forum Revenge of The Forgotten// Private OxO with @FanfictionFanatic
Started by @StarkSpangledMayflower_Mad_Elder

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@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Emmeline let out a steady breath, closing her eyes for a moment, as she focused on her magic. It buzzed just beneath her skin, her eyes glowing gold as she channeled it into their clothes.

A golden wind swirled around them and obscured both their forms from each other, though Emmeline kept a mental image of the outfits in mind. With a final flash, both of them had been transformed. He was now modeling an elegant exact copy of the drawing he had shown her earlier, made of high-quality materials but still comfortable. While she was wearing a beautiful dress that complimented his colors and style, even her hair had been properly styled for the occasion.

“What do you think? Très impressionnant, no?” she smirked confidently.


the fit of the clothes made him uncomfortable for the initial few seconds. Wearing such loose-fitting clothes, Cade had almost forgotten what it felt like to have an outfit that contoured perfectly to his body. He looked down at what he was wearing and pulled his sleeves down. "It looks good, I can't even tell that it's just magic." He offered her a smile then picked up his gift bag and walked out onto the main street. "Shall we head to meet the princess?" he gestured.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Emmeline smiled back at the compliment, tolerating his comment of it being “just magic” for now, and followed him. Though she did take a moment to examine the way the different style suited him compared to the simple traveler's clothing. “Of course. Let's get these formalities over with.” she nodded.


(Sorry! Didn't forget, just got really sick!)

As the pair walked through the crowds, Cade felt a sudden wave of unease envelope him. It felt like something was about to go wrong. Shaking his head to clear it, he grabbed hold of Emmeline's arm and quickly led her through the pulsing crowd. "I apologize, I simply needed to get to the front, It felt suffocating." He rubbed the back of his neck and looked at the bridge where the crowds were getting thicker. "Let's make our way across quickly so we can get this over with."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

(hope you’re feeling better)

Emmeline raised a brow at Arlo’s sudden actions but managed not to be pulled off her feet. “Calme-toi.” she hissed, grabbing his wrist with her free hand. “If the crowds are bothering you that much, I can get us past the bridge easily.” she informed. She was fairly sure that with all the chaos already in the crowds, no one would notice a simple teleportation spell.


"The crowds aren't what's bothering me." He didn't elaborate but glanced around the crowd again. He shook his head to clear his mind and took a step forward to where a guard was keeping an eye on the eager townsfolk. As Cade passed by him, he nonchalantly turned his head as if you speak to someone and turned around once they had passed. From the coener of his eye, he saw the guard gesture to another and say something to him. Cade felt a cold bead roll down his back. Did they figure him out?

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“Then what is the matter with you?” she pressed before schooling her expression into something more calm and appropriate for a ‘noble’ woman who would be attending such an event. “You’re drawing attention to yourself.” she pointed out, noticing the guard’s reaction to the scene Arlo was causing. “You have to at least look like you’re calm.”


just as he opened his mouth to respond, fanfare interrupted him as the gates finally opened to allow the public in to see the princess. "I truly hope you don't learn why I'm currently feeling this way. I would hate for Ace to lose the one friend he has made." Cade shook his head and brought up a facade, stiffening his face and modelling mild disgust when commoners drew near. He could feel the guards' gaze on him but he swallowed his unease and clenched the gift tighter. "Lets just get this over with."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Emmeline gazed at Arlo, stunned and bewildered by his peculiar remark. “Is that a threat, or are you that afraid of what could happen if I did learn?” she queried with a raised brow, perhaps even more curious now than when she asked before. As the daughter of the Enchantress, she did not take threats lightly nor did she consider herself easily frightened… but part of that was because of the strength of her magic.
She sighed, his obvious anxiety clearly telling her that they were still being watched, and put on a calm polite smile. “Put your arm around my waist and smile at me. Coyly as you can.” she instructed softly. “Trust me.”


Cade did as instructed, draped an arm around her waist, and smiled. He led her to the door and relaxed his posture once they passed through the door. Preoccupied with trying to keep a civil appearance, Cade didn't notice another guard do a double take and whisper something to another guard. He certainly didn't see a young boy take a message from one of them. Cade heard a cough behind him and discreetly took a look but didn't see anyone noticeable. As the people moved up to present the princess with their gifts, Cade noticed the king glance around the room with a satisfied look in his eye. He watched as he did a doubletake and his eyes landed on Cade once again. Cade smirked and waved subtly, bringing attention to the package in his hands. He watched as the king's eyes widened with satisfaction. There was no way he would risk ruining his precious daughter's day but causing and altercation.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Emmeline giggled, stepping closer to Arlo as he did what she said, putting on the act of being a couple to hopefully throw off suspicion from the guards.
But as they entered the room, she did notice the guard’s reaction and bit her tongue. She hadn't forgotten what he said about his mother having worked here… but what were the chances of so many people recognizing him just because of that? Hopefully, Arlo’s little interaction with the King would get them the opportunity they needed.


