forum Roleplay with grace and whisper. Closed.
Started by @imJUSTasillylittleguy group

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(As long as you two are sure you're fine with waiting until tomorrow for my character, I think I'm going to wait until then.. thank you so much you just gave me an extra hour of much needed sleep)


Name: Sana Rothest
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bi as all heck
Major/minor they're going for: A major in computer engineering and a minor in buisness
Powers: Electricity and light
Appearance: Straight black hair cut right to her shoulders, deep brown eyes and tanned skin are her main features. She also has a tall and slim figure, standing at around 5'10" and with light muscle definition. Doesn't have much for piercings besides simple ear piercings and a small nose piercing on the right side of her nose. Diamond shaped face, long fingers and almond shaped eyes. Besides her piercings she also has a tattoo, a bolt of electricity from a fark stormcloud running from her left shoulder down to her left elbow.
Clothing choices: Mostly darker shades of comfortable clothes, such as leggings and a sweatshirt, but she also is quite skilled when it comes to dressing up.
Personality: Sana is fun but blunt. She doesn't take crap from anyone but also won't give anyone crap, very much a fan of being active, goofing off and generally just having fun. She has an insane ammount of patience. Will reveal more through the rp
Likes: Cats, cold weather, storms, working out and sleeping.
Dislikes: Neon colors, flowy and flowery pattered anything, seagulls, and the heat. Also is very much not a fan of bullies and homophobes.


Yeah it will be, though I'm honestly not sure what Sana will think of either of your bois lol, she's more than happy to third wheel if your two are shipped

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Honestly, Arsenio will probably avoid the fact that he’s attracted to Evan, as he’s an extremely and shy boi. All of us are going to being screaming in frustration at him, just a heads up.

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

Lolol. Also btw evans extremely directionally challenged. Like he will get lost really easily so I feel like either aresenio or Sana will have to guide him or make sure he don't get lost, he also is very curious so lol he will wonder off

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

I can think of a way that they might be all three together in one area, I can see how arensio and evan already know each other but idk about Sana, I was thinking of having the godly being start and summon them.


Maybe Sana is just an acquantaince at this point? Like she's in a class with them but they've only exchanged a few words? And starting with them getting summoned sounds good