forum Revenge of The Forgotten// Private OxO with @FanfictionFanatic
Started by @StarkSpangledMayflower_Mad_Elder

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"My brother is favoured amongst the gods. Belief and names both hold power. He knows the true names of all the gods, save for Hecate, my brother, and I. Because he knows their true names, they are fearful of his abilities." Hades cleared the table of food, opting for a more formal setting considering the tone their conversation took.

"It has been millennia since my Queen and I have ruled together. The underworld has affected her to an extent as well. She shares some of my abilities and so keeping her away weakens me. Olympus knows this and chooses to do nothing. And as ruler of the gods, none can help."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“Some say "favored", I say "spoiled"." Emmeline scoffed. Though she agreed about the others being fearful of him, and the information about names and belief. "And I suspect no one knows his true name, which leaves him unmatched. I think I remember hearing that your name starts with an "A" but I can't recall more than that right now." she admitted respectfully.

She sighed at the news of Hades and his wife being separated for so long and in such a manner. Perhaps, she did hold some of her Maman's more romantic ideas after all. "Je suis vraiment désolé. All I know are stories but I do not believe this is her choice. My understanding is that you are the only one in your family who actually respects and honors his wife. I know nothing of any trysts regarding you. And one whose common name means "Bringer of Chaos"… Well, I can only imagine her wrath at the others for this." she said with a slight smile.


"HAH! I've never heard a truer statement. He is simply a child in an adult body."Hades chuckled, shaking his head in amusement. "It's true that his true name is not common knowledge, but it is said that centuries ago, in a drunken haze, he wrote his true name to give to the object of his affections. She, like many others, pretended to care and took it. It is said that his true name is hidden somewhere the gods cannot go or one would have found it and overthrown him."

"Unlike many others, I truly care for my wife because I see her as more than just something to use for personal needs. She is my equal and I treat her as such. One would be shocked to learn exactly how much 'at home' she feels during the months she spends by my side. " Hades smiled warmly, "I did not expect you to know this much about my true name, many don't even know the existence of true names. Perhaps I can trust you to help me out with my purpose.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

"Mais Oui." Emmeline smirked, glad that they had similar opinions on this topic. And perhaps a little impressed that she made him laugh. "I can't say that I'm surprised he let himself get drunk and give away something so important. It just shows his lack of intelligence to be tricked so easily." Though she couldn't help but wonder where "the gods could not go"…

She met his smile with one of her own, touched by how he spoke of his wife. "I am not shocked by that. Maman always said that winter was one of her favorite seasons because of the purity of it all. And I love the colors of fall, when Persephone returns to the Underworld… though I can't deny the chaotic beauty of spring. Summer, I've always thought of as her growing bored of the mortal world and missing you." she admitted with a light blush, feeling a bit childish with her analogy. She shrugged at, what she interpreted as a compliment regarding her knowledge. "Maman was a very knowledgeable teacher. But, because of her teachings, I must ask… what purpose would you request my help with?"


"Persephone would have been delighted to meet you. I remain hopeful that you will meet the next time you visit the underworld. As for your help…well it is simple. You must find your mother and take from her the aura I was promised, give it to me, and thus my purpose shall be complete." Hades waved a hand and presented a roll of paper and a black feather quill. "Should you agree to assist, I will grant you one wish." Hades floated the items towards her and they remained floating.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“I would be honored to meet her. And it is très généreux of you to say that I would be welcome here again.” Emmeline smiled, flattered by the idea. “As finding Maman was my aim in hoping to speak with you, it costs me nothing to say that I will continue to do so. As for this aura you say she kept from you… I find it hard to believe that she would not fulfill her end of a deal with you.” she admitted with a note of skepticism. “I more suspect that she either was unable to attain it, detained in some way, or something similar. In which case, I would like to uncover the reason.” she amended, eying the contract. “I must admit that I’m not as strong as Maman so there is a chance that I may not be able to… handle this unknown aura. If I am able to find it, I could inform you. Of course, the task would also be easier if I could trouble you to allow Ace and Cade to accompany me… if they have no objections to it.”