As soon as the people in front of them walked up the steps to meet the princess, the king whispered something to a richly dressed man near him. Once the people had left, the man stepped forward and extended his arms. "Thank you all for coming to meet the princess. There will be time to meet her later, right now she has requested time for all of you, her beloved guests, to take some time and enjoy what the palace has to offer. As such, you are most welcome to leave your gifts for her with any of the guards and they will bring them to her. She will be walking around shortly to come meet you all personally. Once again, we thank you for your love." He smiled and gestured for a group of musicians nearby to begin playing some music.

Once the music started, he stepped down and looked directly at Cade with a pointed look. "Your Grace," He bowed stiffly. "The King has requested you follow me. He would like to speak to you in private." The man turned and walked to a small doorway nearby, holding it open for them to follow.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Emmeline would never admit how her heart was pounding. Her face showed nothing as her thoughts raced. Had her Maman ever done something like this? She knew that the Enchantress had been around royalty and nobility before but Emmeline had not. But Arlo… Even though he was keeping secrets, she would have to trust him.

There was something about the Herald’s look as he approached them that she didn't like. Her eyes flickered gold for a moment at the thought of turning him into something where that expression would be… more fitting. But she restrained herself. Now was not the time to reveal her hand. “Shall we,” she asked with a poised air before whispering, almost hissing in confusion and surprise at the title, “Your Grace?”


Cade flinched slightly and sighed, pulling her in the direction of the door then dropped the arm around her waist. "I can explain." As they exited the main hall into a smaller room, Cade sat down and turned to Emmeline. "I'm not exactly here for pleasure, or business in that regard. I-" He was cut off by the opening of the door. The King stepped through the door and looked at Cade with a sad smile. "My dear boy, what brings you here?" He spoke softly.

A hard look crossed his eyes at the king's words and Cade turned to look at him, anger emanating from he word as he spoke. "You have some nerve greeting me like this." he hissed.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Emmeline didn't resist or fight as he took her into the offered room. “I look forward to hearing this explanation.” she said coldly once the door was closed. She rolled her eyes as he started by stating the obvious about why he was here… but when the King walked in, she knew she would have to wait. Though she wasn't going to like the wait. Still, she gave the King a polite curtsy before stepping back.

She raised a brow as “Arlo” answered the King with such rage and hostility. This conversation was between the two was certainly going to be more interesting, and perhaps more informative, than she had expected.


With a heavy sigh, the King took a seat across from Cade and rubbed his forehead with one hand. "My dear, allow yourself the dignity of moving on from what has happened. It was in the past and nothing more could have been done!" he spoke. The King tried keeping the exasperated edge out of his tone but judging by the look on Cade's face, he knew it had slipped out.

Cade could feel Ace's consciousness in the back of his head as he tried to come up with rational ways to hurt the man in front of him in a legal way. "Nothing? Nothing? Oh, I don't know, perhaps asking my beloved brother for help could have changed the outcome. What do you think? Hmm? Perhaps writing for assistance and receiving it?" Cade felt a stinging heat in his eyes and looked away.

"My boy, you must understand, there was quite a bit done but it seemed to be futile! there was nothing more-" Cade stood up and slammed his hands on the table. "You did nothing. There was much you could have done, but you didn't." The King sighed heavily again. "Cade, you are Annalise's son which is why I have been respectful thus far. Behave in that manner again and I will have you escorted out." He gave Cade a stern look. "I loved Annalise and I know you did too. You need to understand that I had a grieving kingdom to care for. Any of our enemies could have attacked. Your father understood this, why are you unable to do the same?"

"Because he was the one to cause her death!" He hissed. Cade took a step back and shut his eyes for a few moments. Opening them again, he saw that the king had gone pale and looked shocked. "W-what?" he managed. Cade chuckled darkly. "I guess you didn't know. You took part in taking her away from me, uncle, and your daughter took away the only other person who filled that space. The both of you will soon learn what it means to feel that way." He said. "It was a pleasure to speak to you again, King Frederic. My mother will be glad to have her final wish fulfilled. I shall be off."

(Ok so this went a completely different way than I thought it would, I started writing and couldn't stop 😬)

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Emmeline almost couldn't believe what she had heard. She had expected betrayal, even though she was still distrustful of Arl—Cade, she just hadn't expected things to be so personal between him and the king. The revelation that they were related was an interesting one but not the biggest shock in the conversation.

