(uh.. bump?)
(uh.. bump?)
(Sorry, I've been busy! I'll do my best to get my boy up soon!)
(alright, thanks!)
NAME (FULL): Kaden "Kade" Vyldburn
AGE: 19
SEXUALITY: Super duper bisexual
SPECIES: Werewolf
(Sorry it took so long!)
(It’s all good, he’s great! Should I go ahead and get a starter up?)
(Yes please!)
That night was cold, damp, and viciously miserable, but the werewolf packs of Jericho were slinking around their turfs and territories like rats in a crusty bodega. Except for the Blackteeth, of course- they never slunk. They lurked through their territory. “The hounds from hell”, as the Morning Star News liked to call them (well- they called all werewolves that, but it seemed like the Blacktooth Walkers cared just a little bit more). It seemed like they never had anything nice to say about them.
It was in the lower west side (the “Tic Side” of Jericho, as it was known), on Roscoe Street that Abraham Walton, like a handful of other Blackteeth, was lurking in alleys, in the streets, on fire escapes. Trying to catch the idiots who came knocking around their territory without asking to come in. A dulled, dented, suspiciously-stained, metal Louisville Slugger bat rested at his side as his legs hung off the third lowest rung of the rusted-out fire escape. Cool rain trickled down from the inky blackness of the sky above like the tears of an unholy hooker as he tugged his jacket just a little bit tighter. A cigarette butt smoldered on the street. And a bird, struck dead by some unforgiving force, fell to the ground with a wet splat. Abe wrinkled his nose. Gross.
(bump. if you aren’t interested in this rp, tell me so that i can reboot with someone else. i feel like i’m being strung along here.)
(I'm so so sorry! I thought I responded! Just give me a sec, and I'll get a response up! I'm so, so sorry! I didn't mean to leave you hanging!)
(it’s fine, thanks)
Kade was annoyed. The rain poured down, soaking his clothes, plastering his hair to his forehead, and he was bleeding from several cuts all over him.
But those were minor annoyances.
He stood in front of a corpse. A corpse of a pack member of his, to be exact. The man, who Kade hadn't known well, as he lived across town, had been part of the Devil Pack, like Kade himself. This made him very annoyed. Something - or someone - was killing, or at least harming, pack members of his. And as a powerful member of the pack, Kade was in charge of investigating things like this. There had been no leads. None. Cero.
But the real reason that he was annoyed was because the body had just fallen from the sky, almost on top of him. He just wanted to go home and get something warm to drink, but now, he had to examine a body. He sighed and knelt down.
Abe took a breath, hopping off of the creaky fire escape in a practiced silence. His ears perked up at a sharp whistle coming from down the dim street. He knew what that meant. The young man snatched up his baseball bat, slipping into the shadows as he dan towards the noise. Trespasser. The word was ricocheting back and forth in his head like a ball in a bingo cage.
He stopped at a street corner, resting his bat on his shoulder as he looked for the whistling packmate. And bingo- there they were, crouched beside a dumpster. Staking out. Waiting.
Abe jolted his head towards the street as is to say ”Where?”. It was something Blackteeth were well-known for; their wordlessly efficient communication through hand signals and head tilts. On Bramble and Providence. A crossroads. Great for them- it wouldn’t be difficult to surround the unwanted guest. He sucked in a quiet breath, nodding and darting across the street, into a neighboring alley. To anyone looking on, it was just a flash of shadow. Something that could’ve been a trick of the light, but then again, Jericho was famous for its beasties. Probably just another ghost from the 60s.
(This feels dead. I’m gonna abandon this.)
(I mean… if you want to… I just have a lot going on… but if you want to, I guess I'll live.)
(Fuck. We can keep it going IG)
(Do you want to, though? We don't have to if you don't want to.)
(No, I do, lmao- I’m already kinda attached to this world and these characters, I’m not too fond of just letting them go to waste, yknow?)
(I know, I agree! I'm really sorry, I love this roleplay so much, but I've been super busy. I'll do my best to respond as often as I can, though!)
The man was dead, that was clear. He had been dead for a couple of hours, by the feel of his icy skin. Kade sighed and closed the man's eyes, picking up the body and throwing it over his shoulder. He gave a grunt at the weight, the effort not as tedious as it could have been, were he a normal person. But he was a werewolf, one of the strongest in the Pack, so it was fairly easy. Exceot that the guy was heavy.
"What were you eating?" He grumbled, shifting the weight of the body to a more comfortable position on his shoulder. He would dump the body in the graveyard. There, the burial wolves would get it. It was a short walk, but Kade was on edge. This wasn't his pack's territory, and, as far as he knew, he hadn't been spotted.
But he didn't know for certain.
And he had to be careful.
(Thank you!)
A few more flashes of shadow darted through the streets. And then there was the signal. The Blackteeth jumped Kade, tearing the corpse away from his and flinging it half a dozen feet away. Abe snatched up his bat, giving the trespassing werewolf a swift whack to the back of the knees, knocking them out from under him. The others were attempting to beat the everloving fuck out of him, throwing enough punches and bites and kicks that a hardcore asshole in a mosh would be jealous.
