She nodded, turning her attention to the road ahead.
She nodded, turning her attention to the road ahead.
Sophie gripped Raven’s hand as they watched the traffic before running across the road once there was a large enough gap to cross.
Raven laughed as they ran across the road, smiling.
Sophie laughed with her as they safely reached the other side of the street.
She smiled over at Sophie.
Sophie smiled back, still laughing a little. “You ok? I didn't pull your arm too hard?”
"I'm perfectly alright."
“Good.” she smiled. “Times like that make me glad I don't have super speed.” she chuckled.
She laughed. "Yeah, that could have been painful."
“And not quite as fun.” she nodded. “Plus… there are times when being fast isn’t always a good thing.” she added with a knowing smirk and a little wink.
She laughed again. "Ah, too true."
Sophie laughed, glad that Raven didn't mind her little innuendo, as they continued walking towards the park.
She was smiling as they continued walking, glad Jade had set them up like this.
Sophie was definitely going to find a way to pay Jade back for this date. Raven was a very enjoyable person to spend time with… and having a shared interest in relationships and partners was a nice added bonus, she had to admit.
Raven was having an excellent time so far, and hoped she would be able to get to know Sophie better in the future.
Sophie also shared that feeling of wanting to get to know Raven better. Though she had a few secrets that she wasn't eager to share though she expected everyone, even Raven and Jade, had some as well.
Of course Raven had secrets; she had quite a few, really.
Sophie didn't know what kind of secrets Raven had but she considered hers to be quite a whopper. Not even Jade knew about it… and it was probably for the better that she didn't.
Raven glanced over at Sophie, smiling softly.
(it's not actually that big of a deal considering the story, Sophie is just a little clueless 😉😉😉)
Sophie smiled softly back as they approached the fountain.
(hdsfjhbh still)
Her gaze flickered over to the fountain.
(glad I can build up the suspense 😆)
Sophie appeared to visibly relax more when she turned to look at the fountain. “Beautiful, isn't it?”
She nodded, examining the fountain quietly. "It is."
(just hope the reveal isn't a letdown…)
“Honestly, I love coming here.” she admitted, sitting on the edge of fountain.
(haha it'll be fine)
"Yeah, it's really pretty."
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