forum The Devil and His Beasts//OxO//CLOSED
Started by @GoblinKing

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Abe was hit two or three more times, but his speed allowed him to dodge the brunt of the attacks. He didn’t bother dignifying Kade’s question with a response. Why would he? He was too busy trying not get a broken nose. The Blackteeth were still cheering, one of the loudest sounds in the room. Abe was quick on his feet the second he saw Kade falter to land a sharp right-hook to his jaw.


Kade staggered back with the hit. He had just been warming up, but now this guy reall wanted to fight. Well, Kade would show him how the Devils opperated. He smiled and spit out a bit of blood. "Nice hit." He aimed a hit at the guy's face. He had noticed earlier that the werewolf didn't protect hs stomach enough, so by aiming for his face, he could catch him off guard with another punch to his stomach.


Abe staggered backwards with the blow to his face, hitting right in the nose. Black blood dripped onto the floor below. “Shit!” He barked, wiping his nose and backing up. He prayed that he didn’t fuck up his strategy by landing a hit, but changes were he didn’t. Either way, Kade couldn’t keep this energy level up forever. He adjusted his footwork to keep him quick moving and on balance while he continued to try and dodge blows.


Kade was a whirlwind of motion. While he was one of the fastest in the pack, not to mention the strongest, this guy was faster. He used all his strength behind his blows, because if he could get in a good hit, it would be over for that Blackteeth wolf.

He was losing energy fairly quickly, which probably wasn't a good thing. But he powered on, aiming a punch at the guy's throat.


Abe ducked to the side, catching the tail end of Kade’s punch. It knocked him to the ground, landing hard on his tailbone with a sharp uff!. “Goddammit!” He grunted, stumbling to his feet and taking a couple steps back.
He snarled something incomprehensible, lunging forward at Kade and attempting to knock him down. Abe’s fist attempted to connect with Kade’s sternum.


Kade dodged out of the way just in time, but only part of the way, and got a punch to the side, instead. He gasped, trying to get a breath of air in his lungs, already out of breath from his quick attacks. "Nice job," he said, smirking, trying to sound like he was fine.


“You ain’t foolin’ anyone with that talk.” Abe grunted, swinging again. It seemed like Kade was winded enough, and that would soon give away to pure tiredness. He released a small flurry of quick blows, small, yet delivered with a trained precision and speed. Clearly he was playing his strengths in this situation- it would be stupid for him to not.


Kade blocked most of the hits, not bothering to speak. It would be too much of a drain on his already weakening energy. He held up his arm to block a hit to his face, and missed one aimed at his stomach. The air went out of him with a whoof, and his opponent took the chance, attacking him even harder. He was fast, Kade had to admit.


It was clear Abe was fighting street rules. He slowed down, noticing Kade’s severe lapse of energy, now more focused on simply whaling on and beating the shit out of him. If Kade would tap, that would be that. Abe would stop. But he hadn’t yet, so Abe would keep smacking this kid around until either he tapped or Abe was pried off of him. They were viper strikes, these hits. Aiming for wildly different places to purposefully make it difficult to block.


Kade wouldn't yield. Even if it killed him, he wouldn't yield. He would fight until he dropped, and then some. He couldn't loose, no matter the cost. He needed to win. He was a newbie, and so if he lost, his reputation would flop, badly.

But this guy was smart. He had waited for Kade to expend his energy before using more precise attacks and hits. It was a good strategy, he had to admit, but he couldn't let it beat him. Summoning the rest of his energy, he lashed out, hitting his opponent on the jaw with as much force as he could, just as another hit knocked him down. He lay on the ground for a moment, panting, before pushing himself to his feet.


There as an audible noise as Kade's jaw connected with his jaw. Abe snarled, falling backwards before catching himself. "You're fucking losing, man! Just accept it!" He taunted, kicking Kade while he was down. The opportunity presented itself to Abe on a silver platter, so why not? He wanted to show he was ruthless. Dangerous. Losing would fuck him over badly, and he didn't need that.


“Never,” Kade snarled, trying to push himself to his feet, although his arms buckled, and he fell back with a grunt. Abe landed a kick to his mouth, and he fell back, spitting out a mouthful of blood. “I will never accept losing.”


