forum RP//Gay//OxO//Closed
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Deleted user

"Don't worry about it darling it's perfectly fine." Avery answered. "Just a little surprised. Yes dear you now ask someone a question."
Noah got annoyed, but that's what Avery's personality was like. She was almost like a mother to the group but also the person who runs though girlfriends like no other. Noah knew she was lesbian but somehow it still hurt. I wasn't the first one to call him that. I feel non-important.


"Okay, um…" Lin looked around at the group of people. "What's your name, miss?" He asked the blonde girl.
"I'm Ellie." She replied, smirking a bit as she looked at him. "This is Liam, my boyfriend." Lin nodded a bit.
"Alright, Ellie. Truth or Dare?" He asked.
"Dare. I'm not a coward."
"Mmkay, just a sec…" Lin sat back, considering. Noah had thought his Dare idea back at the dorm was too innocent, so he wanted to come up with something good. "Alright… um… I dare you and Liam to switch clothes for the rest of the game."
(Feel free to control these two a bit as well lol)

Deleted user

Ellie's face flushed as she took Liam by the arm and dragged him to the bathroom. Noah smirked. "Nice one Lin." He laughed when they came out the bathroom. Liam was wearing a skirt and some leggings and a bra under the t-shirt. While Ellie was wearing Jeans that looked way too big and baggy shirt.
"Honestly, this underwear is very comfortable." Ellie was having fun though.
"Guys how good do I look. I could be a model." All of them laughed at beginning to pose is different stances.
"You're turn Ellie!" Noah yelled.


Lin grinned at the praise, seeming pleased with himself. He laughed a bit when Ellie and Liam came back out. "Make sure you don't stretch out my bra, Liam." Ellie stuck her tongue out a bit and sat back down, humming softly as she looked around at the others in the group. "Noah! Truth or Dare?" She asked, already smirking a bit. Lin looked over at Noah curiously.

Deleted user

Noah sat up straight a little surprised. "Dare! Ellie you're dares are so weak anyway. I can handle them." Noah smirked and grabbed a bottle of water from the center of the circle. He started to drink the water hoping it would be something easy.


Ellie stuck her tongue out a bit. "Fine, then. I dare you to play Seven Minutes of Heaven with Lin!" Lin seemed a bit confused for a minute until he remembered. "Oh! You said that's the one where we're supposed to make out, right?" Lin asked Noah innocently.

Deleted user

Noah spin out his water, making his face turn red, including his ear. Noah started to have a coughing fit also glaring at Ellie at the same time. "I'll get you back….for this." He shook his head trying to stop the burning sensation. Once Noah was done and finally stopped coughing he looked at line and then looked down at the ground. "W-Where?" He asked quietly. Noah realized he shouldn't have asked the question and just taken him to the nearest room. He finally wrapped his head around that fact that if he didn't do it his pride would go down and not to mention this was probably the only time he could actually get this close to Lin and it wouldn't be weird.


Ellie smirked a bit at Noah's reaction. "Whichever empty room is closest is fine. Or just a closet. I'm not picky."
"Okay! You'll have to show me how to play the game, Noah." Lin took Noah by the hand and led him into the nearest bedroom, humming contentedly to himself. "Okay! So what are we supposed to do now that we're in here?" He asked.

Deleted user

Noah was surprised at how excited he looked, but he knew it was just because of his curiosity. He leaned against the door. "Come here…" His face was beyond red at this point and he too embarrassed to even think of looking Lin in the eye. He locked the door behind him just to make sure no one would come in.
"You better be making out tin there!" Ethan called.
"Shut up!" Noah called. His voice was different from usual and his heart was beating so fast you could almost hear it.


"Are you okay?" Lin asked, coming closer to Noah when instructed. He obviously didn't really know what was about to happen. After all, he'd never kissed anyone before, much less make out with them. "Your face is really red." He gently reached up to touch Noah's cheek with his thumb, humming softly to himself.

Deleted user

"D-Don't…" Noah's heart was beating even faster. "Don't touch me like that." Lin's hand sent a sensation through Noah's body making it long for his touch. "It's unfair," He whispered. Noah grabbed the back of Lin's neck, carefully placing his lips onto his. Noah felt a butterfly throughout his entire body. He tilled his head just a little bit to deepen the kiss. Noah's right hand rested on Lin's shoulder while the other was running through Lin's hair. It was bad enough that Noah was only filling Lin's curiosity, but liking him as more than just a friend was a problem by itself.


"Ah-…" Lin seemed a bit unsure what to do when Noah kissed him, his heart skipping a beat as well. After a bit of uneasiness and confusion, he closed his eyes and just let Noah take the lead. "Mm…" He wrapped his arms around Noah's neck when his knees grew a bit weak. Even if he didn't know what he was doing and was letting Noah do a lot of the work, he seemed to be enjoying it nonetheless.

