forum Private RP with Write!
Started by @Rainy_day_artist_classic group

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@Celeste_X0X0_ group

He nodded with a small smile "mhm. They're really interesting. I like how something so fragile can be so beautiful. Like glass." He hummed to.himself. "what about you? What do you like?"

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

She thought for a moment. "I mean- I like hanging out with you. And Jin. He's super sweet." She smiled thinking of him. "I also like to go out and take pictures of scenery- and people. I'll have to show you some of the pictures I took last night." She replied thinking of the night shots she got of herself and Jin.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

(If only he knew how special he is ;(

"Last night? Like when it was dark last night? Do you have a special camera for that?" He tilted his head, still watching her make the flower crown.

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

She shrugged a bit, laying the crown over his curls. "I just got bored and looked it up one day. Want me to show you?" She offered standing up. "I just need to grab more flowers. I was gonna make one for Seong-Jin too."

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

(Legit No one ever calls him by his full first name, so that made me happy <3)

"Really? That would be great! Oh! I could make one for you when we're done!" He smiled "well…try at least" he let out a small laugh

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

(XD yes)

"O-oh! Okay!" He says with a bright smile, following her down the hill into the flowers, the sun reflecting from the flowers and onto Laura, making her even prettier.
He was a little distracted from the flowers as he looked at her.

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

"Find any good ones?" She called over her shoulder picking some colors she thought would look nice on Jin.
Now that she thought of it- she should've invited him to sit with them. Wait, she couldn't. She hadn't seen him since that morning. When.. she hit him with a book…

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

(I'm doing this for Seong-Jin- but I'll explain my idea later. When you're more active and all.)

Melissa Brennahan shuffled down the small path leading to the lake off campus. She was talking on the phone- and wasn't paying any attention to where she was walking. She was clearly frustrated and in a heated argument. "Mami, ¿realmente tenemos que revisar esto? Estoy cansado de que intentes obligarme a dejar la escuela y volver a casa. ¡No voy a!" She cried into the phone. Her cheeks flared a soft red against her darker skin, and her eyes wide. She rubbed her forehead listening to her mother. "Tengo que ir. Ahora mismo. Sí. Te llamaré más tarde. Adiós." She said hanging up and walking with her head down.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

(Oh I like her! She's cute!)

Auden smiled when he picked a yellow flower. He stepped forward. "This one. It would look really pretty" he says shyly, yet so sure of himself.
He took a step forward once more to Laura and put the flower behind her ear gently.
"Oh good, it looks even prettier than I thought" he smiled.

Seong-Jin walked down the path, keeping his eyes away from the willow tree, not knowing of their little trip to the flower field.
He heard someone speaking spanish behind him. So with trying to get his mind off of Laura and Levi, so he decided to pay attention to the girl behind him.
He turned around with a smile "hello, what's with the long face?" Says the flirt with a sweet smile, though walking backwards with confidence

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

(>3< Thank youooooo)

Melissa jumped and glanced up at the boy in front of him. "O-oh hi. I just… my mom is being frustrating. That's all." She smiled softly at the boy in front of him. To be honest he was really cute. "But I mean- we've all got someone to be upset with don't we?" She laughed a bit picking up her pace a bit. "What about you? How are you doing? Seong-Jin right?" She asked with an amused expression.

Laura looked at Auden and blushed. "Th-thank you." She said straightening her posture. "What do you think of these ones?" She asked holding out the flowers. "For Jin."

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

He agreed with her first comment with a small chuckle. Levi popped into his mind immediately along with Laura. He still walked backwards, not missing a step. "Just my pointless afternoon walk. Fresh airs always nice I guess" he laughed a bit

"Uh…hm. Yes, they would compliment his light hair quite nicely.. Seong-Jin seems like a nice guy. Do you like him?" He asks innocently

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

(I see where your going with this XD)

Melissa nodded. "It is nice outside isn't it?" She replied as if noticing she was outside for the first time. "So you go on walks often? By yourself?" She asked standing right in front of him.

Laura looked up at him and blushed. "I-I mean… we're friends. So- yeah of course I like him. I mean who couldn't? He's super sweet. His flirting may be taken a bit too far at times but he's loveable none the less." She said crossing her arms awkwardly.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

"Oh alright" he says looking at a butterfly as it flew around him, big blue eyes looking at it's white fluttering wings before he turned to Laura. "So not as anything more than friends?"

Seong-Jin smiled a bit, shoving his hands into his pockets. "Every now and then when i need it. Usually i have things to do, but not today" he shrugged "you? Are you out here just to get mad at your mom or some other reason?" He tilted his head.

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

She shrugged a bit and looked at Auden. "Well… I mean I guess not. He's super sweet though." She hummed running a hand through her hair.

Melissa sighed. "I mean, I had to get away to take the call. But it isn't like people would bother me inside, I'm not super popular. I guess." She huffed blowing hair out of her face that came loose from her long waist length braid.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

"dang, her hairs long" he thought to himself.
"Well I've seen you around every now and then" he shrugged as he walked beside her. "What's your name again?" He smiled at her

"Okay. I was just checking." He says with a content smile "uh…i have these" he held up a full bouquet of flowers filled with subtle, yet pretty colors. "These would match your skin tone and your hair. Plus bringing out your eyes. Now…the only the i need to do is learn how to make a crown" he chuckled nervously

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

"Melissa Brennahan, but just call me Melissa." She smiled at him. "And you're Seong-Jin? Right? I've seen you around as well." She laughed a bit. Her arms swung back and forth and she hummed waiting for his answer.

She smiled taking his arm. "Then let's go back to the tree and I'll show you how." She giggled pulling him along back to the willow tree. "Oh, and your flowers are really pretty."

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

“Wow, I’m surprised you remembered! Most people don’t since it’s forein. But yes that’s my name” he smiled big “everyone here just nicknamed be Jin so you can call me that if you want” he winked at her

“Well uh…technically they’re yours. So I should be complimenting you. But I’ll do that after I make it. Hopefully it looks good” he says with a shy smile as he looked down at the bouquet of flowers as they walked up the hill, almost tripping, but catching himself before he could. “So how long have you known how to make flower crowns?” He asks her running a hand throug his hair

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

Laura pulled aside the leaves and held them for Auden. Thinking about it looked at his face and tapped her foot. "A couple years I guess. When I was about 16. I'm pretty sure at least." She laughed about shrugging.

Melissa looked at him full on the face now. And man- was that a face to behold. "I like your name though, it's unique." She smiled skipping a bit. "I mean mine's pretty basic as far as names go."