The group backed off after a moment, Abe dragging Kade up and snatching him up and into a chokehold. He kept his bat at the ready. “Who the fuck are you? Huh?” He barked, demanding answers. “Pack. Rank. Name. Now.” He snarled. The Blackteeth surrounded them in a tight circle. There were six there, maybe seven, including Abe. Almost half of the entire pack. Lurking. “You a fuckin’ Devil? Huh? The fuck are you doin’ here?”
(Of course! I've got to go for tonight, it's really late where I am, but I'll be back on in a few hours, I promise!)
Kade was taken by surprise. He hadn't been careful enough, and he had been caught unawares. He cursed himself. The bat knocked his knees from under him and he fell, the people raining blows on him. But they were werewolves, he realized, from their strength. One of them, a black brute, got him in a chokehold.
Kade snarled. He gripped at the arm holding him, nails tearing into the skin. "Who the fuck do you think I am? Some weak bastard?" Straining his muscles, he yanked the arm away from his neck and backed away, snarling. "And which pack do you think I belong to?" He yanked the sleeve of his shirt up, revealing his Pack tattoo.
"I was passing through, you bitches," he said with a snarl. "Taking care of a body. I'm allowed to walk some place, aren't I?" He was in a foul mood, and he ached all over.
(That’s no problem! Goodnight!)
Abe cursed sharply, the air and rain hitting his wound in what felt like the most painful way possible. “We think you’re some entitled fuckin’ Devil who can’t stick to his own territory! You got enough damn space, talk a walk there!” He barked harshly, his aluminum bat ready for another swing if need be. “And no, you ain’t allowed to be through here. We get jumped just the same for bein’ in your territory, don’t act like y’all are so peaceful.” Abraham growled, a deep, throaty noise that sounded absolutely feral, but he was cut off by a taller, more muscular werewolf in a pair of ratty jeans and a loose wifebeater.
“Take your fucking corpse and get outta here.” The taller werewolf woofed, gripping Abe’s shoulder. “Leave him alone, lucky. See him again and you can bash his brains in, but you need to be smart.”
Abe huffed out a ‘fine.’ He couldn’t help but jeer at Kade when he was walking away with the body. “Have a nice night, bootlicker!” A faint smack and an even fainter ‘ow, fuck!’ could be heard from the group of Blackteeth.
(I'm back! Sorry about taking so long!)
Kade snarled at the way that the other man talked to him, but he did as he was told. He noticed with saticfaction the deep gouges he had made in one of the wolves arms, baring his teeth in a pleased smile. He heaved the body over his shoulder and started off.
"I hope you made sure no one saw you attacking me," he called over his shoulder to them, as he vanished into the night. "It would be such a bother to have to clean up your mess."
He heard the smack, and, unseen by the other wolves, smiled in triumph. Just wait until he trespassed into their territory again. They wouldn't be able to catch him unawares again.
When he got to his territory, there was no one there to welcome him. It wasn't surprising, though. The pack was so far spread around the area that there was rarely two members in the same area for long. He sighed and walked down the road, the body of his pack member over his shoulder. It was late, and there were few people around, which made it easier for him not to be spotted. While he could get away with murder, with the police's help, he prefered not to if he could help it. Luckily, the only people out right now were the drunkards who wouldn't remember him at all.
He threw the body into the graveyard, not going in, but standing at the gate.
Two crooked, bent, evil-looking men appeared on the opposite side of the gate, in the graveyard side. Their eyes glowed bright red. The picked up the body, setn Kade a nod, and vanished into the shadows again.
(it’s all good, really! you gotta sleep n shit!)
Abe and the others turned tail and left, still armed to the teeth and wart. The other half of the pack would be on patrol by now, though. They passed by the liquor store with the burnt-out sign, the bodega that give them smokes in exchange for protection, the run-down apartment buildings with their cracked and chipped brick. Years of grime and other nastiness was thick on the once red, now an odd brown brick.
Abe climbed their fire escape, climbing through his open window to the apartment. It was two-room with a kitchenette and the smallest communal space in Jericho, but rent was cheap and they could split the rooms between boys and girls. Though that didn’t really happen. When you were packing more werewolves into a house that small, trying to organize wasn’t really an option.
He leapt from the window onto the couch, perching on the sofa arm. On the floor, where a coffee table would’ve been in a normal apartment, was a couple of wrestling Blackteeth. They were barking and snarling at each other, clearly at each other’s throats for no real reason other than boredom. He took a sip of the half-drunk beer on the floor by the couch, his eyes traveling up to the TV propped up on a few milk crates. MTV again. Playing some episode of Headbanger’s Ball. Normally he’d be interested, but he was just too keyed up at the moment. Abe looked over towards the front door, giving his packmates a short wave when they walked in, full of arguments and jokes and whatever else popped into their heads.
(Do I though…)
(Do we want to do a time skip? To sometime when they see each other again?)
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