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Started by @IcarusFightsTheSun book

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@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

(sigh googling vaporeon to know what it looks like will not hurt you.)
(Digging further down the page might, but Corgi doesn't need to do that to know what Axel is describing himself to look like)
(and yes, Wyrm, I'm aware. But it doesn't have to be this way ;)

@Serenity88 group

busts in damn what are ya'll yapping about… anyway, do we have like a scribe or somethin? cause we need to record soupings and recipes and Tales of the SoupStick Champion.

so my dad made a chicken pot pie (its a delicious classic southern food thing MURRICA) and he jokingly said he didnt think I could eat it with chopsticks. I was thoroughly peeved at how amateur he thought I was a in my chopstick mastery, so I got mad and accepted the challenge that was not a challenge, as you do. I didnt eat it with chopsticks… I took fork handles, holding forks backwards on my hands, and ate more than one bite of the chicken pot pie with them. challenge accepted, and completed with ease😎 this isnt the first time ive done something like this, either. I wanted to eat some pineapple but I didnt want to bother with unreliable plastic fork tines. so I held a plastic knife and fork backwards an used them as chopsticks, and was rewarded with several statements of my apparent insanity😁
does anyone have a challenge for me? serious question. ill get photo proof if ya want👍