forum Roleplay with grace and whisper. Closed.
Started by @imJUSTasillylittleguy group

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Are we going with the idea that they've always had these powers? Or recieved them recently in some way? Also I'll get a template up if y'all want?

@Elder-God-Whisper work

I'd say that my boi had them when he was younger, but when he was told it was just his imagination, he didn't really use them and eventually thought they were just silly memories of childhood imagination.

And yes, template pls

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

Yes sir yes sir. Haru has the perfect hair and I honestly love the anime-. (i have mutilpe manga volumes) my fav is kyo. Yuki is creepy.

Name: Evan arden
Age: 18
Gender: male
Sexuality: he's a new oc so I'm undecided about it.
Major/minor they're going for: foreign language major
Powers:ability to control sound
Appearnce: Evan arden
Clothing choices: uhhh hhhh look at his profile picks I guess.
Personality: sarcastic, impaitent, cares for most people, incredibly loyal, likes being around people but sometimes he just cant deal with hearing people and talks with Deaf people. He tries to be honest.pacifist that will turn violent if his sanity is threatened or someone extremely close to him is threatened.
Likes: ASL, learning foreign languages, meeting new people and becoming friends with those people. Peace.
Dislikes: violence, using her ability for over extended amounts of time(it tires him) people who are rude for no reason. Liers.
Other: he can lip read pretty well, but if he dosent use his ability then he can vaguely hear you sneak up.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Ahaha, I could see that. I've been borrowing the manga from my library. I like Momiji the most.
Also, I decided not to use Cyrus for this.

Name: Arsenio Torres
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bi
Major: Culinary arts as his major, with a minor in a Business degree
Powers: Astral projection, and necromancy (This also includes bringing plants back to life, not just animals.)
Looks: Shaggy dark brown hair that reaches just past his jawline, extremely light grey eyes that make him look rather eerie framed by thick dark eyelashes, a slightly feminine face with more rounded features, dark olive colored skin, rather tall (5' 9") and lean with an athletic build in muscle, and has a mandala tattoo on his upper right arm:
Preferred outfit style: (something like this)
Personality: kinda withdrawn to strangers, but when he becomes friends with people he gradually gets more bubbly, but he still is a bit shy and will always worry he said something wrong or upset someone.
Possible disorders: social anxiety disorder, and borderline personality disorder
Quirks: If he forgets a word in English, which is his second language, he will mutter to himself in Spanish until he remembers it, Curses in Spanish or when he gets surprised or emotional, makes origami at random times to calm himself when his anxiety hits, and will dance in the middle of stores if a song he likes comes on then get extremly embarrassed when the song is over.
Likes: Dancing, rain, drawing, reading, baking, autumn, and learning to use sign language which he decided to pick up because his hands never seem to stop moving when he's talking, so might as well put it to good use.
Dislikes: Being told what to do, social gatherings, Christmas, and being lectured at.
Suitable Song for him:

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

He will dance with him in public, there personality is similar besides the fact of evan would be more likely to just struck a conversation with a stranger. And since he's studying foreign language I don't why he wouldn't know a little spanish.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

It's going to be epic, their profile link up in all the right places. I lowkey ship it. And yeah, I tend to go for fem boys and butch girls. So this soft boi is beautiful. Thank you so much for blessing me, lmao.