His expression remained forlorn and heavy, letting his thumb brush across the stretched surface. "Do I even deserve you, Jane..?"
His expression remained forlorn and heavy, letting his thumb brush across the stretched surface. "Do I even deserve you, Jane..?"
"Why would you need to ask that question?" Her eyes began to fill with worry for her husband.
"I just don't.. measure up, enough, for you.."
"Of course you do," she said softly. "It's I that doesn't deserve you, John."
"Ohh," his voice started to tremble, and he held his breath to tame it. "I just…"
She blinked. "John? Are you alright?"
He covered his face, then reached for the wine, without a word.
She rubbed his back silently.
He wiped his mouth, entirely silent.
Hesitantly, his wife spoke up again. "Did I say something wrong?"
"Not at all." John whispered.
"Are you upset with me?" she asked softly.
He shook his head again, "No.. not at all.."
"Then won't you tell me what's wrong?"
"Not yet," he croaked. "Not yet, I can't.."
She couldn't lie and say she wasn't affected by his words. "Oh… alright."
He rested his head down in his arms.
"Do you want to see the gift for Chadine?" she asked, hoping it would cheer him up a bit.
"Sure." He replied quietly.
"Let me go and get it," she said quickly, hurrying from the room.
John cast a look towards the shreds of paper in the bin. It felt unreal, all of this..
Jane reappeared with the basket and a hopeful smile. "What do you think?"
"It's… Cute.." he attempted halfheartedly.
Her shoulders dropped a little bit. "You don't like it."
"No, I'm just.. I'm just beside myself, don't.. I didn't mean to offend you,"
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