forum Revenge of The Forgotten// Private OxO with @FanfictionFanatic
Started by @StarkSpangledMayflower_Mad_Elder

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@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Emmeline looked up in surprise when he said that he didn't remember actually signing the contract. That in itself was dangerous and confusing.

“Maybe he does… I can ask if you want, or don't mind.” she mused, hoping that Ace would have those answers. “Meeting your employer sounds risky but… I was actually hoping to do so already. If he had access to Maman’s magic to… make this contract then there is a chance he knows where she is or how to find her.” she admitted, taking the moment to be honest with him as well. “But I do understand why you used a different name and hid yourself. I am more surprised than anything. In general, I don't trust royalty or even some ranks of nobility… but I trust magic.”


(I was thinking of having that other reveal happen whenever they meet Hades, it would be a negative reaction that causes it to be revealed. Also, if there's anything you don't like or want to add, tell me! I tend to do things without thinking often so let me know if I overstep any boundaries!)

Cade nodded, "Ace should be able to tell you more about it. It'll be dark soon so you won't have ro wait long. Is there anything else you have questions about? This will most likely be the only time I'm going to be completely honest about anything." Cade hoped his grin was enough to show her it was partly a joke. Keyword being partly.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

(Ok. I don't have anything to add at the moment but I will let you know if I come up with anything.)

Emmeline raised a brow at his smirk, picking up on the playful undertone, but still questioning how much truth was in those last words. "At the moment… I can not think of anything. Though you did say that your visit to see the king here was for neither business nor pleasure… what was your intended reason for coming here?" she asked as she thought back to the fight between Cade and his estranged uncle.


"He deserves to experience the pain both my mother and I went through. I don't doubt for a moment that his friendly and loving self is just a persona for the people. Why else would he refuse to send even a small bit of help for his beloved sister? I've already set forward my plan." Cade gestured to the direction of the Palace. "I've had some trusted people in the castle walls for some time now. I've just asked those the princess trusts the most to slowly reveal the proof I've collected over the years. In her eyes, her father will cease to be the kind loving man she believes him to be."

Cade's plan was to first play the psychological game and then destroy the man from the inside out. Sure his kingdom would suffer, but Cade no longer felt anything for it but bitterness.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Emmeline nodded thoughtfully at the basis of his plan. “You and Maman might get along. She always plans the long game with…” she trailed off, vaguely gesturing to the castle. “Exposing the truth, forcing others to see it, and setting up for the impact and change in the future… plus adding some mind games.” she smiled coldly. “That's always been my favorite part.”

“And quite frankly… if he was really such a kind loving man, then why didn't he try harder to find his only child?” she pointed out. “Not that it would have changed anything against someone like Gothel.”


"I think i would love to meet your mother. My own mother may have questioned my choices, but unfortunately, I don't have to answer to her." He gave her a smile tinged with sadness. Cade watched as the light began to disappear and the air grew colder. "I'm glad I'm nit then only ine who found flaws in the logic of simply lighting candles and letting them fly. Had Gothel had a stronger hold over Rapunzel's mind, she could have easily thought they were a unique collection of stars." He rolled his shoulders and cracked his neck.

"Ace will be showing up soon. He knows what happened today so he may be a little on edge." Cade murmured, leaning his head against a tree and closing his eyes. This day felt like it had lasted months.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“Help me find her and I’ll introduce you.” she smiled softly, understanding his loss. “Mais Oui!” Emmeline nodded empathetically. “If he had any sense he would have done more than just send up lanterns and hope that a child would figure out what a person she would not remember would intend. Much less consider the possibility that the kidnapper could have gone to an entirely different kingdom. Across the sea… anywhere, and I doubt he left the castle.” she sighed, shaking her head to calm down.

“Naturellement. I will not blame him.” she agreed. “He explained that you rest while he is… here. If that's true, then I believe you need it.”


Cade nodded, "it's a little like an astral sleep but i wake up feeling refreshed so I'm not complaining." With that Cade could feel a familiar sensation and opened his eyes to see fireflies dotting the forest as the last strands of daylight slowly faded. He sighed in relief, closing his eyes again and letting his arms drop to the sides, limp.

Ace opened his eyes and took a deep breath, filling his lungs with the cool air of the night. He stretched and twisted his body to loosen his muscles. Then he sat up straight, his grey eyes meeting Emmeline's. "Good evening." He said quietly.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Emmeline hummed at the explanation but let the conversation drop as it got dark. She watched, almost fascinated, as Cade… slept and Ace greeted her.

“Bonsoir.” she nodded. “Are you alright?”


