forum The Jock and the Nerd—Soulmates?!?
Started by @Rvan group

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"Ah, I'll let you choose since you've already done so much for me, so you get to choose first," Milo said happily as they approached the door.

@Rvan group

Hunter opened the door for the both of them, pulling Milo along with him happily. “Alright then, but you’re choosing second,” He told him with a grin, then walked in a particular direction. It wasn’t long before Hunter brought them to the food court. “What kind of food do you want?”

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Milo looked around the food court. "Hmm well, I'm not sure, breakfast or lunch, Cinnabon or Panda Express??" He said, "Oo or we could do both?? I'm not sure." He looked up at Hunter with a happy and unsure look.

@Rvan group

“Both. Both is good,” Hunter said with a grin, “You lead the way, love.” He was just so happy seeing Milo’s adorable face, jut being with him, just talking to him. He loved it. Hunter loved him.

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Milo started walking to Panda Express, lightly pulling Hunter along with him. They got in line and he scanned the menu. He leaned against Hunter as they waited.

@Rvan group

Hunter happily followed his soulmate, more content to stare at him than the menu. “What’re you thinking about getting, love?” He murmured softly, putting an arm over his soulmate’s shoulders.

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"Hmm, I think I want Honey Walnut Shrimp and some Chow Mein. What about you?" Milo asked as they took a step forward in the line.

@Rvan group

“I think I’ll get the same as you,” Hunter told him with a grin, pecking him on the cheek. He simply couldn’t resist, though he knew he needed to hold himself back since they were in public.

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"You wanna share so we have room for something else?" Milo asked, smiling at the kiss. They finally reached the register.
"Hello, what can I get for you two?" Asked the lady behind the counter.

@Rvan group

Hunter nodded, then ordered for the both of them, “Honey Walnut Shrimp and Chow Mein, please,” Hunter said with a small smile, more directed at Milo than the person that was taking their order.

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Milo smiled back and moved to the side so the next person in line could order. He leaned into Hunter's side as they waited.

@Rvan group

Hunter loved this. “I’m glad we’re together now,” He mumbled softly, smiling brightly. “I don’t care who sees us anymore.”

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"Oh man, I'm so glad you said that. It makes me so happy." Milo said very happily. He went up to give Hunter a small kiss, a smile on his lips the whole time.

@Rvan group

Hunter kissed him back, a smile on his own lips. “You make me happy, Milo,” He murmured softly. “I can’t wait for homecoming now. I know it’ll be fun, since I’ll be with you.” Hunter kissed Milo’s forehead with a huge grin.

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"Yeah, it'll be a lot of fun. I've never been to a dance before, so I'm really happy that my first one if with you." Milo said softly, but excitedly.

@Rvan group

Hunter grinned, “I’m happy you said yes.” He loved Milo. Gosh he really really loved him. It was this wonderful feeling in his chest, to care for and love someone.

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"Of course I would say yes! There's no reason not to say yes." Milo said, looking up at Hunter with a smile. A satisfied and happy breath left his mouth, "I love you, Hunter."

@Rvan group

Hunter beamed. “I love you too. I love you so, so much.” Hunter planted a big kiss on Milo’s lips, beaming even more as he pulled away. Hunter’s chest matched his smile, glowing brightly with joy and pride.

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(I'm sorry I won't be responding until Saturday, possibly Sunday. I'm very busy this week/weekend, but I'll be fairly free after that. Again, I'm sorry for being gone for a while.)

@Rvan group

(No need to be sorry man!!! I got tons of hw anyways so I haven’t been able to respond to many of my rps to begin with lol, take all the time you need :)

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(Um… hello, lol. I'm so sorry for the extended break/inactivity. I had an unexpected hiatus, but I am, hopefully, back for a while!)

Milo heard their order and went to the counter to grab it. He turned back to Hunter so they could find a place to sit.

@Rvan group

(You’re totally good man, I’m super busy rn anyways, I’ll prolly be on more later in the month when winter break comes)
(Also for their upcoming school dance/homecoming football game, can the dance come before the game, because I may or may not have an idea for the game that might influence their relationship a bit so it might be better if they go out to the dance first)

Hunter smiled happily, moving to the closest table and pulling out a chair for his beloved. “This table good?” He asked softly with a lopsided grin. Gosh they could be sitting in a dumpster for all he cared and he’d still love it, all because he was with Milo.

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(Thank you!! Yeah I totally get that.)
(And I'm totally down with that!)

Milo smiled back and sat down. He placed the food on the table and grabbed one of the pairs of chopsticks. He loved chopsticks, obviously not as much as he loved Hunter though.

@Rvan group

Hunter slid into his seat, admiring Milo for a little bit before pulling out a fork. “How on earth do you eat with those?” He asked with a chuckle, pointing at the chopsticks with his fork. Hunter’s talent was in football, certainly not in eating with two sticks.

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"I guess I just do? I love chopsticks so I used them a lot. Don't ask me why I like them, I don't have an answer." Milo said before he took a bite of the chow mein. He moved his foot to touch Hunter's under the table.