(Yeah, that sounds good! When do you think it should happen?)
(Yeah, that sounds good! When do you think it should happen?)
(Hmm… ooh, what if, maybe, every year, a few of the packs' most talented wolves have a competition to see who is better!)
(yeah, that’ll work! knowing the blackteeth, it would be exclusively fights for them, but you can mess around with the dcd)
(Okay! And maybe, there could be some medical competitions along the side? I dunno, I'm thinking maybe the fighting is the main part of the competition, but maybe there are some other side events? Just an idea!)
(sure! the only place that i can imagine this taking place would be a warehouse-like space? in jericho, there’s a small section of the city that’s just. packed with abandoned warehouses and buildings.)
(Ooh, yes! And maybe, each competition is held in a different building?)
(either that, or one of them is just huge and fucking jam-packed with werewolves- i think that opens a lot more doors for potential conflict, as well?)
(Ooh, yes, it would! I like that idea! Have any others, or do we want to start?)
(nope, we can start! do you want to tackle it, or should i?)
(Doesn't matter to me! I can, if you want, since you answered last.)
(That’d be cool, thanks!)
(Alright! Give me a sec, and I can get something up!)
The Dog City Devils had been acting wild almost the entire week. The competitions were coming up, with the Blackteeth Pack and the other smaller packs of Jericho City. And while they didn't always win, the DCD were confident that this year, they would win.
Because some of their most powerful pups had come of age. And with them, the DCD were sure to win.
No matter that the other packs had some pretty good medics, or good trackers and hunters. The DCD found pride in brute force, not sissy talents, and they carefully cultivated and trained their members to be the most powerful werewolves out there. The stronger, the better.
And Kade just so happened to be one of their strongest.
Kade stood in the corner of the DCD's pack room in the empty warehouse chosen for them. The other pack members were gathered together, a rare sight in the best of times, talking and laughing and brawling. There was a bar set up in the corner, and alcohol was being passed out freely. The pack was getting very drunk, making bets with each other. It was loud. Too loud, in his opinion.
It was his first time fighting in the competitions, and he was a bit nervous. Not that he would ever admit it, no, but his entire pack's hopes rested on him. Well, and a couple other wolves, too, but mostly him.
He didn't think he'd be able to do this.
But it was okay. If he lost, they probably wouldn't kill him.
The Blackteeth were in the main area of the warehouse, howling and fucking around like they always did. They had a good chance of winning this year, like always. The Blackteeth were notorious for their strength and animosity. For their hunting abilities, swift and brutal.
Abe leaned against the wall, cheering on Harley and Sid- two wrestling packmates who were clearly near their shift, judging by their spike in aggression and strength. Perfect timing, too. He took the final swig off his Heineken, smashing the empty bottle’s base against the concrete wall of the warehouse to form a makeshift weapon, just in case. His pale eyes scanned the room.
He would be one of their fighters that year. What he lacked in brute force he more than made up for in stamina and an uncanny ability to play the underdog, only to burst back up to the top. This would be his first year fighting. If he lost, he’d be fine. Everyone lost their first year (unless you were Harley, who had a strength to rival Hercules’).
The fighting was starting soon. Kade could tell that by the way the wolves were getting roudier and were slowly trickling out of the room set aside for them. He picked up a cup of beer that had been set down, gulped it down, and followed. The alcohol burned as it went down, but it made him feel less nervous. He could do this. He would win. After all, he was one of the best, wasn't he?
He followed the other members of the pack to an empty room with bleachers set up, like a stadium. He stood in the corner, where the ones fighting would wait until they were to fight. The other packs slowly trickled in, and a couple of other guys joined him in the corner.
The Blackteeth moved as a group. They all poured into the room at once, sending a sudden shock of energy and noise through the room. Abe and the other fighters (Sid, Harley, and Johnny Mamba) split away, moving towards their own corner and trying to figure everything out. There was no set order to who’d be fighting who, only that Harley would be getting the strongest-looking and Abe would get up first.
Kade faintly recognized one of the guys from Blackteeth. He bared his teeth. Hopefully he wouldn't have to fight him.
Soon, all of the wolves had come into the room, and were sitting down and snarling at each other. An old man banged on a wooden box, and slowly, silence fell, although it took a pretty long while, with all the excitement and competition and tension in the air.
(Are our characters fighting against each other?)
(Abe and Kade? I was planning on it!)
Abe’s eyes scanned the room. And then he saw him. That trespassing asshole. He snarled softly back, feeling the hair on the back of his beck stand up. Hopefully that was the one Abe was matched with. He let him go the first time, and didn’t want it to happen a second.