It wasn't a surprise that the king had refused to help and was trying to justify it. Nor was his claim to care about someone and not do anything for them. But the implication that of who this Annalise was… if she was right, they had a similar pain.

Her hands clenched at her sides at the situation but she managed to keep her magic in check as she prepared to leave the room as quickly as possible if necessary.


King Frederic stood up and walked to the other side of the table, reaching an arm out to place on Cade's shoulder. In the blink of an eye, Cade had his dagger pointed at his hand, an unwavering gaze focused on the wall perpendicular to the man. "Cade! My boy I-" Cade cut him off. "I am no longer your anything. I speak to you as nothing more than your equal. As of this moment, you will no longer have the power to influence any decisions made by the government in Opariell. I consider you nothing more than Coronian royalty. I shall be off." With that, Cade sheathed his dagger and took a few steps closer to Emmeline. "Shall we, My Lady?" in a hushed tone, Cade continued. "I will answer to everything." He raised his arm and looked at her, waiting for her next move.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Since Emmeline had seen Cade’s skills with a blade on that one hunt before, she was less surprised by the speed of his reflex… and had to agree that the decision was sensible and deserved.

She nodded stiffly and accepted his arm. “As I said, I look forward to your explanation.” she said, matching his tone, ready to leave this place.


Cade sighed and led her out of the room. Behind him, he could hear King Frederic saying something to someone and quickened his pace. "I believe it is in our best interests to move rapidly." He rolled his eyes and pushed open the door to the throne room.

Remembering a few things from his younger years, Cade maneuvered them both through the castle and pushed open a final door to see the forest. He broke through the treeline quickly and walked further inside until they could see nothing but tree around them. At that, Cade turned around to face Emmeline with a steely gaze and a guarded air around him.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Emmeline nodded at the suggestion, hearing the king’s voice behind them, and quickly cast a spell that made them… not invisible but nondescript to the crowd and the guards. The people would recognize them as a man and a woman walking through the crowd but would be unable to give anyone any identifying details.

She followed Cade closely, not letting go, trusting him to know where the best escape was. Once they reached the forest and stopped running, she removed the first spell and created a dome around them so that they would not be found or disturbed.

She crossed her arms and met his stare with the same intensity unfazed. “I’m ready to listen.”


"As you've figured by now, my name isn't Arlo. Arlo was the name of a childhood friend of mine who was killed quite some time ago. I am Arcadia Emrys, son of King Theodore and Queen Annalise, ruler of the Moonlit kingdom, Opriell." Cade rolled his shoulders uncomfortably as he stated his current official title. Once he reached the legal age for coronation, his title would be far longer.

"Those close to me, friends and family, call me Cade." He gave her a half-hearted smile then sat on the forest floor. "Shortly after I was born, my mother passed. Though I say shortly, I was about 3 years old. I later learned it was my father's doing. After her death, my father quickly remarried and sent me to live with my nurse maid in a secluded corner if the castle. You may know her better as the one who kidnapped Rapunzel but I knew her as my second mother." Cade let out a laugh. "I used to call her miss mother."

The sun had begun to get lower in the sky when Cade finished explaining why he was here and what he was planning on doing. "…so I cannot allow myself to take on the full responsibilities of the Opariellean crown until I avenge my mother. I cannot explain the specifics of the dealing with my employer yet due to some magic. I'm sure you have guessed who he is. And that the magic used to create rhis contract between us is a little familiar."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Emmeline listened carefully to every word, watching every move… she wanted the complete truth.

Some of the information she had been expecting… to an extent. But it was nice to hear it confirmed and get the details. She could sympathize with losing his mother, even though she didn't believe her mother was dead, but the betrayal of his own father being behind it… se couldn't imagine what that felt like.

“You were raised by the witch Gothel?” she asked with a raised brow as she joined him on the forest floor. “I have suspected who your employer may be… I just… hard to swallow. But I understand not being able to talk details of a magical contract.” she nodded, focusing on the things she understood the most. “As for the magic between us… how he used Maman’s magic… I don't know. I’m sure there were some things that she didn't tell me but… this?”


"To be completely honest, I'm not certain how thos contract came to be. I remember standing alone in my armour after I had my father captured. It got dark in the room and I remember losing consciousness. I woke up in front of him with a signed paper. Maybe Ace knows more about it? Or if we can possibly meet my employer in person?" Cade rested his arms on his knees and looked at Emmeline. "I do apologise for deceiving you. I hope you know that it wasn't to trick you, moreso a last resort of protection."