"Clearly." Abe grunted. He landed a final kick to Kade, getting back down to his level to keep knocking him around. He had half a mind to choke him out, but.. not yet. "Bad idea, if you ask me." He chuckled, shooting a momentary glance at the older werewolf acting as a referee. Clearly Kade was going to lose. Why wouldn't he just call it already?


The older werewolf was watching with an amused expression. He had known Kade from birth, and it was amusing to see him being knocked around like this. He saw Abe’s expression and sighed. “Abe of Blackteeth Pack wins.”


Abe backed off almost as soon as the other finished his sentence, a jagged grin on his face. His victory was met with rowdy, howling cheers, especially from the three other fighters from his pack- Sid, Harley, and Johnny Mamba. He shot Kade a look, trying to decide whether or not to help him up. Nah. That was his packmates' job. Abe moved off the floor to meet his pack, who were ready with open arms to lovingly knock him around. They hadn't stopped their cheering, and they probably wouldn't for another few minutes.


Kade pried himself off the floor, spitting out another mouthful of blood. He shoved himself to his feet, ignoring the stares of his pack, who were never very sympathetic to begin with. He scowled, back straight, and walked out of the room, to go lick his wounds and regain some face. A hot anger flashed through him. Why should he lose? The Blackteeth Pack were so much kinder than his own pack, and they actually cared about their members, beyond winning or losing.


Abe sat on the dirty floor after being handed back his shirt. He used it to wipe the sweat off his face and neck before slinging it over his shoulder. The heat in the room was fairly intense, especially now that he'd gotten his blood pumping. It would be torture to try and put it back on right now. Maybe when they left, he would. Maybe.


With his quicker healing, the smaller scratches and bruises healed in about an hour, but there were some wounds that took longer to heal. For one thing, Kade was pretty sure a few of his teeth were loose, and one of his ribs was out of place. It was annoying.

He didn't like this feeling, of losing. He had been one of the strongest members of his pack, even at such a young age, and this was what happened. He really didn't want to face his pack again. There would be taunting and teasing, and he would have to push his way back up the ranks again. The prospect wasn't appealing.


Abe laid back on the floor, stretched out. The cheering had died down, that they were in that awkward phase between fights where the blood on the ground was beginning to dry in deep maroon patches. He picked at a forming scab on his hand. Thank God he won- losing was practically a death sentence in the Blackteeth. Even if you weren't ostracized, they'd work you to the bone until you were skilled enough in fighting to win.

He'd still have to train, obviously, but the spars wouldn't be so aggressive and frequent. He pushed himself up, off of the floor, worming through his swarm of packmates to leave the room. He needed fresh air. The smell of sweat and blood hung thick and heavy in the air, and it was becoming nauseating.


Kade leaned against the wall of the warehouse, taking a drag on a cigarette. He flicked some ashes off the end, absently watching an airplane fly past, lights flashing under it. He sighed. The cool air was a welcome relief to the hot of the warehouse, and it smelled slightly better too, more like dirt, and less like sweating bodies and blood.


Abe caught sight of Kade on the opposite wall. If he pretended he didn't see anything, maybe nothing would come of it. The dude was bound to be pissed at him, which was understandable, but clearly he had a huge-ass ego that wasn't happy about losing. He shut his as he leaned up against the wall, picking an empty beer bottle up from the grimy concrete. He gripped it by the neck. Outside, the sounds of sirens screamed through the streets.


"Not sure that's going to produce any beer anytime soon," Kade commented, seeing Abe, and noticing the empty bottle in his hand. "I mean, maybe if you wished hard enough, and poured some in there, it might happen." It was hard, swallowing back his arrogance enough so that he didn't kill anyone, but he managed. Somehow.


"Oh, funny!" Abe sneered with a roll of his eyes. Jesus, this guy was pissy. He moved his hand, smashing the base of the bottle of the wall. "Surprisingly annoying words for a man who just got his ass kicked. Watch yourself, Devil." Abe clearly still had an open disdain for the Dog City Devils.


"I know, I take pride in being funny," Kade said, shrugging. He didn't know why Abe was out here, but he wasn't going to act like a sore loser. He would show this asshole who was the man. "And being annoying, so thank you."


Abe rolled his eyes. "Yeah. Right." He snorted, looking away. He dropped the bottle, ducked back into the room with his packmates, and came back out holding a half-drunk bottle. He took a swig, walking past Kade and the shattered glass to check out something on the other side of the warehouse.