forum Revenge of The Forgotten// Private OxO with @FanfictionFanatic
Started by @StarkSpangledMayflower_Mad_Elder

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(Timeskip? Maybe early evening? If you want to write the time skip, you can choose where they are.)

Cade hummed in response and began moving forward. He was a little distracted at present. Having summoned Hades' magic earlier meant that he would need an offering. The Greek gods were picky like that, even your patron god would require an offering of sorts if you had called on their magic or abilities in this way. Thankfully, as skilled as Ace was, no one could come close to how skilled and precise Cade's knife-throwing skills were. He just needed to find his mark but nothing was catching his eye.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

(I’m fine with a time skip but I don't know where they would/should end up ☺️)

Emmeline chuckled softly to herself before nudging her horse to keep in step with Arlo’s. The ride was peacefully calm as she stayed quiet, both enjoying the prospect of such a journey and the hope of finding Maman. This wasn't the first time she had been left alone without knowing where she had gone but it had been years since she last saw her. That was unusual. Normally, these escapades didn’t last so long.

The sun was not quite setting but it didn’t seem like it would be too much longer before then. Even though she wouldn't admit it, and did her best not to give any outward signs, she was a bit nervous because of how soon Arlo would be able to talk to Ace about her.


(That's fine, We can say they didn't reach the city in time and had to find refuge in the forest.)

Cade groaned once again. Had they left even a short bit earlier, this would not be happening. The sun would soon set and the city was not anywhere visible. They would have to set up camp in the forest. Great. Cade saw movement from the corner of his eye and saw a beautiful buck appear from behind the trees to feed on a berry bush. He smirked, his offering had been found. Slowing his horse to a trot, he turned around on it and slipped a knife from his upper calf. He tied a light leather cord around the hilt and held it between his fingers. Flipping it between his fingers, he kept unblinking eyes on the buck. In a swift movement, Cade threw the knife and watched as it hit exactly where he had aimed. The buck made a sound and then melted into the ground, leaving his knife behind. Cade wound the cord to bring his knife back and flipped around on the horse.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

(sounds good.)

Emmeline nearly rolled her eyes at Arlo’s disgruntled sound before remembering his… condition with Ace. It made sense that he wouldn't look forward to the coming night. But she didn't care how long it took to reach their destination. She could be patient… she just hoped that she would be able to stay with Arlo, and Ace, because they were her best lead for now.

“Bien joué.” she complimented as he took his shot at the buck. “Did that replenish your magic?” she asked, having a couple vague possiblities forming in her mind as to why he did that.


"Thank you." He responded. "No. That had nothing to do with replenishing my magic." Cade was less upset than he had been when they had set out earlier in the day. He understood where she was coming from. The only lead she had to find her mother was him, and he refused to help. Soon after they had set out, Ace opened his memories, and Cade figured out pretty quickly that Emmeline had told him a little white lie. Though he knew what had happened, he did not show it. "We should stop here. The forest is simply going to leave more exposed the further we go on. Here is a grove of trees we can use as cover." They needed to stop soon if he was going to talk to Ace. If the sun set, he knew for a fact that Ace wouldn't initiate the meeting, and it was vital that they spoke.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“But it did have something to do with your magic. Otherwise, it wouldn't have disappeared like that.” Emmeline pointed out, remembering the sight when she spoke to Ace last night. She was relieved that Arlo seemed to have calmed down and accepted, if not tolerated, her presence but she didn't want to upset things too soon. She suspected that she would still be in trouble if Ace decided to rat her out. Of course, the amicable silence had given her plenty of opportunities to come up with more negotiations and plans just in case.
“That sounds like a good plan.” she nodded. “Once we reach that grove, I can set up a suitable camp for us.” she said somewhere between offering and stating a fact.


