forum The Jock and the Nerd—Soulmates?!?
Started by @Rvan group

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@Rvan group

Hunter smiled, feeling that foot and nudging it with his own foot. A little bit of a smirk came on his face as he grabbed a pair of chopsticks, “Teach me, oh great sensei,” Hunter said with a grin, holding on chopstick in each hand.

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Milo laughed a little and smiled. "So… um-" Milo got up from his chair and went next to Hunter, "you gotta hold them like this." He explained as he put both chopsticks in Hunter's hand and positioned them just right. It may have just been an excuse to hold Hunter's hand, but hey, it helps.

@Rvan group

Hunter molded his hand to grab the chopsticks how Milo guided him. “Now, how do I eat with this?” He asked with a chuckle, also maybe taking the opportunity just to be close to Milo. Really, how could Hunter not be expected to take every opportunity he could to be close to his soulmate?

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"Well, um, you kinda pinch your fingers together like this," Milo explained as he guided Hunter's fingers. He smiled as Hunter worked out the action. "It definitely takes some practice, but I think you're getting it!"

@Rvan group

“Mmhmm,” Hunter hummed his response, pinching the chopsticks. Once he had gotten a hang of that, he turned all his attention to Milo and stole a kiss on his cheek. He reached over and pulled Milo’s chair right up next to his. “I think I still need your help,” Hunter said, but it was clear the ‘help’ he needed wasn’t related to the chopsticks. He really just wanted to be close to his perfect soulmate.

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Milo smiled, happily sitting next to Hunter. He picked up his chopsticks again and started eating. He could only not eat the food right in front of him for so long. He leaned on Hunter's shoulder, still eating.

@Rvan group

Hunter smiled at his lovely soulmate and chowing down too, trying to use his chopsticks. He was successful the first couple tries, but he decided it was too slow since he was inexperienced and switched over to a simple fork. “You’re adorable when you eat, you know,” Hunter murmured with a grin as he took a large bite of that delicious food, which practically melted in his mouth it was so good.

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Milo's cheeks went pink. Then a smile grew on his lips. "Oh man, I love you so much…" He said softly. There was no other way he could truely express his feelings.

@Rvan group

Hunter grinned, “I love you too. I can’t wait for our dance.” He couldn’t wait to wrap his arms around Milo and sway with him with the music. Hunter didn’t care what anyone else thought, they were soulmates. Hunter wouldn’t let the people around him stop him from dancing with the love of his life.

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"Oh me neither. I'm excited to get suits together! I almost want to be done eating and just go straight to that." Milo said while smiling at Hunter. He had set down his chopsticks since he was actually full.

@Rvan group

“We could just take this to go, if you’d like?” Hunter offered softly with a smile, “We can eat it while we walk and try on suits.” Hunter had no quarrels with the idea of just taking it to go, he’d be happy to eat as he waited for Milo to change into a suit—he wanted to see how his boyfriend looked once changed, after all.

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"Yeah, that's a good idea. I'm full anyway. So it's all yours." Milo said as he stood up. He helped put things away and in a bag so they could move on.

@Rvan group

“I’ll go get to go boxes, I’ll be right back,” Hunter smiled, kissed Milo on the forehead, and stood, then walked to the counter and grabbed a to go box. He walked back and put there food into boxes, grabbed a plastic fork to go, and smiled brightly at Milo, “Alright love, ready to go?”
(Also I one hundred percent forgot, did they pay at the counter when they ordered or have they not paid yet?)

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(Yeah they paid at the counter already lol)

"Definitely!" Milo said, his smile mimicking Hunter's. He laced his fingers with Hunter's as they started walking. "So I have no idea where anything is or what are good suits or anything…"

@Rvan group

Hunter was happy to intertwine his fingers with his soulmate’s. “I know a decent place,” He told him as he led Milo through the mall. He brought him to a nice place, filled with mannequins wearing different styled suits. “Voila,” He said with a smile, walking in.

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Milo looked around with wonder in his eyes. There were black tuxes, pastel blue, dark red, and floral suits. It was insane. "Wow. So what color or style you do you wanna go for?" He asked, pulling Hunter with him as he went deeper into the store.

@Rvan group

“I want to get something light. Something my chest can shine through,” Hunter said proudly. He wanted to show off his soulmate bond, to wear a thin clothed suit so his light would shine through. “You pick out the color. Although… well, I don’t think I’d look good in those floral ones,” Hunter said with a chuckle, eyeing some of the suits on the mannequins.

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"Ah man, that was my first choice!" Milo said with a laugh. He lightly pulled Hunter around as he looked at all the options. "On a more serious note, I think maroon or violet would be cool." He said, pointing to one then the next.

@Rvan group

Hinter laughed, “Well, I think both would look stunning, so you simply must try them on,” Hunter told him with a grin, totally not wanting to see what Milo looked like in tons of adorable outfits.

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"Okay, I'll try them and if there are any more you really like then give them to me," Milo said as he let go of Hunter's hand to go try suits on. He looked through them to find his size and took them off the racks. He then went to the fitting rooms. He hung them on hangers and tried on the Maroon one first. He opened the door and walked out, looking at Hunter with a smile as he did.

@Rvan group

(Oops sorry)
Hunter beamed when he saw Milo walk out, taking a moment to check his soulmate out. “Gosh you’re so adorable and handsome in a suit,” He purred with a grin, walking closer. He slid a hand on his waist, taking a moment to day dream about how they would dance together.

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(It's all good!)

Milo smiled shyly, a little blush filling his cheeks. "Thanks." He said as he leaned his head against Hunter, doing a similar thing. "Er, so let me go try the other one on then we can decide, yeah?" He asked, looking up at Hunter.

@Rvan group

Hunter nodded, living for that adorable blush on his soulmate’s cheeks. “I won’t move a muscle, okay love?” Hunter told him with a small smile, lifting a hand to run it through Milo’s hair once.

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Milo smiled and went to try on the other suit. He changed into the violet one and looked in the mirror for a second before opening the door and walking out to show Hunter. He couldn't stop smiling and randomly decided to do a little spin as he approached him.