@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group
The door opened, and someone stepped in.
"Try again~" the person said. It was Derlik. "So, pet, is your master out?"
The door opened, and someone stepped in.
"Try again~" the person said. It was Derlik. "So, pet, is your master out?"
Cas froze and Nix hissed, trying to protect Cas. "Halm?! Halm!! Halm!!" He cried out desperately, trying his best to move away from Derlik. "No, no, no, leave me alone! H-How did you get in here?!"
"It's not exactly a secret where Halm lives," Derlik said, acting like it was the most obvious thing in the world. He took another step forward, relaxed.
Halm heard Casscreaming his name, head shooting up. He stood, running back towards the house.
Cas whimpered quietly, starting to panic and hyperventilate. He hugged Nix tightly, and Nix kept glaring and hissing at Derlik. "P-Please… just… just go away…"
Derlik sat down on the edge of the couch, not really caring how he was affecting Cas.
"I need to talk to your owner first." Halm's footfalls could be heard coming towards the house, but he wasn't quite there yet.
Cas shuffled over to the far end of the couch, his knees drawn up to his chest. "He… h-he's not my 'owner'. He's my friend…"
"Hm? Doll, he might be your friend, but that doesn't change the fact he owns you. For now and forever. Nobody cares what he does to you, either. He can use you any way he wants. Mother knows I do with mine." He chuckled, glancing over.
Cas whimpered again, cowering on the couch and hoping like hell that Halm had heard him. "He wouldn't hurt me… I… I know he wouldn't…"
"Do you, though? How long have you known him, a few days? How do you know the stories about him aren't true? How do you know he isn't just lying to you, getting you to trust him?" Derlik smiled, trying to plant a seed of doubt in Cas. Halm could see the house now, and he picked up the pace. He was right there, footsteps loud.
"Why would he have saved me from you if he didn't really care?" Cas turned his chest away from Derlik, still hugging Nix. He heard Halm's footsteps and had to stop himself from breathing an audible sigh of relief.
"Wouldn't you feel sympathetic to a dying creature? Halm's a wimp who hates to watch anything die." The door slammed open, Halm coming into the room. He went over to Cas, glaring at Derlik.
"Why are you here?" he asked, voice hard like before.
"Halm…" Cas whispered shakily, looking up at Halm when he came over. His eyes were shining with tears, and he was clearly very uncomfortable with Derlik being there.
Halm, when he saw how distraught Cas was, scooped him up, keeping himself between Cas and Derlik the entire time.
"I came to get my Ambrosia. I need her for something." Derlik shrugged, smirking a bit.
"Derlik, you know the rules. I can't give her to you until her time here is up."
Cas buried his face in Halm's shoulder, noticeably shaking. Nix stayed curled up in his arms to comfort him. "Make him go away…" Cas whispered weakly, his voice breaking.
"But I have a really, really go reason this time!" Derlik protested. Halm scowled.
"I don't give to fucks. Leave, now." Derlik pouted, getting up.
"No fun," he said, but he walked to the door anyway. "Letting your pet mortal push you around."
"I'm not his pet!" Cas called after him, though his voice was a bit muffled from his face being hidden. He really just wanted to curl up in Halm's arms and hide at the moment.
Halm glared at Derlik as he walked away, making sure he left the Underworld. He sighed in relief when Derlik did.
"Are you okay?" Halm asked, holding Cas close to himself.
Cas shrugged and huddled closer to Halm. "I don't like him… I-I don't want him to be here…" He whispered.
"He's gone," Halm said gently. "I'll make sure he doesn't come back." Halm sat down on the couch, both arms wrapped around Cas.
"Did he touch you?"
He shook his head. "N-No, I tried to keep away from him as much as possible. Nix kept hissing at him."
Halm sighed a little in relief.
"That's good. I'm sorry about this, Cas."
"It's not your fault…" Cas hid his face in Halm's chest again. "I'm glad you're back…"
Halm started to run his fingers through Cas's hair.
"I'm not gonna leave for a while anymore, I think. I wanna make sure you're okay."
Cas nodded. "I… I don't like being alone…" He said softly. "Even with Nix, it's hard."
"Well, you don't have to be anymore." Halm sighed softly, resting his head on top of Cas.
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