forum Private RP with Write!
Started by @Rainy_day_artist_classic group

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@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Auden gave him a look that said "i wouldn't talk about it anymore" to Elijah, which he picked up and let it go. "And what about you…Auden. I know you're a second year but who'd you get paired with for roommates?" He asks with a smile
"Oh, Seong-Jin. Though he doesn't know me yet. Only Levi." He shrugged.
"Hes quite the flirt isn't he?" He laughed a bit. That's what he's known for around here

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

(Poor Jin TT^TT)

"I've seen him around with a few, but as soon as they ask him out he rejects them. Its quite odd. But he's popular around here" he says rolling his eyes.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

(Idk man. If he heard that he’d be really sad. He does thi isn’t thing where he just goes down this really negative thought pattern till he’s stuck for like…a whole week straight.)

“Well he’s been hanging around you. It’s obvious where his priorities lie” he shrugged

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

(XD Sure!)

Laura shuffled through the halls with a smile on her lips. She was feeling fine now that Levi wasn't exactly…. himself. She did feel guilty for thinking it though. She took a breath and made her way through the cafeteria. She got her food and stood by the wide doors, waiting for Auden like she said she would.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Auden walked through the halls with a sweet smile, waving at people. Everyone was obviously confused.
He reached the cafeteria and caught up to Laura. "H-hey! Laura" he says with a small wave.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Yep! I just bought a sandwich from the vending machine" he smiled brightly. It was probably weird for Laura to see Levis grumpy old face smile and be so nice all of the time. Auden knew it must be weird for her. Did it make her uncomfortable?