(I feel like this has just become a story about Cade with Emmeline as a side character. I'm not sure how you feel about that but I didn't have this in mind when I started writing Cade's story. Are you fine with this arrangement? I'm up to change courses or follow your story! I just don't want to end the Rp but I also don't want it to feel like a burden)

Ace nodded but didn't say much, he looked in Emmeline's direction and traced his finger in the dirt. After a few silent moments, he finally spoke. "I'm sure you have questions, I can't promise that I'll be able to tell you everything, but I'll try my best."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

(Yeah… That's on me. I don't really have much of an individual plot for Emmeline, besides the whole "missing mom" thing, but I don't want to end the Rp because of that either. I'll work on giving Emmeline more of an equal character role, sometimes I just don't know how to do that but I'm sure there is a way. And don't worry, I don't think of this as a burden and still very much enjoy this Rp with you)

"I do." Emmeline nodded, noting his reluctance to talk about himself and giving Ace a… mildly disappointed look, before transforming their clothes back to normal and dispelling the fancy outfits once she remembered that spell was still in effect. "I mostly just… I want to understand. Why was he so uncomfortable earlier before we even got close to the Chateau? Why would he think that I would be scared away by whatever answer he would have?" she asked, not quite familiar with using Cade's real name yet… and she wasn't entirely sure that she was considered a friend, or close enough to him to use the preferred nickname. "I won't ask you to go into the… details of what happened regarding his parents, though I admit I am curious. I'm also very concerned that he doesn't remember making the deal with… your employer. That alone is très dangereux… and potentially stupid." she added quietly, thoughtfully.


(Alright, thought I should ask just in case!)

"Cade's father didn't…treat him as a father should. He was the crown prince and mistreated by his own knights. His father would send him around to different kingdoms with the knights simply because he knew how much they enjoyed their time with him. He doesn't trust any knights. The ones back home are carefully selected by him so he is able to breathe around them. Most likely, he was on edge because of the amount of officials around." Ace explained. He didn't want to share everything about his horrific childhood but thought this much would give Emmeline an idea of what it was like.

Ace shuffled uncomfortably and averted his gaze. "The reason Cade doesn't recall signing the contract was because-" He swallowed. "I was the one to sign it. I wanted something from the Dark King and He needed me for something. I simply asked him to add on a few things to make it beneficial for both me and Cade."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

(no worries)

Emmeline’s eyes widened at the implication… sincerely hoping she was wrong in translating what Ace meant about the knights. “Est-ce ainsi qu'il a réagi si fortement au partage d'un lit ce matin?” she nearly whispered, remembering Cade’s reaction earlier. It made her stomach churn at the thought of how he… must have been treated. Though it did explain some things.

“What did you want that he was your… solution?” she raised a brow at him, still trying to figure out how her Maman could have played a part in this. “Do you know what he needs you for?”


Ace felt guilt at his attempt at a practical joke, forgetting Cade's past ordeals. He could do nothing else but nod. "Cade…hides a lot of his emotions. He doesn't allow himself the same freedom of expression that I do. I had thought he had become comfortable with himself but it was my mistake. He will never mention it to you, but he made his displeasure known to me." Ace chuckled then took a deep breath.

"What all angry, hurt boys want at that age. I wanted power, the power to hurt anyone who hurts me, and to protect those who protect me. I wanted a guarantee that whatever we suffered in the past never came to us, nor anyone else. It was a noble thought but it stemmed from a dark place and that is what he took advantage of." Ace felt a looming presence and sighed. "I do, Unfortunately I can't say anything because he has his eyes and ears presently focused on us. He may summon me, or us, soon. I don't have a problem with sharing his goals but I don't want him knowing what I'm speaking to you about."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“Don’t blame yourself. It was my idea anyway.” Emmeline reminded as she nodded at Ace’s explination. “I have noticed that he keeps things close to the chest but he certianly made his disppleasure known to me too.” she added with a light chuckle.

She sighed softly but couldn’t deny childish logic of his original want and intentions. Of course, such a thing could easily be twisted… esplecially by the ruler of the Underworld. Though she raised a brow when Ace warned that they were being watched. “You don’t have to tell me.” she assured calmly, putting on an act of not being bothered by being watched. “It he does summon you, I am coming with you. I am somewhat eager to meet him. I have some questions for him.” she admitted.


"Well, I guess you're in luck. It seems as though he is quite keen on meeting you. Even if he chooses to pull you into the shadows, I can follow behind. One of the benefits I asked for." Ace made his attempt at jazz hands then weakly smiled. "I apologize, that was quite the unsavoury action." There was no time for a response as the night became darker, stars and light disappearing as the pair were pulled into the shadows.

