He sat down, taking another sip of his coffee.
"Good." she smiled over at Sophie again.
He sat down, taking another sip of his coffee.
"Good." she smiled over at Sophie again.
Jade smiled as he joined her, though she still waited to serve herself. It seemed rude to just take the food so soon.
“Though I have to admit… I don't remember how we got back from the bar.” Sophie laughed, blushing a little.
Killian smiled at her, serving the food.
She laughed as well. "Yeah, me either, really."
“Thank you.” she smiled, reaching for the peanut butter.
Sophie shook her head, still laughing a little. “I think I remember dancing at some point…”
He smiled back, and waited for her to be done with the peanut butter.
She nodded faintly. "Yeah, I…I think that's right."
Jade only put peanut butter on one of the pancakes and just poured maple syrup on the rest. But she smiled as she handed the jar back to him.
“I hope I wasn't too embarrassing.” Sophie chuckled again, blushing at the thought… Though, honestly, it took a lot for her to get embarrassed.
He smiled back, spreading it over his pancakes, then taking the syrup when she was done.
"I don't know. Probably not." she replied with another smile.
Jade hummed softly as she tried a bite of the peanut butter pancake. “Surprisingly good.” she admitted, nodding a little.
“Well, it seems like I kept my clothes on so it couldn't have been too bad.” Sophie shrugged with a small laugh.
He smiled again. "See?" he replied, taking a btie of his own pancakes on.
She laughed, shrugging her shoulders. "Couldn't have been too bad." she agreed.
Jade nodded, letting him have his ‘I-told-you-so’ moment, as she took another bite.
Sophie smiled at her laugh, a little relieved that she didn't mind her blunt flirtations.
He kept eating, now too focused on his food to speak more.
She had finished her food, and leaned back in her chair, closing her eyes for a moment.
Jade chuckled a little at his focus on the food, not that she was judging or even minded. It was actually kinda cute.
Sophie sighed as she finished her plate, and relaxed. This had turned out to be a really great date. “I’m glad Jade introduced us.”
His gaze flicked up to her curiously, then returend back to his food again.
She stayed still for a few moments, quiet.
Jade just smiled at him when he looked at her and went back to her own food.
Sophie blushed a little at the silence but just closed her eyes and didn't move from her seat yet.
He kept eating.
Raven opened her eyes after a moment, glancing over at the time.
Jade hummed a little as she enjoyed her plate of pancakes and the coffee.
Sophie sighed a little and sat up to gather her dishes.
He sipped at his coffee again, quiet.
She looked up at Sophie.
Jade smiled a little, looking up at him.
Sophie caught her gaze a smiled back before walking towards the sink.
He smiled a little bit back.
Raven offered up a quick smile, running her hands through her hair.
“You know you're a pretty good cook.” she smiled, dragging a cut of pancake through some of the syrup on her plate.
“So… Do you have to be anywhere or do anything?” Sophie asked as she put her dishes in the sink.
"Thanks." He replied, taking another bite of his food.
"Mm…I don't think so. Do you?" She responded.
Jade smiled again and nodded. “Do you cook often or am I just lucky?”
“No. Today's my day off.” Sophie admitted. “Probably part of the reason why I got a little carried away last night.”
Killian shrugged. "Both? I don't know."
"Ah, I see, I see." she replied, smiling lightly.
Jade chuckled a little, not making fun of him… more like she had just been teasing. “Well, this really is delicious.” she assured him honestly.
Sophie shrugged a little and walked back to the table. “Wonder how Jade is doing. Normally, she's stumbling into the kitchen when she smells the coffee.”
He smiled. "Thanks, Jade." he replied.
"Oh. Hm. Maybe she's sick?" Raven suggested with a shrug.
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