forum Roleplay with grace and whisper. Closed.
Started by @imJUSTasillylittleguy group

people_alt 55 followers


I don't venture much into paranormal crap, especially if it's horror related no

Also, gladly! So to go off the basic of three college students saving the world, there are a few things we could do. One, they could be part of a prophecy and some mystical figure comes and helps them along, or they could just be told in some way by some godlike thing to save the world from the clutches of evil (demons or something) for so and so reason. Either way they agree, because hey, a break from school and the promise of food? Who wouldn't help.


Did you want to combine the ideas then? I'm cool with just about anything, so if you two want to throw something together, I'll respond first thing tomorrow morning with my additions/a template and questions?

@Elder-God-Whisper work

So….. By the way, @Iwilladoptyou, what are we calling you Zero, like your profile says, or something diffenerent. I need a name so I'm not typing out your profile name every time.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Lmao. Alrighty then, "Death". You can call me Whisper. That all anyone ever calls me, as my username has always started with Whisper since I first got on this website. (Not including my online family. They call me Momma. lmao)

So, brainstorming time….

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Partially deaf works. We could also incorporate it into his sort of explanation/backstory for his god-powers. I think I'll do what I always do and make a new character for- HOLY FUCK I CAN USE CYRUS.


I'm backkkkkkkk :D What'd you decide on? We still using the college idea? Also, I'm deffinitely going to be calling you Death now @Iwilladoptyou, much easier to type out