@Rainy_day_artist_classic group
She smiled back trying to get used to the cutesy kiddish Levi. "Alright then, let's go find a place to sit." She said offering her hand.
She smiled back trying to get used to the cutesy kiddish Levi. "Alright then, let's go find a place to sit." She said offering her hand.
He hesitantly but happily took her hand "what if we sit outside? Quite a few people are out there"
She smiled and gave his decently large hand a soft squeeze. "Sure sounds good to me." She chirped and started her way outside pulling Auden behind.
“So….where should we sit?” He asks her as he dodges a girl walking past.
She spotted a willow tree off in the distance. "How about under that tree?" She asked pointing.
“Oh how pretty, why not!” He says blowing a piece of hair out of his face.
Once they reached the tree, he parted the leaves to make way for her to come through. He then sat down and patted the place next to him with a smile.
“It’s quite nice out today. I was expecting it to rain” he says looking back up at the sky.
Laura smiled at him and sat down beside him. "I guess it is. I was out last night and it was kinda chilly. Actually- it was only after I took my jacket off… Maybe wearing a thin tank top alone isn't the best idea." She laughed a bit glancing at him. He was super sweet- maybe this version of Levi she could get used to. "S-so… Auden, is Levi alright? Did I upset him?" She asked quietly trying not to upset him. She wasn't sure if it would- so she just wanted to be careful.
He looked to the ground and bit his lip, taking a deep breath,
In….and out. 1…2….3. He was trying to think about how to say this.
“He…even though he seems really tough and stuck up, which sometimes he is. Sometimes we all are” he smiled shyly “he’s reslly sensitive. Probably the most sensitive of all of us. Though Jericho would be if he wasn’t so oblivious and child like. We all live Jericho” he laughed a bit,
“But….Cay-I mean Levi. He wanted to help you. And he tried. Plus that other girl really gets in his nerves easily. He doesn’t even like looking at her. But he did, and he went to try to talk to her, but she wouldn’t cooperate and she might have hit a little soft spot in his heart, puncturing it a bit. He….doesn’t have the best temper either.” He looked down at the ground again. “Plus….he got extremely confused when you said you were scared. I think he thought you were scared of him. Which…..really hurt.”
That hit her. Hit her hard. She knew right then she had messed up big time. "I would never mean that- I… he isn't the one who scares me. It's this whole thing about my life being screwed up. My aunt- and Eliza. It has nothing to do with Levi. Not in the slightest. I never meant to hurt him, honest. And I feel awful that I did…" She ended with her voice dropping. She took a deep breath and looked at him trying to be as soft as she could be, which wasn't really that hard. "Does he hate me?"
He smiled softly at her, wrapping his arm around her shoulder. “He could never hate you. I know you didn’t mean to hurt him like that. He didn’t mean to get that mad. He doesn’t want to make you think he hates you. It’s not you’re fault” he says trying not to say anything awkward as he usually did. Fumbling over his words all over the place
She wrapped and arm around his waist laying her head on his shoulder. "As long as he doesn't hate me- it can still be my fault." She sighed, enjoying his embrace.
He liked holding someone for once. He never had much physical contact, so this was nice. Human interaction was never his strong poinT.
“Oh, okay” he chuckled a bit.
She closed her eyes feeling warm in his arm. "When do we have to be back at class?" She asked with a bit of a yawn.
He took the hint and scooted away a bit, grabbing his sandwich.
"R-Right….um…1:30" he says unwrapping it and taking a bite
She frowned when he moved away but didn't stop him. She wasn't even hungry. She sighed and lay back on the grass and looked at Lev- Auden. She looked at Auden with a soft smile watching him eat his sandwich. It was silly- but she thought he even looked cute just doing that.
He caught her gaze with wide eyes and his face grew slightly.red "uh….do-do I have something on my face?" He says looking down, though remembering that he couldn't look at his face without a mirror, he then accidentally drops one of his two sandwiched, which was already almost fully eaten.
"Oh shucks, I'm sorry." He says nervously
She giggled a bit at his awkwardness. This really wasn't Levi. "You're fine, I was just admiring you is all. You've got nice looks." She smiled sitting up.
"And you're super cute when you're flustered." She said poking his nose.
His face turned even more visibly red. "Agh, that….uh…golly gee…thanks? Is that how I'm supposed to say to that"
She giggled again and leaned over to kiss his cheek.
"You're doing fine sweetie." She smiled pecking his cheek.
He really didn't know what to do! His heart was fluttering every which way and his face covered face was red as a cherry. "Oh…uh…alright"
Seong-Jin was walking along the campus talking to.a friend on the phone when he stopped to.admire the giant willow tree from afar.
Until he saw Laura and Levi? He watched them a bit more, not knowing that it was actually Auden. He was really confused, but he watched still from afar, too far away for them to see him, though his white hair and clothes made him stick out like a sore thumb.
He watched as she kissed him and his heart dropped.
She…kissed him? Why did Jin feel so special every time she would kiss his cheek? It was nothing special. He was nothing special. She kissed everyone apparently. He was stupid for believing he was someone special.
"Hey man…i-i gotta go. See ya"
He clicked off the phone and looked at them, his finger rabidly tapping the side of his leg as he did. He watched Levi smile like he never does with anyone at all. Laura looking at him and laughing.
He took a deep breath and forced himself to peel his eyes off of them and continued to walk before they might have seen him
Laura had a soft pink on her own cheeks. She flicked his nose and stood up. "Hold on, stay there." She smiled walking over to the leaves of the tree. Just below on the edge of a small hill was a small meadow of flowers. She quickly picked a decent bouquet and carried them back towards the tree.
(He sad boi ;(
He flinched a bit when she flicked him but only giggled a bit. When she stood he stood to, but only to be told.to.wait there.
"Whatre you doing?" He asks confused when she came back with flowers
She sat down and pulled him down as well. "Sit down, I'm making you a flower crown." She smiled setting the small thing of flowers aside.
"Really? You know how to make one of those!?" He asks with a smile as he looked at the flowers. "May I watch you make it?"
She looked at him and nodded. She gave him a small smile before looking back to what she was doing. She felt so peaceful sitting here.
"So when you get to be you what do you like to do?" She asked trying to make small conversation.
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