"I wild appreciate that. Give me time to speak to Ace. If you do that, I'll go a little ways ahead and begin." Cade slowed his horse as the approached the Grove and dismounted. He led Lord to a tree and tied him down. He waited for Emmeline to do the same before he went off to speak to Ace.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Emmeline nodded and dismounted alongside him. “Merci, Cher. Ne vous égarez pas trop loin.” she instructed with a gentle pat on her horse’s neck.

She waited a moment for him to leave before letting out a slow calming breath. She knew better than to cast any spell when she was nervous. But she couldn't help how she felt waiting for Arlo, or Ace, to come back.

After getting a proper layout of the grove, she summoned her magic to build the campsite. It took a while but in the end she managed to get two decent-sized tents, with comfortable sleeping arrangements, and even a safely arranged fire going.


Cade walked a distance away and sat on the forest floor. He closed his eyes and began a spell that was given to him a long time ago for purposes like this. As he recited the words and made different gestures with his hands, he could feel his consciousness separating. A few moments later, he opened his eyes to see his body in front of him. "Ace." He stated. It was very strange watching his face do things that he wasn't doing. His lips curled up into a smirk and his body opened its eyes to show silvery ones.

Ace felt something happening. It felt painful and yet painless at the same time, like scratching an itch a little too hard. Once he heard a voice calling him, he opened his eyes and saw a ghost floating in front of him.

Cade spoke with Ace about the conversation with Emmeline. They agreed that while she could be an asset to their revenge, she was not to be trusted until she proved herself. They spoke about other things as well then became silent. As their consciousness' began to merge again, Their voice spoke, "I hope you know that I do not despise what is going on with us. Your presence is a comfort at times, reminding me that I'm not completely alone." They kept their eyes closed a moment longer and when they opened them again, Ace felt wetness in them.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

(Aww! That's sweet!)

Emmeline could feel the magic that Arlo was using but stopped herself from looking further into it. No matter what she felt personally about the conversation that was going on, it felt private.

She sighed and stretched, pushing the temptation to eavesdrop aside, before walking over to the horses. Cher just nickered softly as Emmeline pulled a carrot out of her bag and gave it to the pinto. Turning towards Arlo’s horse made her a little more nervous but she was slow and calm as she pulled out a cube of sugar and held it out in her palm.


(Thanks! I was a bit conflicted about adding it but I feel like in this way, it's not 100% clear which of them said it!)

Ace sauntered back to the campsite and watched as Emmeline fed the horses. "Bonjour Madame." He spoke softly. He walked to the fire and sat down silently. Although he was fine currently, he wanted to make her feel as though he was a bit upset that she had used his name to try and convince Cade.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

(I noticed that. Very nice touch.)

“Bonjour.” Emmeline smiled softly, petting the horse as he ate the sugar. “How did the… talk go?” she asked, remembering what Ace said about having Arlo's memories as well as his. But she would have to be blind to notice the atmosphere he was projecting, she just raised a brow as she tried to decipher if it was genuine or a facade. “Or should I prepare to pack up camp and leave in the morning?”


(Thank you)

"I understand you told Ca–Arlo that you and I had spoken about coming along?" Ace cursed internally. His counterpart had asked him to keep his identity up until they found they could trust Emmeline and within the first few minutes he almost revealed himself. "I'm a bit disappointed. I had hoped you would do something more exciting to try and convince him. It was not a very interesting battle. though I must say, your reaction to him calling you a fairy was amusing to watch."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“I did mention that.” Emmeline admitted since there was no point in lying. “And we had discussed the possibility of me joining you. We just didn't come to an agreement about that. Though I am sorry for using your name that way.” she added sincerely.

Though she raised a brow when he mentioned being disappointed. “It was the best I could think of to keep him from leaving. What did you expect me to do? Just start casting spells? That's not a very good way to get someone to listen to you.” she pointed out obviously as she joined Ace by the fire.