They emerged kneeling on a cold, rocky floor. Ace rolled his eyes and stood up. "Your Gloomy-ness, what do you want?" he asked. The God of the Underworld arched an eyebrow and stood up, a wisp-like cape flowing him as he stepped down and stopped in front of Ace. A thin finger placed under his chin forced Ace to meet his eyes. "Ace my boy! How have you been? I trust that this month's quota is coming along nicely?" Hades smiled at him before letting his eyes fall on Emmeline. "My, what an offering you've selected this time! This may just be the final piece I need!" He walked to Emmeline.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Emmeline let out a shaky breath at the thought of Ace’s employer wanting to meet her but managed a small smile at him waving hands.

The transition from the forest to being in the actual Underworld was… jarring. It was odd how a place could be so cold and feel like a furnace at the same time. She knew to remain kneeling as the Knight and his… employer spoke. But she couldn't resist raising her head when he called her a missing piece. “It is a privilege to be here, oh Dark One.” she said respectfully, trying to draw on the strength of her magic to keep her fear from showing. “What did I do to deserve this honor?”


Hades waved his hand and helped her up. "Please, Hades is fine." The God summoned some comfortable seating and a table set with food. "Help yourself." He gestured with a smile. Ace glanced at Emmeline with a look that he hoped warned her not to eat anything. He took a seat and kept a careful eye focused on the figure ahead.

"Well, I had hoped to meet you under…more pleasant circumstances, however, I require some assistance from you. If it helps, your mother had helped me in the past prior to her disappearance. I would ask her but I know not where she is." He looked at her, a calculating look in his eye.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Emmeline accepted his help, getting to her feet, and let herself be visibly put at ease by his friendly demeanor. Though she knew full well that his mood could change quickly. Her eyes flashed gold as she caught Ace’s look. Of course, she knew not to eat the food. She wasn't going to be trapped so easily.

“Thank you, Monsieur Hades.” she smiled shyly as she joined him at the table. “While I am saddened to hear that you cannot help me find Maman, I am flattered that you would want to meet me at all.” she admitted, her voice gaining a more professional tone. “May I ask what you worked on together?”


His lips curled into a smile as he laced his fingers together, setting his elbows on the table. "We had some aligning interests. I had something she needed, she had something I wanted. I am sad to say that she cheated me. I gave her what she needed but unfortunately, she only gave me part of what I was promised. I had hoped you would fulfill that missing part." He studied her. Hades added some magic into his voice, hoping she would be more willing to accept his offer.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Emmeline raised a brow at the fact that Maman had, supposedly, cheated Hades of all beings. She wasn't surprised by the vagueness of his answer, though it was disappointing. Of course… the game was just starting. She could feel his magic and leaned forward, her eyes glowing in what she hoped he would perceive as intrigued. Though she wouldn't be surprised if he could see through it.

"What exactly did she promise and what would you be expecting me to fulfill?" she asked directly. Hades may have worked with Maman, but Emmeline knew how she worked. She knew there was a method to what she did and how she did it.


"Well, as you may or may not know, all creatures have an aura. Magical creatures have a stronger aura compared to unmagical ones. The underworld requires that aura to sustain itself and as an extension, me. Your mother promised to capture and present to me the strongest aura." Hades remembered how she had willingly agreed to the deal but had chosen to evade him, rather than give to him what was owed. "I believe she absorbed that aura herself."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Emmeline nodded, mirroring Hades’ posture. “I am familiar with auras. Though magical ones are easier for me to detect than those without. It's such an aura that brought me to your Chevalier courageux.” she admitted with a slight smile in Ace’s direction. “It is interesting to learn that the Underworld requires such… a source to maintain itself. I always thought that such domains simply were.” she shrugged.

“If I may, I’m surprised that you needed Maman to preform such a task. Between your own power as the Eldest of your frères et sœurs. Not to mention the Lady Hecate. Is she not also a Chthonic deity, like yourself?” she inquired, raising a finely arched brow.


Hades pressed his lips into a thin line "Not only does it need the auras, there is much more that goes into preserving the domain. Without the Underworld, there would be no afterlife." Hades shrugged and leaned back in his chair, tossing a few small red-coloured items in his mouth.

"Ah yes, but the matter is not as simple. I currently only have access to those who come into my domain willingly. They are most often no longer living and therefore no longer have auras. Hecate is a different tale that is unrelated to this. My family choose not to support me. Even taking away my chosen family." Hades frowned and stare at the pair with a strange gleam in his eye.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“Well, when you put it like that… it does sound serious and a bit frightening.” Emmeline agreed, flattening her hands against the table.

Though she couldn't help scowling as Hades offered the information on his family. “Quite frankly, I have never been a fan of your youngest brother. Parading himself as such a great hero simply because he was the only one around and able to… deal with the task. And I am disappointed that the others went along with it. Feeding his ego, catering to his… tantrums, for lack of a better word.“ she muttered. “But do you mean that they are keeping your Queen away from you? More than what was agreed upon, I mean?”