Deleted user

Noah grabbed his waist, turning him around and pushing him against the wall. Noah raised Lin's legs and placed them around his waist. He didn't break the kiss not even for a second. He wanted to roam his body, but he wasn't sure if he was allowed to. Fuck it! Noah took insistent and slipped his tongue through Lin's perused lips. He slowly slipped his hand under his shirt exploring and feeling around his chest and waist band. Noah began to kiss his neck leaving little purple spots on his neck.


Lin made a soft noise of surprise, trembling a bit as Noah pressed closer to him. He wasn't used to this at all, and he was pretty sure he could handle it, but he didn't think he'd be comfortable with Noah going any further. He felt… almost guilty. His heart pounded hard in his chest, and his breath caught in his throat. Is this good? Am I doing well enough for him? Is this what I'm supposed to do? He closed his eyes and just allowed Noah to continue doing whatever he wanted, although he winced a bit whenever Noah marked him.

Deleted user

Noah looked up held his waist. Noah then remembered that the boy in front of him wasn't fully gay. He snapped out of his daze and took his hands out of Lin's shirt. "I'm sorry I didn't realize what Ii was doing. I didn't even ask you. Are you okay?" The position they were in was bad enough anymore rubbing and he would have a problem in his pants. Noah tocuhed Lin's cheek.


Lin was very flushed and obviously a bit nervous, still trembling lightly. "Y-Yeah, um… I… I-I think I'm okay…" He hesitated before leaning into Noah's hand a bit, honestly not entirely sure what he was supposed to do at this point. "I-I'm sorry if I'm doing badly… I've never done something like this before and it's just… it's all really unfamiliar to me and I really don't know what I'm doing." He sighed shakily.

Deleted user

(Sorry I was watching Disney movie songs and seeing how well i knew the words)
Noah laughed a bit. "No, no you're doing great. Let me teach you instead of just doing it." Noah ran his thumb over Lin's lips. "Always keep your lips slightly parted, but not to wide.I'll do it on you hand first and then you can copy on my lips." Noah kissed his hand gently and looked back up to Lin. "Most importantly act on how you feel if you body is tell you more then just say it, if you're body is saying hey I don't like something then say you don't like and the other person, me in this case will try something else. For now try kissing me." Noah kissed Lin's forehead before closing his eyes and waiting.


(Np lol)
Lin nodded a bit and watched closely, wanting to learn as much as he could. He listened to everything Noah said, still seeming a bit apprehensive, but willing to give it a go. When Noah told him to kiss him, he hesitated before standing on his toes and doing as he was told, gently kissing Noah on the lips. "Was that good?" He asked, pulling away soon after.

Deleted user

Noah smiled and nodded. "Perfect. Mind it I show you something else?" Noah took Lin's hand and intertwined their fingers. Noah kissed him but this time slipped his touch inside the others. He took his time before slowly pulling away. "That was called a french kiss." Noah looked right into Lin's eyes, he almost wanted to just pin him down and… things.


"Ah-!" Lin seemed a bit surprised at that, his face flushing more. "The French are quite strange, aren't they?" He laughed nervously, offering Noah a sheepish smile. "I'm really not used to this kind of thing… um… the game is called Seven Minutes in Heaven, right?" He asked. "I presume that means we're supposed to do this for seven minutes… so how long has it been?"

Deleted user

"You don't have to worry about that they'll tell us when we're done. Before we go I want to tell you something. You only do these types of things with people you're dating. So don't go kissing be randomly unless you mean it. Otherwise it would be really unfair to me. Since I think of you as more than a friend." Noah Gave him a deep kiss on the lips before a loud knock could be heard.
"Alright, love-birds. You're time is up, I know you're clothes are probably half off right now, but no one wants to hear you two having sex-" Noah cut Ethan off by slamming the door in his face.
"Ellie, I will make you pay!" Noah cracked his knuckles walking out of the room.


"Oh, okay!" Lin nodded a bit in understanding and did his best to return the kiss, although he jumped a bit when Ethan knocked on the door. "I guess our time's up." He laughed softly and followed Noah out of the room, his cheeks still lightly flushed. Ellie smirked a bit when she saw their clothes were a bit disheveled.
"So, did you have fun~?" She asked teasingly. "Did you deflower him, Noah? Hmm?" Lin looked bewildered, glancing over at Noah.
"Deflower?" He repeated. "What does she mean, Noah?"
"God, he really is innocent, isn't he?"

Deleted user

"No, I didn't deflower him, Ellie. I'll explain it to you later when we're back are the dorm okay?" Noah looked back. "Tell me about it. It's probably just that he had no idea what any of the terms we use mean. He was home schooled. What do you expect?" Noah sat in the spot he was before while fixing his clothes. "You know I will make all of you pay. Like by the end of this round all of you will be sorry." He smirked.
"Anyway, you're turn Noah." Liam stated.
"Oh I know, Oh I know." He chuckled.