“Oh please. Maman is not a fairy and neither am I. It's quite simple.” she groaned, rolling her eyes. “They need a focus to cast any spell. Their wings are superfluous. And they can’t even manage a simple transformation spell without a time limit of a few hours at most or limiting a spell under the guise of “needing to earn it” or “learning a lesson”. It’s pathetic.” she tried to keep herself from getting too upset as she ranted… but the flames of the fire flickered rapidly in response.


(I have a bit of a plot twist for this in regards to my character/s, I wonder if you'll be able to guess it)

Ace quietly listened to her and was glad that she chose not to lie. "I accept that, I would have liked to have been told this prior. Although we are 2 people, we are the same vessel. I do not like having to lie to him. Annoying him, that's another story. That is far too amusing to stop." He softly chuckled, eyes never straying from the fire.

The flames danced and swayed in an almost trance-inducing way. Ace watched with minor interest as he paid attention to her words. He moved over a little to make some space on the patch of dirt for her. He scoffed at her words. "I am a cold and calculating psychopathic killer. I kill anything and anyone–" He looked at her, "That I come across. However, you were the first non-animal to survive meeting me. Twice at that. Whatever you did to me, you could have done to him." It seemed as though he was a little more hurt than he realized, but why? What was it about Emmeline's interaction with Cade that was making him feel… something?

Ace noticed the fire flickering excessively as she began to get more and more upset, he patted her shoulder and let his hand linger there a moment. "I apologize, one thing we are not is racist. He may be uneducated in these matters as we do not tend to have many magical creatures where we hail from. Maybe the odd elf, fairy, goblin, troll, or even gnome, but the only consistent magical beings we have would be the mages in the kingdom or those that sell enchanted items." he paused to poke the fire. "I am trying to get Ca–Arlo to open trade routes through the kingdoms of other magical beings but you've seen how well he listens to me." he smirked.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

(😯 Can't wait to discover it!)

“If I had thought of it beforehand, I would have told you.” Emmeline assured before chuckling. “I may not know him as well as you do but I did get the impression that he is fun to tease.” she agreed.

“Merci.” she nodded as he moved to make room for her. But she raised a brow at his self-assessment. “I did nothing to you except prevent you from coming closer to me with ill intent. It is easier to keep others away than it is to make someone listen or even approach with magic.” she explained, her eyes flashing a soft gold as she met his eyes. “But I don't know if I would use those words to describe you.”

At his touch, she closed her eyes for a moment and took a calming breath to relax her irritation. It was a bit of a relief to know that Ace seemed a bit more understanding about magic than “Arlo”. The fact that he had nearly slipped up twice did not escape her notice but she decided to bring it up later. “I would have been less insulted if he had compared me to a mage. But I wonder what influence you both have to open such routes.” she admitted with a raised brow.


(insert evil laugh)

Ace drifted in a bit of nostalgia as he remembered some of the most amusing times he had bugged Cade. Although he was glad that Emmeline didn't view him as a cold-blooded killer, he sighed and fiddled with his necklace. "I see, so it was simply speaking with you that kept me routed in the ground. I could have just walked away." He spoke more to himself than to Emmeline but he felt he react to his response.

"Oh, I–we serve as a kind of advisor to an advisor to an advisor to an advisor to an advisor to the king. Although he interacts with the person more, I try to use my knowledge and nighttime influence to urge him to being up things that could be good for the kingdom." Ace didn't even think a moment before he responded. Whether he had practiced beforehand or whether he spoke the first thing on his mind, wasn't clear.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“Oui. You could have walked away… but I am glad that you didn't.” she smiled softly. “You are very interesting to talk to, and perhaps more amicable than ‘Arlo’. As fun as he is to tease, he is quite stubborn.”

Emmeline hummed thoughtfully and nodded at his answer. “You both must be very valued to be able to make such suggestions. A shame that you do not have a more direct line to the king.” she sighed. “But I’ve always found it something of a hassle for royals to have such procedures in place. Things get lost, misheard, or simply ignored before they even hear anything.”


