm perfectly fucking sweet to you, take right now as an example." He shifted a bit in Alex's lap, wrapping his legs more tightly around the World Walker's waist and pulling him a little closer by the collar of his shirt. His face was barely an inch away from Alex's. "All affection."


Alex raised a brow, holding him a little tighter, “Maybe so, but a minute ago you were day you should hit me. The only thing stopping you was the dimples,” He leaned in a little more, basically talking into Adrien’s lips at this point, “How is threatening me being affectionate?”

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A shiver zipped down his spine when Alex leaned closer and Adrien knew he could feel it, pressed together the way they were. He licked his lips before he spoke, looking up at Alex through his lashes. "Maybe threats are just how I show my affection, did you ever think of that?"


“Maybe. Or you just need to get better at expressing how you’re feeling in a none violent matter,” Alex replied. He couldn’t hold himself back any longer, “Like so.” He gently pressed their lips together, closing his eyes. Soft and sweet. Slow, yet still full of passion and emotion at the same time.

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Adrien got out half a laugh before Alex swooped in and he melted into the kiss. He tilted his head for a better angle, yanking Alex closer by the collar of his shirt as he did his best to match him beat for beat. There had been a few other boys in his life, but none of them had ever kissed him like this. "… wow," he murmured when they finally pulled apart, breathless. "That was… really something."


Alex let his grip on Adrien loosen ever so slightly, still keeping him close with no intention of letting him go any time soon, “Was it a good something or bad something?” He asked. The world walker was slightly worried he’d done something wrong, but most of him knew that he hadn’t and he should stop worrying about everything.

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Adrien laughed, reaching up to brush a lock of hair from Alex's eyes. "Of course it was good, oaf. You think I'd go all starry eyes over anything less than amazing?" He was grinning, sharp and playful, as he tugged the World Walker down for another kiss.


Alex didn’t get a chance to reply before he was kissing Adrien back, shifting on the couch so he was lying down and the human was lying on top of him. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d enjoyed something like this. He didn’t want to remember, to be honest. He just wanted to focus on Adrien.

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Adrien's knees dug into the couch on either side of Alex's hips, hands reaching up to cup his face as he braced himself up on his elbows. It was a little awkward, but Adrien was too lost in Alex to care. It had been a long time since he'd been kissed and he took his time with it, exploring Alex with his mouth.


Alex let one of his hands drift ever so slightly lower, towards Adrien’s ass, the other staying firmly on his hip. He gladly let the other explore his mouth, having not kissed someone in a long time he savoured the feeling. Alex didn’t know when they’d get a chance to kiss Adrien again, but he hoped it would be soon.

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Adrien pulled away slightly to grab Alex's hand and set it firmly on his ass, giving him a significant look before he dove back into the kiss. He wanted to be touched and he liked Alex, why shouldn't he let the World Walker cop a feel or two?


Alex smirked into the kiss, grabbing at Adrien's ass firmly. The other hand drifted up to his neck, grabbing at the curls that lay there. The kiss became more passionate, Alex pushing harder against the other's lips.

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Adrien pressed his smile against Alex's mouth, arching his back into the touch with an appreciative moan. When Alex pushed harder he did too, arms sliding down to pool around the Walker's neck as he nipped at his lips.


Alex let out the slightest groan, knowing that the two of them should stop before they got too carried away. And yet he couldn't bring himself to do so. Both hands moved down to Adrien's ass, grabbing, touching, feeling.

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Adrien let another soft sound fall from his lips, pulling himself out of the kiss so he could talk. He looked roughed up in the best way possible, curls mussed from Alex grabbing at them and lips red from kissing. His blush was steadily creeping down his neck, painting him the most lovely shade of pink. "How… how far do you…?"


Alex gave Adrien's ass another squeeze, "Now… now isn't the best time to go.. further then this…" He mumbled, starting to kiss a line down Adrien's jaw and to his neck, intending to leave a prominent mark there. Even if a part of him wanted to go further, they shouldn't, not now.

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Adrien whined softly, pushing back against Alex's hands. "I want to," he murmured, biting his lip when Alex started kissing him. He craned his neck eagerly, the graceful curve of his throat exposed for Alex to mark up. "Don't… don't you?"