He dropped into a crouch, waiting for the older werewolf to get on with it if he was gonna bang on the box so hard.
(Sweet! Just making sure! And, from his profile, I'm pretty sure Abe will win XD)
Kade waved mockingly at the Blacktooth wolf and glanced at the older man who had banged on the boxes.
"Welcome all," the older werewolf said in a bored tone, "to the thirty-second competition Jericho City has had with its werewolves. I see some new and old faces here, and, frankly, I don't care if we know each other or not. I don't want you coming up to me wanting to talk about the wars we faught in or something. I don't care. Don't talk to me."
Kade snickered. This guy certainly knew how to make the crowd quiet.
"Each pack will have some of their pups fighting. And I'm sure that you'll all enjoy watching that, but I want you to know that if you spill anything on the floor while you are cheering and acting like idiots and small children, you will be cleaning this warehouse with your tongue. Got it? Good. Now, we're going to have our first match if there isn't any questions. No? Good.
"First match, Kaden Vyldburn from Dog City Devil Pack and Abraham Walton from the Blackteeth Pack."
(I’m alright with that, lmao!)
The Blackteeth howled out their cheers with the rest of the werewolves, barking and snapping at the air. They were certainly a rowdy bunch.
Abe got to his feet, going ahead and stripping off his Led Zeppelin shirt to hand off to Sid for safekeeping. The loose fabric would’ve been nothing but trouble. His neck tattoo and lean muscle were in full view as he made his way to the arena area, stretching his arms above his head and cracking his knuckles. Even without a weapon, Abe looked dangerous.
He knew the rules to the fights well. There were none, other than the no-weapons policy. Everything was fair game. Street rules.
“Yo! Kick his ass, Lucky!” Harley woofed from the sidelines. Lucky. That was Harley’s nickname for Abe. “Kill that dog!” Of course he didn’t actually mean to kill him, but Abe replied with a lopsided, snarling grin and one of his pack’s famous hand signals, though it didn’t look like anything decipherable to the audience.
(So am I, although I'm pretty sure Kade will not be happy about that XD)
"What are you trying to do, show off?" Kade asked, baring his teeth in an amused smile. "'Coz that's kind of a dumb thing to do. It's not going to accomplish anything other than infliating your already-large ego." He had taken off his shirt, and his muscled abs were in full view. His muscles rippled as he stretched, tattoos moving over his skin like water.
He stood loosely, ready for the call to start. He looked like a killing machine, a wolf to Abe's more pup-like appearance. He had been bread for strength and skill, and was as powerful as he looked - if not more so.
(maybe not, lmao, but abe sure will!)
“Showin’ off is for pussies.” Abe grunted, rolling his shoulders. “I’m just loosening up.” His pale blue eyes were cunning as he scanned over Kade, already looking for any visible weaknesses in his opponent. “You gonna explain how my ego’s big or jus’ say it?”
Abe was more lithe than Kade, for sure. He was more of a whipcrack than a blunt hit, but that had its own advantages. He was trained for this hand to hand combat, trained in speed and strategy. Trying to beat his opponent down immediately wouldn’t work in this case- he needed to play the stamina game, slowly wear Kade out to tiredness and strike then. He rubbed his face, listening for the starting call.
(Oh, definately XD)
"Explain it. I don't think one of your pack is smart enough to understand." Kade shrugged.
He lashed out with his fists, moving quickly, strength evident in his every movement, to fight. In his experience, it was best to attack right away, to catch the opponent off guard.
(sorry i’ve only been responding pretty late as of recently, i’m trying to spend less time on my phone! but i’m definitely not abandoning this, dw!)
“Sounds like you think we’re stupid. Soundin’ just like all those humans. Don’t tell me you Devils are gettin’ all—“ Abe was cut off, perking up at the starting call.
Abe was caught off guard. For about half a second. Enough time for Kade to make contact with his shoulder. Abe managed to duck out of the way of his other blows, recognizing how Kade seemed to funnel most of his energy into strength instead of speed. That wouldn’t last long, he assumed. Continuous dodging would be his best course of action, then hit him with that flurry of hits.
(It's fine, I understand! I've been busy, too, and swamped by the 27 active roleplays I'm in XD)
Kade had caught him off guard, it was easy to see. Smiling wolfishly, he sent a flurry of punches at the other werewolf, trying to force him back. "What were you saying?" He asked, lashing out, trying to knock the other guy's feet from under him. "What about my pack?"
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