Heyo guys, so I have a few new characters that I need to flesh out and get used to writing, and I figured I'd do that with a roleplay!
Seeing as I need something relatively challenging to flesh out my characters I'm looking for more experienced writers, preferably people I've already rped with but not necessarily!
There's zero obligation in terms of plot, however whichever character I use they'll be fantasy, so I figure we'll discuss that when there are people involved.
Hey! I’ve got some characters I’d like to flesh out too, may I join?
Yes you absolutely may! We'll just wait for a couple more people, and if they don't come I guess it'll be a one on one! :)
Thanks! And alrighty, sounds good! :D
Could I maybe join? Because I love both of y'all's roleplaying styles XD
Yep, welcome! I think we can close it off here, if that’s good with you guys?
Have you got any genre preferences?
Great! I… really don't, so that's up to you guys
Alright, well if you guys want we can start with the templates (that I’m going to make quite lengthy, if that’s alright with you) and then see what we can do with our characters?
Makes sense, I’m alright with that!
Alright nice, I’ll get us the template!
Full name:
Eye colour/shape:
Skin tone:
Body type:
Hair style/colour:
Facial hair:
Identifying marks:
Usual outfit:
Mannerisms**: (posture, walk, speech, arms, when in a crowd, greetings, unconscious tics, behaviour when talking to someone, angry, hurt or sad, excited, emotional, most expressive part of their face)
Beliefs: (religion, politics)
What would completely break them?
Best thing in their life?
Worst thing in their life?
Insignificant memory that stuck with them?
What would they make a scene about?
What would they give their life for?
What do they pretend/try to care about?
How does the image they project differ from the image they try to project?
How is their relationship with their family?
Plans for their future?
How do they feel about themselves and how it affects their behaviour?
How do they feel about things they can't control?
So italics are optional and I know that it’s super extensive this is just what I use to flesh my characters out, but you can ignore the last part of questions if you really can’t be bothered which I get
Wow alright! Question, do you have a preferred age range, or nah?
I'll put mine up tonight if you need some guidance but you've got every freedom
I like her! Question: should I use my auto mechanic, my prince, or my pirate? Auto mechanic is realistic or urban fantasy, and the prince and pirate are both fantasy bois
Uhh let's see, I think the pirate sounds like an interesting dynamic but the auto mechanic is more versatile in terms of story so, either one is good!
Hmm. Well. Here's the thing: the pirate has a…very dark backstory (dealing with sexual and physical abuse, along with mutilation) and I don't wanna trigger anyone, so…I think I'll probably do the auto mechanic, unless y'all are both okay with the stuff I mentioned above
I personally can handle it, but we’ll have to see for @Ladybeetle
Yeah I’d be okay with it. I’m trying to figure out which character I’d like to use too tbh