"Arlo is….hurt. His past was not nice, and it made him lose trust in basically everyone and thing. He trusts me, and I don't want to lose that trust. It's why I dislike lying to him." He finally stopped poking the fire and turned to face her, the flickering flames casting long shadows on parts of his face. "I'm glad you find me to be so interesting to talk to. It's the first time I've spoken to anyone in this way, so I'm quite excited about our future together." He offered her a soft smile.

Ace tilted his head a couple times then shrugged. "We recently recieved this position, within the last couple years, so it's still taking time to adjust considering we didn't have any official training. I do hope we are considered valued, it would make our job much easier."

"Why don't you get some rest? I need to go hunting for tomorrow's trip and I need to fill the remainder of the quota. I'll be close by but I'll summon some guards to protect you." He stood up and dusted his clothes, reaching a hand down ro help her up.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“I can understand that.” Emmeline nodded. Betrayal was always personal and from what Ace had just told her, it was obvious that ‘Arlo’ had been a victim of it. But was it really so bad that he had to use a false name? Or was that just a choice from other circumstances? “So am I, mon ami.” she smiled back. Though she was a little sad that Ace hadn't spoken to anyone else before.

She gave a brief hum, accepting his explanation and letting the topic drop since she wasn't particularly interested in the politics of royalty.

“I probably should since I didn't get much sleep last night.” she admitted with a playful smirk as she accepted his hand. “I don't believe we will need the guards, but I appreciate the gesture.”



Ace pulled her up and nodded. "As you say M'Lady." He winked at her then unscathed his sword. "I shall return before you awaken."

(Sorry its so short, I'm literally trying to finish my chores before my book meeting with my friends!)

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

(sure. Unless you have something planned for the night.)

“Bonne nuit.” Emmeline smiled, letting him help her up. “I hope to see you in the morning then.” she giggled as he winked at her. She cast a simple spell to remove the dirt and grass from sitting before heading to her tent and getting ready for bed.

(No worries!)



Ace leaned against the tree and took deep gulps of air. His last hunt was a little more difficult considering that he was facing an enchanted bear. It may have been a human that had been cursed years ago but the aggression was almost overwhelming for him, he almost didn't survive. As he watched the underworld knights drag the ginormous animal below, he slowed his breathing to allow his heart rate to return to its normal pace.

The sun began to rise over the peaks of the mountain and Ace shielded his eyes, relishing the warmth. He welcomed the change. Whenever Cade would use the spell, He would need to rest for longer so Ace got the chance to enjoy the warm sunshine. As the forest began waking up, he sheathed his sword and took out some throwing knives. A few minutes later, he had breakfast ready for them. He took it back to the campsite and began preparing the poultry and the fire before Emmeline woke.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Emmeline stirred with the rising sun, having slept peacefully all night. She wasn't sure if it was because she was so tired or because of the knowledge that Ace had placed his guards to protect her or even if there was some kind of protection from her magic or even from her Maman… but she wasn't going to question such a thing this early.

Getting up from her bed, she stretched and cast a couple of “tidying-up” spells on herself. Much easier and quicker than trying to run a brush through her hair on such journeys. Especially when she was still hoping to see one of her traveling companions before…

She smiled softly as she smelled the food cooking and exited her tent. “Good morning.” she greeted the figure by the fire, cautiously joining him.


"Bonjour madame." he looked at her in greeting and turned back to the fire, turning the meat and brushing it with a mixture he had set on the side. Satisfied with his work, he took the stick of meat off the fire and placed it on a wooden plate. "How did you rest? Despite you saying no, I did summon a couple guards and asked them to stay by the edge of the forest to give you your privacy."

Ace took out a knife and expertly deboned and plated the meat along with a few fresh berries he had found. "Breakfast is served!" He sat down next to her and offered her a plate. "Had I not been a solider, I could have been a very skilled spouse." He winked at her.